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Публікація Структура парциальных источников вторичного излучения при малых углах рассеяния(ХНУРЕ, 2008) Петров, В. А.; Клюева, А. Н.The space structure of equivalent scattering sources of secondary waves radiation at little scattering angles is obtained in this report. It is shown this mathematic modeling, that some regions of the higher intensity radiation are existed. The simplest structure unit of the scattering volume is a partial source of secondary wave. We can obtain each of partial sources as a linear array of the running wave.Публікація Точностные характеристики реализации режима точного позиционирования РРР в программном комплексе «GrafNav/ GrafNet TM». Предварительные результаты(ХНУРЕ, 2008) Желанов, А. А.; Шелковенков, Д. А.; Жалило, А. А.; Шокало, В. М.; Флерко, С. Н.; Черевко, В. С.Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is a form of GPS/GNSS data post-processing that does not use a base station for differential corrections. It is performed using the observation data from one receiver, in conjunction with precise satellite orbit and clock files, which serve to minimize the error sources. In the report the preliminary results of PPP data post-processing research with application «GrafNav/ GrafNet TM» software are submitted.Публікація Вихретоковый магнитный сканер для визуализации металлических предметов в системах безопасности(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Поповский, В. В.; Павлов, П. П.; Павлов, В. П.At present for defense objects from carry weapons by foreign company were development wide spectrum of the eddy current metal detectors. The basic objects which to decide by their creation is a definition spatial location and selective detection of metallic or include metal objects of search that is weapons on background of the metal objects personal using witch have visitors. Though all effort developer this problem heretofore in full not decide. For solve this problems we have development eddy current magnetic scanner- imager. Use eddy current magnetic scanner-imager provide possibility not only determining location metal objects imageiy their form(magnetic portrait) metal classification from which it make but still at this single valued decade question selection(weapon not weapon) to the received image of objects. Обнаружение проводящих объектов в непроводящей среде с использованием магнитных методов характерно для многих направлений деятельности человека. Магнитные методы поиска с использованием металлодетекторов сегодня применяются в рудной электроразведке, дефектоскопии, в системах контроля доступа для обнаружения взрывных устройств и оружия, системах предотвращения хищений и т.д.Публікація Методы и направления программной реализации расчетных методик оценки ЭМС РЭС(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Николаев, И. М.; Закора, А. В.; Зверев, В. П.Basic results of creation of a softwire for estimation of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in the groups of .radio-electronic vehicles (REV) operating in various frequency range are reduced. Created softwire provides the EMC estimation for different conditions of REV receiver and transmitter functioning and for different parameters of antenna-feeder pathes.Публікація Использование формально-логических методов для описания признаков излучающих объектов и их состояний в экспертных системах оценки радиоэлектронно-объектовой обстановки(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Рось, А. А.; Калюжный, Н. М.; Смилык, В. И.; Су ДжихуйPossibility is considered of the use of formal-logical methods for cecognition of objects in the consulting models of estimation of radio electronic situation. It is shown, that on comparison with by the traditional methods of recognition on the basis of neural networks formal- logical methods allow to work with the sign spaces of large dimensions and by the presence of methods of treatment of a priori and a posteriori vagueness in the process of functioning of the system of recognition.Публікація Присоединенные комбинированные модели линейного предсказания негауссовых сигналов и помех(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Тихонов, В. А.; Кудрявцева, Н. В.The paper proposes an associated combined linear prediction models of stationary non-Gaussian process. Possible structures of the proposed models are described and expressions for parameters calculation of such models are derived. В теории негауссовых процессов существует противоречие между необходимостью учета негауссовых характеристик процессов для оптимальной обработки и сложностью их описания многомерными статистическими характеристиками. Поэтому необходимы модели негауссовых процессов, позволяющие синтезировать эффективные, достаточно простые устройства обработки.Публікація Визначення просторової орієнтації молекул рубрену у плівці Ленгмюр-Блоджетт(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Бані-Халед, Г. Ф. Х.; Кукоба, А. В.; Білаш, Е. Н.; Музика, К. М.Визначено спектр ймовірних просторових орієнтацій (значення відстаней і кутів атомів у молекулі рубрену) в бінарному розчині поліметилметакрилат (ПММА) / рубрен. Наведено міжатомні кути в молекулі рубрену, розраховані при орієнтації, коли площа проекції на Ленгмюрівський моношар становить АRUB=1,35 нм2. Експериментально визначено максимальну концентрацію рубрену в моношарі ПММА, яка не призводить до фазового розподілу в бінарній системі ПММА / рубрен.Публікація Функціональна модель інформаційної системи прогнозування результату інфаркту міокарда(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Якубовська, С. В.The given work is devoted to the functional model of the information system for predicting the outcome of myocardial infarction is proposed, based on author's methods for predicting the development of postmyocardial infarction syndrome and recurrent myocardial infarction. The constructed functional model provides a detailed representation of the process of functioning of the information system, and also allows to realize the process of predicting the outcome of myocardial infarction.Публікація Автоматизация процесса выявления радикулоишемии на ранней стадии развития(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Черкасова, Е. А.We offer to create a system for the automation of the development of radiculo-ischemia in the early stages of the development of the disease by using modern methods and means. The structure of the offered system is developed using UML modeling standards, that implies further use of structured programming and client-server technologies SQL. As an environment for the development Visual Studio's object-oriented design system is planned to be selected.Публікація Подход к определению состояния детей с атопическим дерматитом(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Трубицын, А. А.The article considers the problem of assessing the condition of a patient with atopic dermatitis during treatmentПублікація Метод выяления факторов риска эмоциональных нарушений для проведения психокоррекции(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Рисованая, Л. М.The paper presents a method for identifying the risk factors that cause emotional disorders for psychocorrection. Using the method of correlation pleyades, the relationships between the indices of psychological tests that allow revealing emotional disorders in various groups are analyzed. When developing the method, a mathematical model was obtained for assessing the likelihood of the occurrence of emotional disorders, which made it possible to identify the main signs of emotional disorders in patients with cerebrovascular pathology of chronic form. Using the obtained mathematical model, the signs were identified, when the impact on which psychocorrection is carried out. This method can be useful for psychiatrists, neuropathologists, and for medical psychologists.Публікація Обработка сигнала ЭМГ на основе частотно-временнго метода для терапии(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Прасол, И. В.; Ерошенко, О. А.It is proposed to use the information frequency-time method of EMG analysis to obtain a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the human neuromuscular system state for selecting the optimal parameters of stimulating effects during electrotherapeutic massage procedures. It allows to increase the effectiveness of therapy and reduce the duration.Публікація Методи діагностики вроджених патологій опорно-рухового апарату у дітей(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Овченко, А. С.In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the defect of the musculoskeletal system in newborns. Many of these children, despite improving methods of treatment, remain severely disabled and need constant external help. The most common anomalies in the development of the musculoskeletal system are: hip dysplasia or congenital dislocation, congenital clubfoot, congenital torticollis. Early and accurate diagnosis of the abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system will allow to achieve correct anatomical and functional development.Публікація Разработка базы данных информационной системы диагностики кардиомиопатии у подростков(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Моргун, Н. К.; Печерская, А. И.The problem of diagnostics the cardiomyopathies in adolescence is considered. Physiological changes that occur in the body during puberty, do not allow the use of mathematical methods, information technology and systems developed for children or adults. The structure of the database of the information system for diagnosis of cardiomyopathy in adolescents is proposed, which is characterized by the completeness of information about the patient and used diagnostic methods. As a result of system analysis of the domain at the stage of database conceptual modeling, 10 entities were identified.Публікація Организация хранения информации для системы прогнозирования интенсивной терапии у пациентов с сахарным диабетом(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Крутиенко, А. Г.The paper provides a complete attributive model of information storage for the intensive care forecasting system for patients with diabetes mellitus, which will create a new information space in the practice of a practicing physician, reduce the number of medical errors, and shorten the time for making a diagnostic decision to improve the quality of determining therapeutic effects.Публікація Определение показателей здоровья подростков в зависимости от наличия и частоты физических нагрузок(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Казимиров, Н. А.; Печерская, А. И.; Рак, Л. И.The purpose of this study is to identify physiological parameters depending on the presence and frequency of physical exertion. Physical exertion means attending physical education classes and sports sections. The urgency of the work is to identify the parameters of the body of adolescents, which is affected by the lack of physical activity. This work will help adolescents with heart disease to optimally choose physical exercises for themselves. 96 adolescents participated in the study. Statistical processing of the obtained parameters was carried out with program SPSS 21 for Windows. It was revealed that adolescents who do not attend physical education lessons have increased importance of anthropometric parameters, heart rate and hormones. Similar studies were carried out for adolescents, divided on the basis of visits to sports sections.Публікація Математичні методи прогнозування розвитку ускладнень у пацієнтів з артеріальною гіпертензією(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Іванова, Є. С.The problem of predicting the development of complications in patients with arterial hypertension is considered. To solve this problem, a large number of mathematical methods are currently being developed. However, they are all highly specialized. Therefore, it is necessary to develop information systems combining various prognostic methods that are able to analyze incoming information, find regularities in it, identify prognostic factors and determine the probability of development of complications in patients with arterial hypertension.Публікація Разработка базы данных для определения влияния климата на урожайность сельскохозяйственной продукции(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Зубкова, Л. К.In the given work presents the results of modeling the organization of storage of information to determine the effect of climate on the yield of agricultural products. As the object of modeling there were selected data of the yield of grapes and the climatic conditions of their growth. A complete attributive model was developed that has an extensible structure and allows increasing the efficiency of work with agricultural information in the systems of ecological and agrarian monitoring.Публікація Аналіз факторів ризику розвитку ожиріння(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Доброродня, Г. С.Аналіз факторів ризику розвитку ожиріння. In this paper, risk factors for the development of obesity were analyzed. The main indicators involved in the pathogenetic cascade of obesity development were identified. The obtained indicators can be used in the development of new methods and models for determining the severity of the condition of patients with the pathology in question.Публікація Використання інформаційних технологій в алергології(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Гініятулліна, О. А.The problem of the prevalence of allergic diseases is considered. Due to the presence of a large number of allergens and variants of clinical manifestations of allergy, verifying the diagnosis is a complex multifactorial task requiring the development and application of new information technologies to support the adoption of medical decisions. Facilitate the task of the physician, objectivize the analysis of information and the diagnosis, choose the best strategy for treatment or optimal medications helps information technology and automated systems.