Публікація: Comparative Analysis of the Basic Methods Used in Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0
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The term Industry 5.0 was coined by Michael Rada . One of the key aspects of Industry 5.0 is the use of collaborative robots to help reduce risks. These robots can notice, understand and sense the human operator, as well as the goals and expectations of the tasks being performed. These robots are expected to observe and learn how a human performs a task and assist human operators in completing that task. In addition, Industry 5.0 involves the penetration of artificial intelligence into human life in order to increase its potential. In Industry 5.0, advanced IT technologies, the Internet of Things, robots, artificial intelligence and augmented reality are actively used in the industry for the benefit and convenience of human workers . Industry 5.0 recognizes the ability of industry to meet social challenges that go beyond employment and development, to become a sustainable source of development, making production aware of the limitations of our planet and prioritizing the health of employees. To become a trusted system for people seeking a satisfying and healthy career, Industry 5.0 promotes the technology upgrade needed by the industry. It prioritizes the well-being of workers and uses new technologies to create wealth beyond employment and growth while respecting the limits of the planet. It empowers workers and meets their changing skills and training requirements.
Ключові слова
Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, basic technologies
Бібліографічний опис
Vladyslav Y. Comparative Analysis of the Basic Methods Used in Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. / V. Yevsieiev, D. Gurin // Ricerche scientifiche e metodi della loro realizzazione : esperienza mondiale e realtà domestiche : raccolta di articoli scientifici «ΛΌГOΣ» : con gli atti della IV Conferenza scientifica e pratica internazionale, Bologna, 29 settembre, 2023. - Bologna-Vinnytsia : Associazione Italiana distoria Urbana & Platforma Scientifical europea, 2023. - P. 114-116.