Публікація: Using of Color Model and Contrast Variation in Wavelet Ideology for Study Megaloblastic Anemia Cells
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Scientific Research Publishing
Processing and analyzing of medical images is one of the priority research areas. At the same time, the processing of images of cells occupies a special place. This is due to the fact that such studies allow for a comprehensive diagnosis of the state of human health, identify and prevent the development of diseases in the early stages. We investigate the effectiveness of using wavelet analysis in color models, taking into account the preliminary change in the contrast of the input image. We consider the HSV color model and the image contrast modification procedure, which is based on the histogram change in the specified range with gamma correction. As a criterion for choosing parameters for changing the contrast of the image, we consider the entropy of the image. We also showed the advisability of using the value of the entropy index for the subsequent improvement of image analysis based on the wavelet ideology. We examined the general sequence of action for the analysis of image of megaloblastic anemia cells. This sequence is based on the choice of parameters for changing the contrast of the image and application of wavelet ideology.
Ключові слова
wavelet analysis, image
Бібліографічний опис
Lyashenko V., Babker A. Using of Color Model and Contrast Variation in Wavelet Ideology for Study Megaloblastic Anemia Cells. Open Journal of Blood Diseases. – 2017. – Vol. 7. – P. 86-102. doi: 10.4236/ojbd.2017.73009.