Публікація: Formation of sustainable investment attractiveness of regions under the conditions of COVID-19
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European Academy of Science and Arts Salzburg
The decline in the forecast indicators of the economy and production activity, the structural transformation of international production and consumer preferences, the reduction in income from bonds and world tourism, the massive layoffs of workers that led to an increase in unemployment and a decrease in household income, deferred investments and the reorientation of investment flows, both in economic sectors and in the regional context, are all the result of the impact of another challenge called Covid-19. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed and continues to change many characteristics of the economy and society. Together with the onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the transition to the digital era, as well as taking into account completely new realities of the development of future generations, which are regulated by the concept of sustainable development, the formation of investment attractiveness is also taking place in a fundamentally different way. In this regard, the article substantiates the need to introduce the category sustainable investment attractiveness into everyday use. The author's vision of the interpretation of this concept is presented. A procedure for forming a stable investment attractiveness of regions in the conditions of Covid-19 has been developed.
URL: https://ekorozwoj.pollub.pl/index.php/1712021-2/formation-of-sustainable-investment-attractiveness-of-regions-under-the-conditions-of-covid-19/
DOI: 10.35784/pe.2022.1.03
Impact Factor: 0.859 (2020)
5-Year Impact Factor: 0,900 (2019)
Index Copernicus Value ICV: 166.77 (2020)
SJR Scimago Journal & Country Rank H-Index: 20 (2020)
e-ISSN: 2080-1971
ISSN: 1895-6912
DOI: 10.35784/pe
The journal is indexed in Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Scopus, Index Copernicus, Social Science Research Network and BazTech.
Ключові слова
investment risks, investment potential, sustainable investment attractiveness of regions, sustainable development, COVID-19
Бібліографічний опис
Polozova T. Formation of sustainable investment attractiveness of regions under the conditions of COVID-19 / Polozova T., Kutsenko Y., Kanova O. // Problemy Ekorozwoju – Problems Of Sustainable Development 2022, 17(1): рр. 23-35.