Кафедра соціальної інформатики (СІ)
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Перегляд Кафедра соціальної інформатики (СІ) за темою "abuse"
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Публікація Суть жорстокості і жорстокої поведінки як соціально-педагогічних категорій(ТОВ „Щедра садиба плюс”, 2015) Головня, В. О.Based on theoretical analysis of scientific literature in the article determinations of maintenance of concepts are analyzed "cruelty", "aggression", "violence" and "cruel behavior" from position of different scientific industries. An author is prove actuality and importance of research of the phenomenon of cruelty, as a socially-pedagogical problem. Identified differences in substance to the concepts of "cruel", "aggression", "violence". In a review socio-pedagogical aspects of a phenomenon of cruelty and cruelbehavior are considered. The main determination to the concept "cruelty" and "cruelbehavior". Theoretical approaches to understanding of cruelty and cruel behavior inforeign and domestic literature are considered.