The impact of adaptive streaming algorithms on user experience in multimedia applications

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ТОВ «Друкарня Мадрид»

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Видання журналу


Adaptive streaming algorithms are studied for multimedia application efficiency and user experience. Adaptive streaming adjusts to network circumstances in real time to increase video quality and eliminate buffering. This research examines how adaptive streaming technologies like DASH and HLS might improve viewers' experiences. Simulated network settings let us analyze bandwidth allotment. These simulations assess responsiveness and experience. We examined starting latency, buffering rate, and video quality in numerous circumstances to evaluate performance. According to this research, adaptive streaming algorithms increase video playback quality on unstable networks, even if t heir efficiency varies under severe conditions. Due to decreased rebuffering and faster network speed adaption, DASH increases QoE.


Ключові слова

algorithms, efficiency

Бібліографічний опис

Amer Tahseen Abu-Jassar. The impact of adaptive streaming algorithms on user experience in multimedia applications / Amer Tahseen Abu-Jassar, Omar Jamal Aref Hussein Khalaf // Поліграфічні, мультимедійні та web-технології : тези доп. IX Міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 14-18 травня 2024 р. – Т. 1. – Харків: ТОВ «Друкарня Мадрид», 2024. – С. 155-157.