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  • Публікація
    Сучасні методи та моделі машинного і глибокого навчання з параметрами
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Шовкун, П. О.
    This work explores contemporary methods and models in machine and deep learning with parameters. The study encompasses a comprehensive review of parameterized models, their applications, and the impact of varying parameters on model performance. The study encompasses a comprehensive review of parameterized models, their applications, and the impact of varying parameters on model performance. Additionally, the paper investigates the latest trends and innovations in the rapidly evolving landscape of machine and deep learning, providing insights into the optimization and enhancement of model capabilities through parameter tuning.
  • Публікація
    Методи оптимізації генерації зображень за допомогою нейронних мереж
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Фесенко, А. В.
    The work analyzes an automatic system for adapting initial user input to model-preferred prompts using a pre-trained language model with supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning.
  • Публікація
    Система розпізнавання біометричних даних обличчя з використанням технологій машинного навчання
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Мілька, Я. Ю.
    A person's face stands out as a visible feature that distinguishes a skin person. In our ubiquitous life, the face is perhaps the most well-known and universally recognized biometric characteristic. Over several decades, advances in the fields of electronics and computer science have revolutionized access to advanced technology for a large portion of the population. These advances have made high-end technological devices more affordable than ever before. One area where these advances are particularly visible is in the field of biometrics, which have gradually replaced traditional knowledge-based solutions such as passwords or PINs, as well as possession-based strategies such as ID cards or badges.
  • Публікація
    Платформа XILINX Zynq
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Карманський, Б. Ю.
    A simplified description of the Zynq architecture. Tools for designing on the platform. Typical tasks that can be performed by Zynq.
  • Публікація
    СІС фільтр для високочастотного оброблення сигналів на ПЛІС
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Корольков, І. О.
    Digital filters in SDR and filters are a crucial part for modern radio communication technology. This thesis explores the principles and applications of digital filters in radio receivers, looking into their role in improving signal quality, reducing noise and improving capacity output. Additionally, the thesis examines SIS filters, which are an integral part of maintaining signal quakity in complex communication systems and SDR radios. By using modern signal processing techniques, these filters effectively mitigate interference and distortion. This paper will focus on the evolution of digital filtering technology and its impact on enhancing the performance and efficiency of SDR’s. The insights gained show the importance of ongoing research and development in this field to ad dress the ever-increasing demands of wireless communication systems.
  • Публікація
    Реалізація швидкого перетворення Фур'є на ПЛІС
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Васильєв, О. Ю.
    This work focuses on researching and implementing a real-time Fast Fouri er Transform (FFT) application using a pipelined approach on modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). The author provides theoretical foundation and proposes a methodology for selecting solutions with optimal resource efficiency. Following this methodology, the FFT application is designed, verified, and implemented on Xilinx FPGA. The choice of Xilinx FPGA adds practical validation to the proposed methodology. These inquiries offer avenues for fur ther understanding the research and its implications.
  • Публікація
    Мікроконтролерний пристрій локалізації джерела акустичного сигналу
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Карась, Д. В.
    An overview of the usability of microcontroller device for acoustic signal source localization and its possible applications in warfare.
  • Публікація
    Використання cloud-технологій для управління та моніторингу в системах «розумного будинку»
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Потопа, В. О.
    Home automation and the Internet of Things are important fields of research , Cloud computing will provide easy access to home automation for the general public by providing easy to use online services. Open and standardised protocols for home automation devices further increase the convenience by offering more choice and freedom to the customer.
  • Публікація
    Розумний органайзер ліків з функцією нагадування
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Савченко, Є. Ю.
    The multifactorial problem of reducing patient adherence to treatment was considered in the work. It has been established that one of the negative factors associated with the patient himself is non-compliance with medication. This can lead to serious health problems and lack of positive effect from treatment. The problem solution is to create a “smart” organizer with a reminder function. The organizer is controlled by the Arduino UNO board. The device is configured using buttons; a reminder is a message on the display, as well as a sound and a light signal. A delay function of taking medications has also been implemented.
  • Публікація
    Програмне забезпечення зі збереження, організації та керування закладками з використанням штучного інтелекту
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Мякшин, А. С.
    This work is devoted to the development of software for bookmark management using artificial intelligence. The main goal of the research is the introduction of new functionality based on the analysis of modern products on the market, as well as the use of artificial intelligence to increase interactivity and expand capabilities. The following methods were used to conduct the research: comparative analysis of existing solutions, analysis of user requirements, selection of technologies, implementation and testing of the product. The result of the research was cross-platform software, the functionality of which allows users to create their own working environment for managing bookmarks, as well as actively interact with their content using artificial intelligence capabilities
  • Публікація
    Моделі та інструментальні засоби для створення піксельних картин
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Мідіна, С. С.
    The work examines graphic editors for creating pixel paintings, and also considers ways to create pixel paintings both with the help of graphic editors and with the help of artificial intelligence and converting photos into pixel style. A microcontroller-based pixel picture model using a mobile application was developed and investigated. Methods of connecting a mobile device to a microcontroller are considered.
  • Публікація
    Моделювання інтер'єра розумного будинку з використанням інструментальних засобів доповненої реальності
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Воронін, Р. А.
    This study explores the use of augmented reality (AR) tools in designing smart home interiors, emphasizing enhanced visualization and interaction. By integrating AR, designers and homeowners can more effectively conceptualize and modify living spaces in real-time. This approach not only streamlines the design process but also allows for a personalized experience by accommodating user preferences in furniture arrangement and décor choices. Furthermore, AR's capacity for immersive visualization aids in better decision-making, ensuring that the final design aligns closely with the occupants' desires and lifestyle needs.
  • Публікація
    Розумна тростина для слабозорих на базі Arduino Nano
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Жигалкін, Є. В.
    Computers are ubiquitous in our lives, but microcontrollers, often overlooked, are essential in powering many devices beyond smartphones. This document presents the development of a Smart Cane system utilizing Arduino technology to assist blind individuals in navigating their surroundings safely. The system integrates ultrasonic distance sensors and light sensors to detect obstacles and be visible in the dark. Controlled by an Arduino microcontroller, the Smart Cane provides real-time feedback through haptic alerts. This innovative solution enhances the mobility and safety of visually impaired individuals, offering potential for further refinement and expansion in future versions.
  • Публікація
    Методи дослідження екологічного стану водного середовища за допомогою Arduino UNO та датчиків
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Подворний, В. Т.
    This work is dedicated to assessing the effectiveness of a water environment ecological monitoring system, specifically: measuring acidity, electrical charge, water level, and temperature. The work is considered a fundamental project of water environment ecological monitoring systems. The system was verified through parametric analysis. Experiments were conducted to implement sensor systems. Based on the analysis results of the entire system, a system based on Arduino UNO was proposed with functionality for measuring acidity, electrical charge, water level, and temperature.
  • Публікація
    Система аналізу концентрації людини на базі Arduino
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Носик, Д. О.
    This work is devoted to monitoring heart rate variability to regulate human attention parameters. The implementation of the system is based on Arduino nano.
  • Публікація
    Дослідження аналізу аудіо спектра звуку на базі мікроконтролера ADRDUINO
    (ХНУРЕ, 2024) Українець, В. О.
    This article is devoted to the study of the efficiency of audio spectrum analysis using the Arduino microcontroller. The paper discusses the main aspects of audio signal analysis, as well as methods and approaches to improving audio data processing methods in order to improve the quality and accuracy of obtaining spectral characteristics of audio signals. The study shows that improving audio data processing algorithms can significantly improve the quality of audio information analysis and ensure its more efficient use in various fields, from entertainment and advertising to the development of new products and technologies.
  • Публікація
    Метод попарного тестування з використанням ортогонального масиву
    (ХНУРЕ, 2023) Томачинська, В. С.
    Shorten a little this text Software testing and debugging is an essential part in software development process but this process is confirmed to be laberintensive and expensive. Combinatorial testing (also called interaction testing) is an efficient method of generating test inputs based on a specification. To date, most research work in combinatorial testing has focused on proposing new approaches that attempt to create test sets of minimal size that cover all pairwise, triple, or one-way combinations of factors. This paper considers pairwise testing (that is, a special case of combinatorial testing aimed at covering all pairwise combinations).
  • Публікація
    OCR-системи розпізнавання тексту з зображень
    (ФОП Петров В.В., 2022) Карпиков, В. В.; Ларченко, Л. В.
    Метою дослідження є порівняння різних алгоритмів розпізнавання
  • Публікація
    Метод автоматизованого детектування серцево- судинних проблем на основі даних пульсометра
    (ФОП Петров В.В., 2022) Клєщов, В. М.; Філіпенко, І. В.
    Останнім часом все більше набирає обороти тренд так званої носимої електроніки для стеження за станом тіла: фітнес-браслети, “розумні” годинники, пульсоксиметри для спортивних вправ тощо. Ці прилади обладнані різними видами датчиків і, в залежності від типу приладу, дозволяють відстежувати пульс, кількість фізичної активності протягом дня, режим сну, подолану відстань пішки або бігом, насиченість крові киснем та багато інших показників. Метою доповіді є аналіз даних пульсу та побудова моделі для детектування проблем з серцево-судинною системою людини до того, як почнуть про являтися перші ознаки хвороби.
  • Публікація
    Використання сітчастої мережі
    (ФОП Петров В.В., 2022) Рахліс, Д. Ю.; Малишев, М. О.
    Метою доповіді є аналіз сітчастих мереж для подальшого використання отриманих знань на практиці. Розглянуто їх топологію, переваги та недоліки, методи використання та основні поняття сітчастих мережевих систем.