Публікація: Method of cluster statistical coding of information resource data
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CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
A method of cluster statistical coding of information resource data using internal data restructuring is being developed. The analysis of transformations of the nature of the law of distribution of probabilities of the appearance of elements in a message as a result of clustering by the number of series of units is carried out. The factors that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the developed method of coding an information resource are analyzed from the standpoint of additional reduction of the structural redundancy of the output code sequence.
Ключові слова
coding, information resource data, Transformation, restructuring, clustering, indication of the number of series of units
Бібліографічний опис
Barannik V., Parkhomenko M., Tupitsya I., Hahanova A., Ihnatiev O. Method of cluster statistical coding of information resource data / International Workshop on Cyber Hygiene (CybHyg-2020 : proceedings of the International Conference. (Kyiv, Ukraine, November 30, 2020), Kyiv, 2019.-P. 304-314