Публікація: Preparation of a spatial model for rapid prototyping of the upper respiratory tract
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Karlsruhe: NetAkhatAV
Preparation of a spatial model for rapid prototyping of the upper respiratory tract is described.The study of full-scale models of the upper respiratory tract allows us to assess the adequacy of mathematical modeling of nasal aerodynamics processes under different breathing conditions and typical pathologies of the nasal cavity, taking into account aspects of individual variability.
Ключові слова
nasal airways, spatial model, upper respiratory tract, rapid prototyping
Бібліографічний опис
Preparation of a spatial model for rapid prototyping of the upper respiratory tract / O. Avrunin, N. Shushliapina, Ya. Nosova, Ibrahim Younouss Abdelhamid. // Wissenschaft für den modernen menschen: medizin, chemie, landwirtschaft, geographie, architektur. Book 1. Part 2. Chapter 6. – Karlsruhe: NetAkhatAV, 2020. – P. 57-67.