Detrermination of the true dimentions of a cylindri cobject fromits X-ray photograph

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In clinical practice X-ray photographs are often used not only for the qualitative analysis of the images of objects, but also for the determination of some object dimensions. When acquiring an X-ray photograph one should always consider a projection magnification, due to which the determination of true object dimensions can be difficult. This magnification arises due to the finite radiator dimensions, finite distance to the object and between the object and the radiator. This can also happen if the object and radiator dimensions are comparable. If one has to make certain measurements on the X-ray photograph and then to calculate some values from these measurements, errors due to the projection distortion of each measured object arises (fig. 1). For instance, in X-ray morphometry of tubular bones it is necessary to measure the inner and outer diameters of the metacarpal bone when calculating osteoporosis indices. At that the projection distortion of every bone layer is different (Δr, ΔR).


Ключові слова

true, dimention, object cylindric, X-Ray

Бібліографічний опис

Averjanova L. A. Detrermination of the true dimentions of a cylindri cobject fromits X-ray photograph / L. A. Averjanova, V.M. Golovenko, O. I. Sklyar // Сб.трудов. 4-ой Междунар. конферен.”Радиоэлектроника в медицинской диагностике”, Москва, 3-4 октября 2001 г.-Москва.-С.23-24.