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Публікація 2EE in Applications Supporting Business Management(ХНУРЭ, 2012) Trojanowski, M.; Zabierowski, W.; Napier, A.The article presents an example of application, which could be used to support the work of a company that must deal with improvement and evalution of knowledge of their workers. Application provide rich client graphical interface that facilitate navigation. The core of the system is based on Spring services, which support application in business logic. On the bottom of the application is middle tier Hibernate. Thanks to this design the system is very scalable and flexibleПублікація A Low-Cost Optimal Time SIC Pair Generator(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Voyiatzis, I.; Efstathiou, C.; Antonopoulou, H.The application of Single Input Change (SIC) pairs of test patterns is very efficient for sequential, i.e. stuck-open and delay fault testing. In this paper a novel implementation for the application of SIC pairs is presented. The presented generator is optimal in time, in the sense that it generates the n-bit SIC pairs in time nu2n, i.e. equal to the theoretical minimum. Comparisons with the schemes that have been proposed in the open literature which generate SIC pairs in optimal time reveal that the proposed scheme requires less hardware overheadПублікація A Method of High-Level Synthesis and Verification with SystemC Language(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Obrizan, V.This paper presents a method for automatic RTL-interface synthesis for a given C++ function as well as for a given SystemC-interface. This task is very im-portant in High-Level Synthesis design flow where design entry is usually done in some abstract language (e.g. C++). As a source high-level description targets different SoC architectures or protocols, so it is needed to generate relevant pin-level interfaces and protocols automatically.Публікація About One Class of Vector Random Processes With Infinite Rank of Nonstationarity(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Yantsevitch, A. A.; Petrova, A. Y.One class of nonstationary vector random processes is investigated in the article. On the basis of triangle models of quasiunitary operators the structure of corresponding correlation matrix was investigated, representations for special matrix were got, by which the correlation matrix is retrieved after solving the Darboux- Goursat problem.Публікація Adaptive Navigation Interface Powered by Evolutionary Algorithm(ХНУРЭ, 2011) Filatov, T.; Popov, V.; Sakal, I.A combination of adaptive navigational interface and real time collaborative feedback analysis for documents relevance weighting is proposed as an viable alternative to prevailing ‘telegraphic’ approach in information retrieval systems. Adaptive navigation is provided through a dynamic links panel controlled by an evolutionary algorithm. Documents relevance is initially established with standard information retrieval techniques and is further refined in real time through interaction of users with the system. Introduced concepts of multidimensional Knowledge Map and Weighted Point of Interest allow finding relevant documents and users with common interests through a trivial calculation. Browsing search approach, the ability of the algorithm to adapt navigation to users interests, collaborative refinement and the self-organizing features of the system are the main factors making such architecture effective in various fields where nonstructured knowledge shall be represented to the users.Публікація Adjustable Output Voltage-Range and Slew-Rate Trapezoidal Waveform Generator with Harmonics-Reduction Ability(ХНУРЭ, 2011) Jankowski, M.The paper presents a circuit designed to provide trapezoidal output voltage signal, scalable in term of output voltage-range and slew-rate value. Additionally, the circuit is endowed with signal edge rounding functionality, realized by output voltage buffer itself. Schematics, way of operation, and simulation results are presented.Публікація BB84 Analysis of Operation and Practical Considerations and Implementations of Quantum Key Distribution Systems(ХНУРЭ, 2011) Winiarczyk, P.; Zabierowski, W.Nowadays cryptography is applied in more and more applications. Most often asymmetric or hybrid systems are used, which are based on mathematical concepts. However, a promising family of quantum solutions tries to take over control. This article describes a technique of quantum key distribution called BB84. It gives an insight into quantum physics governing the proper operation of any system in quantum cryptography and then presents the detailed analysis of BB48 system. Its operation and security it provides are discussed. Next aspect that is covered is dedicated to practical considerations of quantum cryptography. All basic problems encountered while implementing BB84 or any other quantum system are explained.Публікація BDP-метод моделирования неисправностей для синтеза тестов цифровых проектов(ХНУРЭ, 2002) Хаханов, В. И.; Колесников, К. В.; Хаханова, А. В.Предлагается быстродействующий дедуктивно-параллельный метод обратного моделирования неисправностей, использующий процедуру суперпозиции решений.Публікація Beamforming Features of the Grounded Dielectric Substrate Based X-Band Monopole Antenna(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Ivanchenko, I. V.; Popen, N. A.; Khruslov, M. M.; Chernobrovki, R. E.Computational modelling of the cylindrical monopole antenna with the grounded dielectric layer is carried out. Notice that the near-field distributions in the inductive region of the given class of antennas are similar to the spatial periodical lattice with different number of variations along the ground radius and with the amplitude decrease to the antenna edge. The calculated antenna characteristics are validated by measurements on the antenna prototypes. The basic regularities of the radiation pattern formation are analyzed.Публікація Closer Look at Microprocessors that have Shaped the Digital World(ХНУРЭ, 2009) Ngene, C. U.; Mishra, M. K.If you have been following the development in the microprocessor world you would attest to the fact that things have dramatically changed since the introduction of the first world acclaimed microprocessor Intel 4004 in 1971. What were the changes that have been made to these processors that have actually improved our lots, especially how we perceive the world around us and improve our productivity at work? In this study, we investigate different general purpose processors with a view to enlightening consumers and enthusiasts alike, determine which of the myriads of processors will be most appropriate for their tasks and the choice of which makes more economic sense. We have been able to explore in relative detail that processor speed is not the only determinant of processor performance but of most significant is the architecture. This study reveals that new technology is not the only factor that determines whether a new processor is actually new, but most importantly marketing considerations have been the driving force.Публікація CO-DESIGN технология проектирования SOC на основе ACTIVE-HDL 6.2(ХНУРЭ, 2004) Хаханов, В. И.; Егоров, А. А.; Хаханова, И. В.; Гузь, О. А.Предлагается технология проектирования цифровых систем на кристаллах, основанная на опыте разработки аппаратных и программных средств для SOCs. Даются рекомендации и примеры проектирования реальных цифровых системПублікація Comparative study of the descriptive experiment design and robust fused bayesian regularization techniques for high-resolution radar imaging(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Villalon-Turrubiates, I. E.; Shkvarko, Y. V.In this paper, we perform a comparative study of two recently proposed high-resolution radar imaging paradigms: the descriptive experiment design regularization (DEDR) and the fused Bayesian regularization (FBR) methods. The first one, the DEDR, employs aggregation of the descriptive regularization and worst-case statistical performance (WCSP) optimization approaches to enhanced radar/SAR imaging. The second one, the FBR, performs image reconstruction as a solution of the illconditioned inverse spatial spectrum pattern (SSP) estimation problem with model uncertainties via unifying the Bayesian minimum risk (MR) estimation strategy with the maximum entropy (ME) randomized a priori image model and other projection-type regularization constraints imposed on the solution. Although the DEDR and the FBR are inferred from different descriptive and statistical constrained optimization paradigms, we examine how these two methods lead to structurally similar techniques that may be further transformed into new computationally more efficient robust adaptive imaging methods that enable one to derive efficient and consistent estimates of the SSP via unifying both the robust DEDR and FBR considerations. We present the results of extended comparative simulation study of the family of the image formation/ enhancement algorithms that employ the proposed robustified FBR and DEDR methods for high-resolution reconstruction of the SSP in a virtually real time. The computational complexity of different methods are analyzed and reported together with the scene imaging protocols. The advantages of the well designed SAR imaging experiments (that employ the FBR-based and DEDR-related robust estimators) over the cases of poorer designed experiments (that employ the conventional matched spatial filtering as well as the least squares techniques) are verified trough the simulation study.Публікація Comparison of Survivability & Fault Tolerance of Different MIP Standards(ХНУРЭ, 2009) Zaman, A.; Palash, M.L.; Atahary, T.; Rafique, S.Mobile IP, the current method of internet connectivity is most often found in WLAN environments where users need to carry their mobile devices across multiple LANs with different IP address. This project work first surveys existing protocols for supporting IP mobility and then proposes an extension to mobile IP architecture, called Robust Hierarchical Mobile IP version6 (RH-MIPv6). This architecture attempts to achieve smaller handoff latency in intra-domain mobile network. In RH-MIPv6 a mobile node (MN) registers primary (P-RCoA) and secondary (S-RCoA) regional care of address to two different MAPs simultaneously. In adaptation to this a “MOVING AREA BASED MAP SELECTION SCHEME” is proposed in this paper. A mechanism is developed to enable the mobile node or correspondent node to detect the failure of primary MAP and change their attachment from primary to secondary MAP. With this recovery procedure, it is possible to reduce the failure recovery time. In this paper it is shown that RH-MIPv6 has faster recovery time than MIPv4 and HMIPv6.Публікація Component Architecture with Runtime Type Definition(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Grinkrug, E. M.; Shakurov, A. R.The component-based approach to software design and development is being focused on. By analyzing the main ideas of this approach, their currently existing implementations, their limitations and promising lines o development we suggest a new component architecture which extends capabilities of existing component technologies. The main principles for building such architecture are described.Публікація Computer-aided Design for Robotic Assembly Technology(ХНУРЭ, 2009) Nevlyudov, I. Sh.; Tsymbal, O. M.; Milyutina, S. S.There is proposed the logical model of assembly technological processes design. The basic set of predicates, which characterizes the assembly process, is considered. The model is implemented by Prolog language program. The models of technological process design, based on semantic nets and on frames and a method of voice information input are proposed. Also the questions of decision-making for robot manipulations are considered.Публікація Corporative Ecological System and Processes Mathematical Modelling(ХНУРЭ, 2009) Kozulia, T. V.; Sharonova, N. V.In the article the basics of the corporate approach in the system of ecological monitoring for solving of ecological problems tasks macro- and a microlevel are considered. Practical results of realization of corporate system in definition of an ecological estimation of processes in the soils are submitted.Публікація Development of Computer-Aided Thermal Procedures of Technical Objects(ХНУРЭ, 2011) Farmaga, I.; Marikutsa, U.; Wrobel, J.; Fabirovskyy, A.The popularities of the development of design procedures and thermal design operations for the construction of a general structure of a computer-aided thermal design of technical objects with the aim of providing their thermophysical characteristics are described.Публікація ECL-PACKAGE — пакет программ для моделирования электрогенерированной хемилюминесценции на микроэлектродах(ХТУРЭ, 2001) Свирь, И. Б.Предлагается пакет программ «ECL-PACKAGE» для численного моделирования электрогенерированной хемилюминесценции на микроэлектродах разной конфигурации.Публікація Ecological Corporative System Concept in Solving Problems of Ecological Estimation and Ecological Hygienic Normalization(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Kozulia, T. V.; Sharonova, N. V.; Kozulia, M. M.Approach of methodical application of concept of ecological corporative system (CES) in the system of ecological monitoring is shown in the article. Appropriateness of corporative approach application was indicated for problem solving of standardization of state parameters of environmental objects. The appropriate algorithms of the assessment of the health risk and of the ecological standardization problems were developed on basis of analysis of existent approaches of determination of system status and appropriateness of introduction of the risk-analysis for problem solving of state identification of CES.Публікація Effects of Level Quantization and Threshold Clipping of the Signal and Basis Functions of Discrete Fourier Transform(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Khanyan, G. S.Abstract—The paper studies the influence of signal quantization levels number on accuracy of the results of spectral analysis. The overflow effect (signal threshold clipping due to shortage of the quantizing device bits) is also considered. A formula is derived for transforming a real number to its nearest quantization level. Numerical modeling of the quantized realizations of harmonic signal (pure one and mixed with noise) as well as its Fourier transform’s basis functions is performed to construct characteristics – dependencies between programassigned signal parameters and those measured in the course of digital processing under various quantization and clipping conditions.