Публікація: Использование поверхностных наноструктур
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Main trend of modem technique development is functional objects of the small sizes usage. As example the electronic technique in which microminiaturisation of devices demands application of the elements which sizes make some micron can serve. Uniqueness of such objects properties (nanostmctures) is in many respects defined by the nuclear and electronic processes having the quantum harak-mbbed. Investigation of these processes not always is possible within the limits of traditional representations of nanostmctures physics, because very small sizes are nonequilibrium enough systems, however processes in them often analyze on the basis of the approaches peculiar to equilibrium objects. Now intensive development of the phenomena in small size systems theory is occurs. Superficial nanostmctures are object of attention of scientists thanking their unique properties. In work examples of such stmctures, modem ways of their reception are considered
Ключові слова
поверхностная наноструктура
Бібліографічний опис
Использование поверхностных наноструктур / Н. Н. Чернышов, А. Ю. Панченко, П. Ю. Сергеев, Е. Л. Щербак, B. C. Лупиков // Электронная компонентная база. Состояние и перспективы развития : материалы 2-ой Междунар. научн. конф., 30 сентября-3 октября 2009 г. – Харьков-Кацивели : ХНУРЭ, 2009 г. – С. 264–267.