Fractal analysis in space physics

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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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Організаційні підрозділи

Видання журналу


According to the non-linear and the system paradigms, many processes generated in open, non-linear, dynamical systems under influence of a powerful source of energy release are appeared to be short-time, ultrawideband, non-linear and fractal. In applied physics, there are a lot of such processes and such systems. Therefore, to investigate the fractal properties of the signals and processes generated in the open, non-linear, dynamical systems, the set of corresponding methods are needed. Namely such modern and effective methods had been united in fractal analysis. Suddenly, but these methods are often appeared to be quite unknown for the most part of researchers, which work in space physics. No doubt, this state should be changed.


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Бібліографічний опис

Chernogor L. F. Fractal Analysis in Space Physics / L. F. Chernogor, O. V. Lazorenko., A. A. Onishchenko // Astronomy and Space Physics: Proceedings of International Conference, 18–20 October 2022. - Kyiv, 2022. - P. 77–78.