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Перегляд Кафедра інформатики (ІНФ) за темою "annealing"
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Публікація Synthesis of Alumina Fibre by Annealing Method Using Coir Fibre(SCIENCEDOMAIN international, 2016) Khan, A.; Mohammad, A.; Shirish, J.; Lyashenko, V.The present study reports the synthesis of coir fibre treated with alumina salt by using of the annealing method. In this study chemical treatment of coir fibre has been done using a nitro compounds at higher temperature. The composite formed after the chemical treatment and has been characterized by X-ray diffraction for the determination of peaks of composites, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and FTIR technique. The successful synthesis of alumina fibre has been confirmed that chemically treated fibre is not fully bonded but is in poor contact with the matrix. Chemically treated fibre could not adhere with the epoxy matrix and therefore interfacial bonding is poor.