Кафедра радiотехнологій і інформаційно-комунікаційних систем (РТІКС)
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Публікація Aрхітектурне проектування web систем(ХНУРЕ, 2024-04) Койдан А.А.The relevance of architectural design in integrated web systems is paramount in the rapidly evolving landscape of internet technologies. Ensuring high quality and efficient performance of web applications is crucial for success in competitive environments. This necessitates constant refinement and innovationIin architectural approaches to meet modern user demands. Architectural methodologies like ATAM and 4+1, alongside platforms like InsightQ, offer systematic analysis and optimization, balancing various system characteristics effectively. By amalgamating these methodologies and tools, developers aim to create highly efficient and quality web systems, aligning with user needs and contemporary market demands.Публікація Basic technologies and techniques ML/AI for improving physical layer security for 5G/6G communications systems(2023) Tsopa, O.; Dudka, O.; Merzlikin, A.One of the main features of using the millimeter wave band in the deployment of 5G/6G technologies is that these waves have a narrower range and less ability to penetrate obstacles such as buildings and trees [1,2]. Therefore, millimeter waves require a larger number of communication nodes located closer to each other to ensure network coverage. In addition, due to the high frequency of millimeter waves, they are subject to greater signal scattering and absorption from surfaces such as building walls and other obstacles, which can result in reduced data transmission range. Therefore, it is necessary to consider engineering solutions and technologies of artificial intelligence (IA) and machine learning (ML), which will allow ensuring high-quality communication between communication nodes, taking into account the peculiarities of the millimeter range of radio waves. However, thanks to the high bandwidth of the millimeter wave band, 5G/6G technology can provide high-speed transmission of large amounts of data, enabling new applications and services such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), augmented reality (XR), Internet of Things (IoT) and others. Therefore, using the millimeter range of radio waves is an important element of 5G/6G technology that requires specific solutions to ensure reliability and security at the physical level of the network.Публікація Cumulative Distribution of Rain Rate and Rain Attenuation in Ukraine(2019) Цопа, А. И.; Odokienko, O.; Ruzhentsev, N.; Salnikov, D.; Merzlikin, A.; Sobkolov, A.; Pavlikov, V.; Zhyla, S.Публікація Cumulative Rain Attenuation Probability in Ukraine(2019) Цопа, А. И.Публікація Estimation of the Bandwidth of the Communication Channel of 5G Networks Based on Small Cells(2021) Tsopa, O.; Dudka, O.; Merzlikin, A.; Ruzhentsev, N.The article is devoted to the problem of using 5G millimeter waves band (MM WB) in wireless communication systems of the next generation. The aim of the work is to clarify the calculation methods and estimate the availability parameters and performance of communication channels in the millimeter wavelength band when deploying 5G communication network segments in various climatic zones of Ukraine.Публікація GPS трекер(2023) Ксьонов. Б. О.; Ганшин, Д. Г.Публікація LCMS-системи як новітній інструмент організації дистанційної навчальної діяльності(ОНАХТ, 2021) Гуща, А. А.Публікація Публікація Methodical maintenance of radiometric measurements of atmosphere at millimeter waves range(2018) Цопа, А. И.; Pavlikov, V. V.; Ruzhentsev, N. V.; Salnikov, D. S.; Merzlikin, А. О.Публікація Millimeter-Range Radiometric System for Perspective Problems of Meteorology and Telecommunication(Kyiv: Ukraine, 2017) Сальников, Д. С.; Цопа, А. И.; Павликов, В. В.; Собколов, А. Д.; Руженцев, Н. В.Short description of new ground radiometric complex, working on 40 GHz and 94 GHz frequencies and providing remote continuous measurements of full vertical atmosphere attenuation, effective temperature values and liquid-water content of clouds, integral content of vaporous moisture in atmosphere. The feature of the complex is the availability of digital signal processing of detected signals mode.Публікація Security analysis of wireless communication systems of the millimeter waves band(2018) Цопа, А. И.; Salnikov, D.; Dudka, A.Публікація Strategy for cost efficiency calculation of the adoption cost of the multi-cloud solution through the deliverable-oriented breakdown(2022) Дудка, О. О.The main reason for usage of multi-cloud solutions is cost effectiveness. The accuracy of the cost benefits analysis that should be used in decision making process is directly related to the approach for the cost of development and cost of operation efforts calculation.Публікація The Project of joint investigations of MM waves propagations for Ukrainian advanced 5G Communication Lines.(Proc. of 9th international Kharkiv symposium on physics and engineering of microwaves, millimeter and submillimeter waves /MSMW'2016/. – Kharkiv, 2016. – P. G1-G4., 2016) Цопа, А. И.; Иванов, В. К.; Мелешенко, Р. А.; Павликов, Ю. И.; Руженцев, Н. В.; Зарудный, А. А.Публікація The research Program of millimetric Radio waves attenuation characteristics on perspective communication lines of Ukraine.(Proc. of XIII International Conf. Modern problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science /TCSET’2016/. – Lviv-Slavsko, 2016. – P. 638-642., 2016) Цопа, А. И.; Иванов, В. К.; Леонидов, В. И.; Малешенко, Ю. И.; Павликов, В. В.; Руженцев, Н. В.; Зарудный, А. А.Рассмотрены положения программы исследования характеристик затухания миллиметровых радиоволн на наземно-космических линиях связи в Украине.Публікація Адаптивне управління зоною обслуговування рухомих інформаційно-комунікаційних систем(Системи управління, навігації та зв'язку, 2016) Обод, І. І.; Черних, О. П.; Мальцев, О. С.; Майстренко, Г. В.У статті, на підставі аналізу енергетики радіолінії рухомих інформаційно-комунікаційних систем за умов поширення сигналу в залежності від складного виду забудов показано, що використання широкосмугових радіосигналів дозволяє адаптивно управляти зоною обслуговування рухомих інформаційно-комунікаційних систем, вибираючи необхідну базу радіосигналу, що дозволяє підвищити завадозахищеність розглянутих систем.Публікація Анализ вариантов внедрения LTE(ХНУРЕ, 2015) Мальцев, О. С.; Цопа, О. І.Публікація Анализ приемной системы лидара(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Калашник, В. М.Widespread use of lidar systems for atmospheric location impurities require optimization of its main components. Special meaning It has optimization of the lidar receiving antenna, the weight and manufacturing cost of which is related to the area of the telescope's main mirror. The parameters of the receiving antenna largely determine the characteristics of the lidar as a whole. An increase in the diameter of the receiving antenna leads to an increase in the number of both signal and background photoelectrons.Публікація Анализ структурной скрытности многочастотных сигналов широкополосных систем связи.(ХНУРЭ, 2016) Цопа, А. И.; Ганшин, Д. Г.; Дудка, А. А.; Битченко, А. Н.В статье приведены результаты оценки потенциальной структурной скрытности многочастотных сигналов беспроводных широкополосных систем связи и получены новые данные о структурной скрытности сигналов OFDM. Предложена структура системы связи с защитой от перехвата информации при использовании OFDM сигналов, реализующая алгоритмы псевдослучайного изменения временных и частотных параметров сигналов на основе общего системного ключа.Публікація Анализ существующих методов обработки видео-сигналов(2018) Иваницкий, С. А.; Котенко, А. А.Initially, digital video was a digitized analog signal. At the same time, theconversion procedure itself inevitably led to some loss of quality. To date, VCRs and old VHS cameras are a thing of the past, and the ball is ruled by modern digital video cameras, DVDs and Blu-Ray players that allow you to receive the signal immediately in digital form. At the present stage, analogue television is gradually giving way to the digital one.Публікація Анализ угроз проводных и беспроводных систем связи центра обслуживания вызовов службы "102".(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Ганшин, Д. Г.; Цопа, А. И.