The Concept of Organizational and Economic Mechanism in the Context of Innovative Development of the Enterprise

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The current stage of economic development of Ukraine raises the issue of development and implementation of a strategy aimed at developing new competitive technologies and products for the transition to an innovative type of development of the country. Trends in recent years increase the impact of negative external and internal factors that constrain the pace of innovative development of enterprises, among them are: geopolitical and economic instability in the country, high inflation, limited funding, lack and uncertainty of information about markets, unfavorable credit conditions, imperfect legal framework, low technical and technological level of production. Therefore, innovative development today is becoming the main means of maintaining the competitiveness of entrepreneurial activity, contributes to solving problems of intensification of innovation processes in the economy, as well as the development of high-tech and science-intensive industries.


DOI: 10.30837/978-966-659-336-1

Ключові слова

innovation, economic development, innovative development, mechanism of innovative development

Бібліографічний опис

Polozova T. V. The Concept of Organizational and Economic Mechanism in the Context of Innovative Development of the Enterprise / Polozova T. V., Kutsenko Y. A., Alzoubi Laith Abdel Karim Mohammad // Сучасні економічні стратегії: інновації, безпека та сталий розвиток: колективна монографія / за заг. ред. д.е.н., проф. Т. В. Полозової, д.е.н., проф. І. В. Колупаєвої, к.е.н., доц. О. В. Мурзабулатової. Харків: ХНУРЕ, 2021. С. 142-150.