Публікація: BEAM Robotics: Combining Biological Principles and Technological Solutions for More Adaptive and Energy-Efficient Robots
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The research and development of BEAM robots remains relevant in light of the development of new approaches and methods in robotics and biology, as well as for solving specific practical problems related to ecology and medicine. BEAM robots provide an opportunity to study biological systems and their principles in more detail, which can contribute to thedevelopment of new approaches in medicine and biology. In addition, due to their energy efficiency, BEAM robots can be used to monitor and study the natural environment, which is important for solving environmental problems. These robots can serve as useful pedagogical tools to educate and inspire students and researchers, helping them to learn the basics of robotics and biology.
Ключові слова
BEAM robotics, biological principles, microkernels, energy efficiency, programmability, biological inspiration, ecology, medicine
Бібліографічний опис
Stetsenko K. BEAM Robotics: Combining Biological Principles and Technological Solutions for More Adaptive and Energy-Efficient Robots / K. Stetsenko // Виробництво & Мехатронні Системи 2023 : тези доповідей VII-ої Міжнар. конф., 19-20 жовтня 2023 р. – Харків : ХНУРЕ, 2023. – С. 30–32.