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Перегляд Кафедра соціальної інформатики (СІ) за темою "cruelty"
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Публікація До проблеми жорстокості щодо дітей в українських родинах(СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015) Головня, В. О.On the basis of statistical analysis it is determined that today attitude to children in the family includes not only respect for their legitimate rights, freedoms and interests, but also a clear understanding of the role of each member of society in preventing cases of cruelties against children, taking into account the importance of various factors of child development (biological, psychological, economic, social, etc.), establishing the liability of family and society to create conditions for harmonious and safe environment in which a child lives and develops. The author analyzes the concept of "child abuse in the family" and defines it as the behavior of parents, relatives (or persons in loco parentis) of a child, which is characterized by damage to physical, psychological, moral, spiritual and other health of the child, violation of rights, freedoms and interests, obstruction of comprehensive development, intentional (or unintentional) creation of a negative climate in the family, deprivation of a child of proper care, support and protection. The article also notes the main causes of problems in the society: unemployment or low material security of the family; alcoholism of one or both parents; loneliness or marriage that broke up; a small residential space, which increases tension; parents' frustration or anger in the life; physical or mental fatigue; immaturity of parents; selfishness of parents, their desire for entertainment; lack of attachment to the child; excessive demands; birth of the second child; a large number of children; an unwanted child (as an excuse to a marriage); a prematurely born child in marriage, which allows an occasion to quarrels and divorce; a child with physical and mental disabilities, whom they want to get rid of because of the condemnation of others. The author concludes that every cruel act or omission of an adult carries consequences for the children, which are usually heavy, both physically and psychologically, and are often fatal. The cruelty of parents to children is an interdisciplinary problem, and therefore requires further studies of socio-pedagogical features, characteristics and ways to overcome this problem.Публікація Медіація як засіб профілактики жорстокості серед учнів основної школи(2015) Головня, В. О.In the article the author focuses on a subject of the emotional relation of participants of pedagogical process to school and the existence of problems, connected with how conflicts appear in school environment. The work defines and describes characteristics of modern approaches to the organization of psychologically comfortable and safe educational space. The author focuses on the application of technology of mediation, as a technology of child abuse preventions a pedagogical process, which gives it a chance of practical resolving of difficult and conflict situations. The paper discusses and analyzes the traditional pedagogical approaches to conflicts resolution. The author describes one of the most effective innovative methods that can be used in modern Ukrainian schools – the method of school’s peer mediation. The author concludes that the question of pedagogical approaches to conflicts resolution remains open for further consideration. Traditional teaching methods that are nowadays used in schools, do not provide with the measures concerning direct work with the conflict situation. It follows that there is a need to study and implement innovative methods of conflict resolution into the school environment in the “age mate – age mate” system.Публікація Суть жорстокості і жорстокої поведінки як соціально-педагогічних категорій(ТОВ „Щедра садиба плюс”, 2015) Головня, В. О.Based on theoretical analysis of scientific literature in the article determinations of maintenance of concepts are analyzed "cruelty", "aggression", "violence" and "cruel behavior" from position of different scientific industries. An author is prove actuality and importance of research of the phenomenon of cruelty, as a socially-pedagogical problem. Identified differences in substance to the concepts of "cruel", "aggression", "violence". Based on the analysis, comparison and synthesis of theoretical and practical Збірник наукових праць «Педагогіка та психологія» . – Харків, 2015. – Вип. – No 48 184 experience in interpretation of these concepts is defined socio-pedagogical aspect of cruelty and clarified especially cruel behavior as social and educational categories . In a review socio-pedagogical aspects of a phenomenon of cruelty and cruel behavior are considered. The main determination to the concept "cruelty" and "cruel behavior". Theoretical approaches to understanding of cruelty and cruel behavior in foreign and domestic literature are considered. Many researchers part concepts of aggression as specific form of behavior and aggression as mental property of the personality. Aggression is treated as the process having specific function and the organization, aggression is considered as some structure which is a component of more difficult structure of mental properties of the person. In the article the aggression is defined as a personal characteristic, mental phenomenon is all live, as well as violence as a social phenomenon is the precondition of violence as a social phenomenon, inherent only person that depends on her and turns out as negative actions towards other sentient beings, who are hurting. The brutality is clearly traceable negativity phenomenon that can have different forms of manifestation in society. Also defined socio-pedagogical aspect of the stiffness that is been neglecting the interests of the individual, which can manifest itself in different kinds and forms, but the result is always causing serious damage to the health, development and socialization of personality, sometimes it is the threat of her life or even death.