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Публікація Human position in the digital society: socio-political aspect(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Sokolenko, D.The article deals with the problems of human formation in the information society. It is argued that digital technologies are gaining ontological status and are gradually replacing traditional communication practices and relations. Digitalization contributes to a certain rupture of space and time, since the connection between them is no longer mediated by a specific place of social action. The rapid development of artificial intelligence threatens the foundation of human civilization, as it can push people out of the world they have created for themselves. The humanistic orientation of culture, which was once based on the idea of anthropocentrism, is gradually changing to an information and digital orientationПублікація Impact of a language models on an education and academic sphere(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Synenko, I.This work is devoted to the specification of using language models and chat-bots in scientific writing, in education, describing dangers, that it may contain, some opportunities of using language models the and social features that became clear in light of this using.Публікація Philosophy of krainian embroidery(ХНУ ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2017) Dobrovolska, O. V.Ukrainian folk embroidery, preserved till nowadays, is unique material for studying, as it absorbed the wisdom of ancestors. Despite the historical change of folk art in general and embroidery in particular, it retained its uniqueness and spirituality. Complex analysis of embroidery is one of the ways to access the cognitive space of the Ukrainian people, in which information has been accumulating for centuries. Comprehension of this information is an important stage in the way of self-identification of each person as well as Ukrainian people as a whole.Публікація Social security and crime in contemporarysociety: problems, instruments, trends in the context of Ukraine(ХНУ ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2018) Nikolayevsky, V. N.; Omelchenko, V. V.Публікація Soft skills для успіху ux-дизайнера(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Ісаєнко, Т. Ю.The front end of the UX is really huge, so a UX designer can be useful in a multitude of areas. The key Soft skills that will be useful to this specialist are effective communication, interaction with teams, work with clients, time management, the ability to work in conditions of change, the ability to resolve conflicts, as well as work in stressful conditions, etc.Публікація The development of science : post-non-classical, post-normal science or Mode 2?(ХНУ ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2018) Dobrovolska, O. V.Публікація The features of gender distribution of the educationau student enviroment (on the exampue of university after maria curie-skuodovska)(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Yerko, B.On the example of the University after Maria Curie-Sklodovska with a help of thesis are analyzed the pecularities of gender distribution of student’s audience and are highlighted gender stereotypes that are characteristic of moderm youth.Публікація Time management та огляд програмних застосунків(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Коба, Ю. Ю.This work was written to reveal the problem of lack of time of people in the modern world. Time is the most valuable resource that humanity now has, so it must be used wisely. Software developers have learned to use the best time management techniques in their own programs so that everyone can apply these useful advances in their daily lives. This not only makes our lives more productive, but also makes it much easier, as it reduces the level of stress on the nervous system, makes us calmer. That is why it is necessary to use all available resources to maintain a proper daily routine.Публікація Whataboutism як риторична тактика(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Онищенко, М. Г.Rhetorical tactics refer to techniques used for persuasion, influence, or manipulation of an audience. When used ethically and effectively, rhetorical tactics can be a powerful tool for conveying ideas and persuading an audience. However, not all rhetorical tactics are created equal, and some can be manipulative or harmful to productive discourse. Whataboutism involves deflecting criticism by pointing out flaws or shortcomings in other countries or situations. By creating a false equivalence between two unrelated problems, it can be difficult to hold anyone accountable for their actions.Публікація Авторитарна і демократична моделі політичної модернізації в реаліях інформаційного суспільства(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Бондаренко, Ю. В.The article deals with problems of authoritarian and democratic modernization of modem political system in conditions of information society. Political modernization is seen as an increase in the dynamism of political system and its ability to adequately respond to challenges of modem world.Публікація Авторське право на комп’ютерну програму(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Фукс, М. А.Today, we are living in a computer age. The awareness of computer is more than at any other time. It has dominated almost all the fields. There is hardly an industry, which does not use computers. Computers are used in banks, factories, in Government offices, education institutions, for research and development and even supermarkets. That is why the decision of copyright issue of a computer program becomes more important at the time of signing of a contract between an employee and employer.Публікація Агрессия и гендер: женщины и мужчины как субъекты и объекты агрессивного поведения(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Вдовенко, В. Д.; Кошлатая, О. В.The given work is devoted to the study of human aggression. It is a very popular topic in nowadays, because of aggression people’s relationships is getting worse. We are considering this term like harming somebody and insult him. There is a very important question - who is more aggressive: women or men and what is the difference between them? The answer is that men harms physically, but women show aggression via emotions and bad words. It can be argued that difference in aggressive behavior is influenced by human physiology and his perception of the situation.Публікація Адаптація до університетського життя та стан здоров’я студентства(2016) Омельченко, В. В.У даній статті авторка спирається на концепцію, згідно якої адаптація є складноструктурованою системою, що містить низку підсистем. У статі здійснюється аналіз емпіричних даних дослідження (опитані студенти Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки (n=874, 2013/2014 навч. р.) насамперед щодо середовищної, діяльнісної та соціальної підсистем адаптації студентства до університетського життя, а також щодо оцінок стану та ставлення студентства до власного здоров’я.Публікація Адміністративні послуги як різновид адміністративного договору(ХНУРЕ, 2021) Зуб, Д. М.This article discusses – administrative services as a type of administrative contracts. The main purpose of the author is to consider administrative services as a kind of administrative contracts, to give a clear definition of an administrative service and an administrative contract, to consider the law of Ukraine «On Administrative Services». The author comes to the conclusion that an administrative contract is the final stage of the implementation of a public service by a subject of power in the form of an agreement between the subject of the provision of administrative services and the person who ordered the serviceПублікація Аксиологический смысл доверия(ХНУ ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2015) Горячковская, А. Н.В статье рассматривает фундаментальная ценность, обеспечивающая жизнеспособность индивида, общества и культуры – доверие. Как возможны духовная связь человека с миром, психическое и нравственное становление личности, формирование социальных связей и их реализация, этическое пространство культуры как живая, динамичная, уникальная среда? Исследуя эти сложные явления, мы сталкиваемся с множеством вопросов различной степени сложности. Но ключевым всегда остается вопрос об универсальных ценностях, основаниях возникновения и развития этих явлений. Одним из таких оснований является феномен доверияПублікація Аналіз глобального підходу до визначення бідності та шляхів її подолання(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Мічурін, І. Є.The work discusses how the World Bank determines poverty by using poverty lines, which represent the minimum amount of income needed for basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. The poverty line varies depending on the country's income level, with higher lines in wealthier countries and lower lines in poorer countries. Currently, the international poverty line is set at $2.15 USD per day at 2017 purchasing power parity. The World Bank also establishes additional poverty lines for countries with higher income levels. Ukraine is classified as a country with below-average income, with a poverty line of $3.65 USD per day. According to 2020 data, Ukraine's poverty rate is 0.18%, indicating that poverty is nearly absent in the country. The work also notes that the United Nations adopted a plan in 2015 to eradicate poverty by 2030Публікація Аналіз методології та методик науково-педагогічних досліджень(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Мамонько, Д. В.This article is devoted to the problems of analysis of methodology and methodology is conducted in the work scientific and pedagogical research. The theoretical and practices methods are analyses. Especially attention is devoted to the pedagogical methods of decisionПублікація Аналіз проходження тесту тюрінга(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Прочухан, Д. В.The article deals with the problem of the possibility of creating a machine with human thinking on the example of the Turing test. The attempts of scientists to successfully pass the experiment in the period from the date of its creation to the present time are analyzed. Both relatively successful attempts and failures are considered. Various aspects of the experiments are critically analyzed. Conclusions are made regarding the successful passing of the Turing test in accordance with the initial formulation of the problem.Публікація Антропологические вызовы информационной цивилизации(ун-т ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2011) Штанько, В. И.В статье анализируются философские проблемы, обусловленные широким использованием новых технологий мультимедиа и виртуальной реальности, которые трансформируют социальную реальность, вовлекая человека в новые формы существования и формируя новые антропологические вызовы и социокультурные риски. Особое внимание уделяется рассмотрению проблем адаптации личности к условиям существования в новом коммуникативном пространстве, формированию клипового сознания и анализу расширяющихся возможностей манипуляции сознанием человека с помощью новейших ИКТ. This article analyzes the philosophical problems, stipulated by use of new technologies of multimedia and virtual reality that transform the social reality, engaging the person in new forms of human existence and creating new challenges and socio-cultural anthropology risks. Particular attention is paid to the problems of adaptation of the person to the individual conditions of life in a new communicative space, the formation of clip-consciousness and analysis of expanding opportunities for manipulation of human consciousness with the help of advanced ICT.Публікація Антропологические измерения современной эпистемологии(ХНУ ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2015) Старикова, Г. Г.Статья посвящена проблеме антропологических составляющих процесса научного познания. Рассматриваются возможности применения социокультурного и лингвистического подходов к проблеме. Анализируется роль и место ценностей в научном познании, а также национально-культурная специфика научного знания и возможности ее исследования.