Публікація: Estimating the Relationship Between Inflation and Tax Revenues in Selected European Countries: Austria, Germany, France, United Kingdom and Italy
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Назва тома
The state as a special subject of economic relations is constantly in the sphere of influence of various internal and externa l
factors. Among such attributes of doing busi ness, inflation and tax revenues can be distinguished. These metrics are under constant
scrutiny. Since it is these attributes that determine the policy of the state in the field of economic relations, and the sta te can regulate
them through its powers and a number of institutional institutions. Thus, the analysis of the dynamics of inflation and tax revenues
is an important element in the development of appropriate public policy. The more important point is the study of the relatio nship
between inflation and tax revenues. To solve this problem, we consider a retrospective change in the values of indicators for selected
attributes. We also take into account the regional aspect of such interdependence, which is revealed through the analysis of data for
different countries. As a research apparatus, we use various statistical methods. We consider the comparative aspect of the obtained
results. The paper presents a lot of empirical material in the form of separate graphs and diagrams. This allows a better
understanding of the presented analysis. The results obtained can be used to substantiate the strategy of the state's behavior in the
sphere of regulation of economic relations.
Ключові слова
economic development, tax revenues, inflation
Бібліографічний опис
Pyvavar I., Sokolova N., Lyashenko V. Estimating the Relationship Between Inflation and Tax Revenues in Selected European Countries: Austria, Germany, France, United Kingdom and Italy // Inte rnational Journal of Acade mic Accounting, Finance & Manage me nt Re search(IJAAFMR). – 2023. – Vol. 7(4), P. 55-62.