Публікація: LSTM networks for anaerobic digester control
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Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету
To study the possibility of use of artificial intelligence systems based on neural networks for the
improvement of the efficiency of the biogas production in the anaerobic digester by optimization of the nonlinear control system. The proposed method for constructing a control system for the anaerobic digesters will lead to an increase in the efficiency of biogas production as an alternative renewable energy source. Expansion of the scope of use of anaerobic digesters will also have a significant impact on solving the problem of utilization of industrial and household human waste.
Ключові слова
process control, anaerobic digester control, reinforcement learning, neural networks, LSTM networks, adaptive critic systems
Бібліографічний опис
Yesilevskyi V. LSTM networks for anaerobic digester control / V. Yesilevskyi, S. Dyadun, V. Kuznetsov // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. – №5(173). – 2019. – p.130-137.