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Перегляд Кафедра соціальної інформатики (СІ) за темою "adolescent"
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Публікація Кібербулінг як форма жорстокої поведінки сучасних учнів основної школи(2016) Головня, В. О.This article is dedicated to one of the most important problems of modern society – communication of adolescents by means of Internet and social networks. The development of infocommunication technologies has led to the transformation of the communication process that gave rise to the emergence of a new phenomenon in the pedagogy, psychology and social pedagogy of The article revealed that communication by means of social networks is a kind of surrogate communications. In this paper we consider the phenomenon of kiberbullinga which affects teenagers, their means of electronic technologies, including sending messages insulting and threatening, distribution network implausible derogatory information as well as photos and videos with theparticipation of the victim. It entails a breach of psychological health, physiological variations, changes in the social skills of a teenager. That thepreventive measures to prevent the occurrence ciberbullying are conversations with the children on the topic of liability for wrongful acts, explanations teenagers rules of conduct in society and the tragic consequences of their violation. The need to provide a system of preventive measures to address problems of ciberbulling iny the school environment. To establish a secure communication between children and young people in the online environment need not declarative and practical to consolidate the efforts of the state, social institutions, public law enforcement