Публікація: Detector Artificial Neural Network. Neurobiological rationale
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Назва тома
On the basis of the formulated hypotheses the information model of a neuron-detector is suggested, the detector being one of the basic elements of a detector artificial neural network (DANN). The paper subjects the connectionist paradigm of ANN building to criticism and suggests a new presentation paradigm for ANN building and neuroelements (NE) learning. The adequacy of the suggested model is proved by the fact that is does not contradict the modern propositions of neuropsychology and neurophysiology.
Ключові слова
DANN, neuroelements, neurobiological rationale
Бібліографічний опис
Parzhin Yu. Detector Artificial Neural Network. Neurobiological rationale / Yu. Parzhin, A. Rohovyi, V. Nevliudova // Математичне моделювання процесів в економіці та управлінні проектами і програмами (ММП'2019) : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 9-13 вересня 2019 р., Коблево. – Харків : ХНУРЕ, 2019. – С. 107-109.