Study on the State of International Competitive Positions of Ukraine

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Назва журналу

ISSN журналу

Назва тома


ДВНЗ “Університет банківської справи” Харківський навчально-науковий інститут

Дослідницькі проекти

Організаційні підрозділи

Видання журналу


The problems and perspectives of integration of the Ukrainian economy into world commodity markets are analyzed; the place and competitive positions of the national economy in the global environment are determined. The necessity of reducing the dependence of the country's economy on the situation of external markets and mobilization of internal resources in the conditions of insufficient level of competitiveness and influence of the state on world business processes is substantiated. The main ratings determining the competitiveness of countries are determined. A retrospective analysis of Ukraine's positioning in international ratings was conducted. The components of the global competitiveness index of the countries are singled out. According to the analysis, factors that have a negative impact on doing business in Ukraine are identified. The change in the methodology of ranking the global competitiveness of the World Bank was established. In the course of the analysis, the position of Ukraine in the global ranking of the countries competitiveness, according to the different components of the rating, has been established. The weaknesses of the state that reduce the position on the global arena are determined. The main positions of the state in different international ratings are analyzed, positions are defined for each of them. On the basis of the country's positioning in the various international ratings, the position of the country is the worst position. On the basis of rating ratings, recommendations were made for improving the country's position in international global competitiveness ratings.


Ключові слова

international rating, competitiveness, positioning, factors of influence, corruption, міжнародний рейтинг, конкурентоспроможність, позиціонування, фактори впливу, корупція, международный рейтинг, конкурентоспособность, позиционирование, факторы влияния, коррупция

Бібліографічний опис

Polozova T. Study on the state of international competitive positions of Ukraine / Т. В. Полозова, В. В. Белявцева, О. В. Перепелюкова // Фінансово-кредитна діяльність : проблеми теорії та практики : збірник наукових праць. – 2018. – № 3 (26). – С. 97-104.