Публікація: Метеоры в земной атмосфере и метеороиды в солнечной системе
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Meteor researches were included into the section V “The Ionosphere. Meteors” in the International Geophysical year (IGY 1957/9) Program. The IHY Conveners had included the meteor researches into the International Heliophysical year (IHY 2007/9) program under the title “Meteors, Meteoroids and an Interplanetary Dust”. New title emphasizes the widening of area of meteor research in new Heliophysical year. During the 1957/9 the phenomena caused by meteor particles (the meteors) were studied directly in the terrestrial atmosphere. During the incoming Heliophysical year meteor particles (meteoroids) will be an object of study on all an extent from the Sun up to borders of Solar system will be studied, actually on all an extent of a heliosphere. The coordinated investigation program CIP at number 65 "Meteors in the Earth atmosphere and Meteoroids in the Solar system" in the list of the IHY is presented.
Ключові слова
метеоры, метеороиды, атмосфера
Бібліографічний опис
Коломиец С. В. Метеоры в земной атмосфере и метеороиды в солнечной системе / С. В. Коломиец, О. И. Белькович, О. П. Попова // материалы 3-го междунар. радиоэлектрон. форума (МРФ'2008) 22-24 окт. 2008г.: сб. науч. тр.: в 2-х т. Т.1. Междунар. конф. "Современные и перспективные системы радиолокации, радиоастрономии и спутниковой навигации" (СРРСН-2008). Ч.2 / АНПРЭ, ХНУРЭ. – Х. : АНПРЭ, ХНУРЭ, 2008. – С. 163–166.