Публікація: Electrochemiluminescent analyzer elan-3d for assay and research
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The work is devoted to development of automated electrochemiluminescent analyzer ELAN-3d aimed at electrochemical/ electrochemiluminescent (ECL) assays including biomedical and environmental applications. The developed device fills the gap of inexpensive ECL equipment aimed at research work. ELAN-3d consists of external unit containing potentiostat and PMT module in a light proof box and PC for control. The external unit is connected to PC via Advantech PCI-1711 data acquisition card. ELAN-3d is mainly intended for investigation of new ECL compositions, development of sensors and assay methods, study of new electrode materials.
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Бібліографічний опис
Zholudov Yu. T. Electrochemiluminescent analyzer elan-3d for assay and research / Yu. T. Zholudov, M. M. Rozhitskiy // Электронная компонентная база. Состояние и перспективы развития : материалы 2-ой Междунар. научн. конф., 30 сентября-3 октября 2009 г. – Харьков-Кацивели : ХНУРЭ, 2009 г. – С. 275–278.