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Публікація 3D Modeling of the Ball Bearing for the Front Axle Knuckle(Published by Seventh Sense Research Group, 2018) Rami Matarneh; Sotnik, S.; Lyashenko, V.In this work, the questions of ball bearings operation and their constructive features are considered. A 3D model of a detail is created as a ball bearing for for The Front Axle Knuckle. With Solid CAD, a finite-element analysis of the developed detail type is implemented. In the SolidWorks Simulation module, a ball bearing deformation analysis was carried out as a result of the 2000 N impact force. Based on the constructed model and the results of the analysis it was found that the support meets the requirements of strength in its application.Публікація A Model of the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Country’s Economic Growth(2024) Revenko, D.; Romanenkov, Yu.; Lebedchenko, V.The transformation of the economy through digitalisation has become one of the biggest challenges of our time. Modern digital technologies are fundamentally changing all aspects of economic activity and social life. These technologies not only change the way we do business and interact socially but also transform approaches to education, communication, and entertainment, opening up new opportunities and creating new challengesПублікація A Study of Correlation Ratios for Low- and High-Density Lipoprotein in Comparison with Antioxidant Vitamins A, E, C at Different Levels of Glycosylated Hemoglobin among Type 2 Diabetes Patients(WARSE, 2020) Abd Elgadir A. Altoum; Asaad Ma. Babker; Marwan Ismail; Lyashenko, V.Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases in which the number of patients increases every year. Moreover, diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for the risk for the development of other diseases. Therefore, the number of studies that address various aspects of the diagnosis and control of the processes of diabetes is increasing. Among such studies, an important place is taken by the analysis of the relationship between low and high density lipoprotein and antioxidant vitamins A, E, C. Such an analysis can be done using various analytical methods. This expands medical diagnostics and treatment options for diseases. The study was based on a sample of 300 patients with type 2 diabetes. For analysis, we used: correlation analysis and the wavelet coherence method. The values of wavelet coherence between low and high density lipoprotein and antioxidant vitamins A, E, C for different levels of glycosylated hemoglobin were obtained. This provides an explanation of the differences in the relationship between low and high density lipoprotein and antioxidant vitamins. Also a more consistent dynamics is observed between antioxidant vitamins A, E, C and HDL, taking into account changes in glycosylated hemoglobin levels. This is a key factor in understanding the greater correlations between antioxidant vitamins A, E, C, and HDL.Публікація A Study of New Cycloid Swing Link Speed Reducer by using Algorithmic Design(www.ijsr.net, 2015) Drugarin Cornelia Victoria Anghel; M. Ayaz Ahmad; Lyashenko, V.The aim of this article is to present a design algorithm for a new modern and high mechanical efficiency cycloid swing link speed reducer. Estimate that the new cycloid swing link speed reducer has and others advantages in comparison with the existing push road reducer such as: strong capacity of anti impact and over load, accessible process technology. We propose an algorithm for kinematics, dynamics and resistance (dimensional) calculus for specific main portent elements. Dimensional design of common elements as: shafts, bearings, carcasses, etc. not offer in the paper.Публікація A systematic approach to learning needs analysis(BoScience Publisher, 2022) Latynin, M. A.; Melnykov, A. F.; Kobzev, I. V.; Kosenko, A. V.; Kosеnko, V. V.The article defines the features of professional training of civil servants in the context of the formation of a new paradigm of state management of labor resources, which provides for ensuring its dependence on factors of the external socioeconomic environment, the orientation of civil servants towards the development of public-private partnerships, the relationship of training with active self-educationПублікація A Theoretical Interpretation for the Study of Images Processing(IJARCSMS, 2015) Putyatin, Y.; Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad; Lyubchenko, V.; N. Ameer AhmadIn the present article and attempt has been made for the study of image processing, which is an important issue in various systems based on the electronic data analysis. This is also necessary for mankind in the age of modern technology, because it is essential to note systems of computer vision which render the indispensable help to the person in various situations and processes demanding special attention and also speed in decision-making. At the same time among variety of different methods and approaches for image processing it is necessary to allocate methodology of image normalization. The essence of such methodology of image processing consists in indemnification of different geometrical distortions of the input image which have been received a result of registration of the investigated image and its presentation on an input of system of the data analysis, in comparison with some reference picture. On the basis of such approach the work considers geometrical interpretation of the analyzed image of object as a basis of use of the device of the group theory.Публікація About classification of the methods in design of medical information systems(Vancouver, Canada, 2021) Tvoroshenko, I.; Mahomet, A.Публікація About one class of the problems of optimal stochastic control of hybrid dynamical systems(Econtechmod. An International Quarterly Journal, 2016) Тевяшев, А. Д.; Матвиенко, О. И.A new class of the problems of optimal stochastic control of hybrid dynamical systems different from well-known ones by the introduction of additional extreme and probabilistic constraints on the phase variables is studied in the present work. The mathematical formulation and approximate method of solution of the examined class of the problems are presented in this work. The effectiveness of the use of this class of the problems is illustrated on the example of one of the largest water main of Ukraine.Публікація About one problem of optimal stochastic control of the modes of operation of water mains(Econtechmod. An International Quarterly Journal, 2015) Tevyashev, A.; Matviyenko, O.The problem of increasing of the efficiency of operation of the water mains in modern conditions while the transition to a three-tier tariff for the electricity is examined in the present work. An effective method for solving this problem, based on the use of specific features of the water mains as stochastic objects operating in the stochastic environment is offered. The mathematical formulation of the problems of optimal stochastic control of the modes of operation of the water main with probabilistic constraints on the phase variables is presented. A new strategy for the optimal stochastic control of the modes of operation of the water main, the use of which has allowed to develop an effective method for solving the examined problem is proposed in the present work. It is shown that the transition from the classical deterministic problems of control of the modes of operation of the water mains to stochastic ones, provides a significant (up 9%) decrease of financial expenses for the electricity.Публікація About the issue of optimization the performance of the server part of the information system(2024) Karakonstantyn, D.; Tvoroshenko, I.The research is devoted to the analysis of modern methods of optimizing the performance of the server part of information systems, which help to increase the speed of query processing [1-6] and the efficiency of resource use [7-10]. The advantages and disadvantages of such approaches as data caching, asymmetric multithreading, and database query optimization are analyzed. It is established that these methods allow flexible adaptation of the server part to the specific requirements and complexities of the project, ensuring increased performance and efficiency of the systemПублікація About the role of testing in process of mobile application development(Boston, USA, 2021) Tvoroshenko, I. S.; Kuznetsov, M.Публікація Accelerated filtration of ultrasound images(Publishing House «Caravela», 2024) Pupchenko, D.; Gorokhovatskyi, V.The aim of this work is to create a high-speed algorithm for filtering ultrasound images that has the added property of edge preservation. The performance of popular methods is reviewed. A method of enhancing the existing method based on the decomposition of calculations into a one-dimensional space is proposed. The proposed solution significantly reduces computational costs without losing the efficacy of noise filtering. The overall effectiveness of ultrasound image filtering in terms of performance and quality has been experimentally confirmed.Публікація Accelerating Image Classification based on a Model for Estimating Descriptor-to-Class Distance(2023) Gorokhovatskyi, V.; Gadetska, S.; Stiahlyk, N.The article describes a method of image classification based on the estimation of the distance to the etalon class. The implementation of estimates gives a significant gain in classification speed compared to linear search while maintaining a decent level of accuracy. The methodology is based on the use of the triangle inequality for images given by a set of binary vectors as descriptors of the image key points. The evaluation is applied to the "object descriptor – etalon" classification method, which is based on the descriptor voting procedure. An analysis of evaluation options is carried out using the parameters of the etalon sets in the form of a medoid and the closest or farthest points from it. The gain in classification time compared to the traditional method proportionally depends on the number of descriptors in the etalon description. Software simulation of classifiers with the implementation of evaluation shows a gain in speed of 350-450 times for the description of 500 descriptors while maintaining one hundred percent classification accuracy on the training set of similar NFT images. A control sample experiment shows that the classifier with estimation can respond better to image details compared to the traditional method.Публікація Accurate investigation of coupled plasmonic resonances in a chain of silver nanowires(IEEE, 2016) Stognii, N. P.; Sakhnenko, N. K.This paper presents investigation of plasmonic properties of coupled metal nanowires arranged to form a finite linear chain. Coupled plasmon resonances of such structures embedded into dielectrics with different dielectric permittivity are studied. The main goals of the paper are to validate true potential of a plasmon nanowire-based structure in sensing applications and to reveal optimized configurations with narrowband plasmonic resonances and enhanced sensitivity.Публікація Activation of innovative development of industrial enterprises of Ukraine: an actual requirement of the time(Іnternational Science Group. Boston, 2020) Соколова, Л. В.; Іванова, В. Б.; Верясова, Г. М.; Курденко, О. В.Публікація Adaptation of the enterprise to the digital environment in the context of financial and economic security(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Hurieieva, K. A.The article defined the concept of financial and economic security of the enterprise. The list of information systems and technologies to ensure information and, in particular, financial and economic security of the enterprise is classified. The impact of digitalization on all aspects of enterprise security is analyzedПублікація Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Methods for Distorted Data Clustering(2020) Shafronenko, A. Yu.; Bodyanskiy, Ye. V.; Rudenko, D. A.The problem of data sets described by vector-images clustering often occurs in many applications associated with Data Mining [40, 41], when processed vector-image with different levels of probabilities, possibilities or memberships, can belong to more than one class. However, there are situations when the data sets contain missing values. In this situation more effective is to use mathematical apparatus of Computational Intelligence [Rutkowski, 2008] and, first of all artificial neural networks [8], that solve task of restoring the lost observations and modifications of the popular method of fuzzy c-means [22], which solve the problem of clustering without recovery of data. Existing approaches for data processing with missing values [6], are efficient in cases when the massive of the original observations is given in batch form and does not change during the processing. At the same time, there is a wide class of problems in which the data that arrive to the processing, have the form of sequence that is feed in real time as it occurs in the training of Kohonen self-organizing maps [1] or their modifications [2]. In this regard we have introduced [42] the adaptive neuro-fuzzy Kohonen network to solve the problem of clustering data with gaps based on the strategy of partial distances (PDS FCM). However, in situations where the number of such missing values is too big, the strategy of partial distances may be not effective, and therefore it may be necessary, along with the solution of fuzzy clustering simultaneously estimate the missing observations. In this situation, a more efficient is approach that is based on the optimal expansion strategy (OCS FCM) [22]. This chapter is devoted to the task of on-line data clustering using the optimal expansion strategy, adapted to the case when information is processed in a sequential mode, and its volume is not determined in advance.Публікація Advanced methods for measurement uncertainty evaluation(MMA-2022, 2022) Zakharov, I.; Botsiura, O.Disadvantages of the law of propagation of uncertainty underlying the implementation of the model approach in the GUM are analyzed. Advanced methods for implementing a model approach to measurement uncertainty evaluation are described, which allow eliminating the shortcomings of the GUM uncertainty framework: the law of propagation of distributions, the kurtosis method, the law of propagation of expanded uncertainty, the law of propagation of observational results for reliable evaluation of type A uncertainty for correlated and uncorrelated measurement results of input quantities.Публікація Aeolian Liquid Vibrations in Conical Tanks with Baffles under Wind Loading with Fuzzy Parameters(2023) Sierikova, O.; Strelnikova, E.; Kriutchenko, D.; Degtyarev, K.; Gnitko, V.; Doroshenko, V.The Aeolian liquid vibrations in conical reservoirs caused by low-velocity, steady winds have been under consideration. Both amplitudes and dominant frequencies of wind loadings have been constantly changed, so to adequately describe the vibration process, fuzzy logic methods have been applied. At the first stage, the crisp initial value problem for conical shells with and without baffles has been considered. The liquid inside the reservoirs has been supposed to be an incompressible and ideal one, and its flow induced by the forced harmonic excitation, has been considered as potential. So, there exists a potential to satisfy the Laplace equation. The impermeable condition has been used at wetted surface boundaries of the shell, whereas the dynamic and kinematic boundary conditions have been set on the free liquid surface. A system of singular integral equations has been obtained for values of the velocity potential and the function describing the free surface rise. Its solution has been gained by boundary element methods. The crisp boundary value problem has been reduced to the second-order system of differential equations. After receiving the crisp solution of this system, the initial data have been fuzzified, involving triangular fuzzy numbers, and the fuzzy initial value problem has been formulated. The numerical solution to this problem with uncertain intervals involved has been obtained and analyzedПублікація Aggregate Parametric Representation of Image Structural Description in Statistical Classification Methods(2022) Gadetska, S.; Gorokhovatskyi, V.; Stiahlyk, N.; Vlasenko, N.Finding effective classification solutions based on the study of the processed data nature is one of the important tasks in modern computer vision. Statistical distributions are a perfect tool for presenting and analyzing visual data in image recognition systems. They are especially effective when creating new feature spaces, particularly, by aggregating descriptor sets in some appropriate way, including bits. For this purpose, it is natural to apply the number of criteria designed to compare the distribution parameters of the analyzed samples. The article develops a speed-efficient method of image classification by introducing aggregate statistical features for the composition of the description components. The metric classifier is based on the use of statisticalcriteria to assess the significance of the classification decision. The developed classification method based on the aggregation of the feature image set is implemented; the workability of the proposed classifier is confirmed. On the examples of the application of variants ofthe method for the system of the real images features, its effectiveness was experimentally evaluated.