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Публікація Использование тензорного метода при расчете ТКС, представленной узловой сетью(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Стрелковская, И. В.; Соловская, И. Н.The method of routing solving problem in telecommunications networks with the use of the tensor research model is suggested. With the specific reference the approach of a routing problem in the packet switching nodal network is illustrated.Публікація Возможности использования каналов низкого качества в многоконтурных системах с решающей обратной связью(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Логвиненко, Н. Ф.; Серков, О. А.Systems with decision feedback with two and three feedback loops are compared on the criterion of the average relative speed of data to compare. At the same time on the last loop-interference block (n,k)-the code is used in mode of the finding error. For a two-contour system on the ground, and for three-contour system on the first and second contour used corrective Hamming codes.Публікація Модель структурной самоорганизации многоканальной MESH-сети стандарта IEEE 802.11(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Лемешко, О. В.; Гоголева, М. А.The paper proposes a mathematical model of structural self-mesh-network standard IEEE 802.11. Using of the model will prevent the effect of "hidden station" and simultaneously solve the problems of allocating radio for mesh-stations and assigning to them non-overlapping channels.Публікація Диакоптическая тензорная модель ТКС в базисе путей и внутренних разрезов(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Евсеева, О. Ю.The diakoptical tensor model of telecommunication network in basis of path and interior cut sets is offered. Model is focused on the heterogeneous network and called to ensure scalability of the decisions, that are obtained with the model.Публікація Оценка качества сервиса в интегрированной технологии телекоммуникаций(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Тихонов, В. И.; Голубова, О. В.The quality criteria of network service based on the patented by the authors two-dimensional quality service scale are specified, in respect to the integrated telecommunication technology UA-ITT. The concrete physical parameters for the quality service degree are defined and calculated.Публікація Потоковая модель динамической балансировки очередей в MPLS-сети с поддержкой Traffic Engineering Queues(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Али С. Али; Симоненко, А. В.The article proposeі a flow-base model balancing queues at the nodes of MPLS-network. The novelty of the model is that it, in the contrast to the previously known models takes into account the features of the Traffic Engineering Queues technology, aimed at achieving a balanced buffer resource node load.Публікація Adaptive modulation of signals in MIMO channels(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Loshakov, V. A.; Vadia, Z.By using mathematical simulation it is carrying out analysis of advantages of using adaptable modulation of signals in MIMO channels of WiMAX systems.Публікація Перспективы электронного журнала «Проблемы телекоммуникаций»(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Поповський, В. В.In the opening remarks address there have been reflected the goal of creating of the electronic journal, its main goals and overall theme of the publications. Attention is paid to issues that are relevant to modern telecommunications and accentuated on the need of a systematic approach for solving scientific and practical problems in telecommunications.Публікація Анализ устойчивости и оптимизация ТСР-сеансов в мультисервисных ТКС(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Старкова, Е. В.The dynamic TCP-sessions model is proposed. The model is represented by a system of nonlinear differential equations. On the bifurcation theory basis the TCP-sessions stability conditions are obtained. A TCP-sessions optimization method for calculation of the TCP and RED-algorithm basic parameters is proposed.Публікація Предложения по построению перспективных сетей доступа на основе концепции платформы сверхширокополосной беспроводной технологии передачи данных(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Шостко, И. С.The article represents a suggestion to combine of the access functions to the user network and the information system "smart house” under one module called the Multiple Play RGW gateway. Wireless interfaces based on a technology of common UWB radio platform in uprated gateway a used to transmit voice, data and signals and to control various terminal equipment.Публікація Новый подход к оценке параметров хаотических сигналов, наблюдаемых на фоне шума, с использованием "нелинейной динамической статистики"(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Васюта, К. С.It is in-process shown, that, leaning against difference in absolute concepts in a phase space random, regular and random processes with independent significances, it is possible to solve a problem, using estimation of mapping parameters for observation of time series against a white noise BDS-statistics.Публікація Аналіз критеріїв оптимальності функціонування транспортних телекомунікаційних мереж(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Шебанова, Л. О.; Турупалов, В. В.In this article the reliability evaluation method based on vector synthesis for transport telecommunications networks is proposed. The methods with uncertainty or partial uncertainty conditions and fuzzy-possibilistic approach are used to resolve the uncertainties of multicriterion problem.Публікація Диференціально-ігрова модель шаблону нормальної поведінки WEB-серверу(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Грищук, Р. В.In this article differential-game model of the web server normal behavior template is developed for the first time. Developed model allows to take into account the dynamics of the attack progress on web server, that permits to discover the possibilities of guaranteed control of its level protection.Публікація Исследование пропускной способности МIМО-системы(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Коляденко, Ю. Ю.; Муслим, А. Д.The analysis of ability the MIMO systems bandwidth is conducted at the different amount of aerials on a transmission and reception. This analysis gives by possibility to provide the required ability of the MIMO systems bandwidth on the basis of optimum choice of amount of receiving and transmitter aerials.Публікація Метод проектирования телекоммуникационных систем с использованием потоковой модели для многослойного графа(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Агеев, Д. В.In the given article proposed a modern telecommunication systems design method with usage of author's multilayer graph mathematical model has been proposed. A flow model of telecommunication system has been analyzed for multilayer graph.Публікація Забезпечення якості надання послуг в мультисервісних мережах на основі розподілу запасу їх ресурсів(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Климаш, М. М.; Лаврів, О. А.; Бугиль, Б. А.This paper proposed a method of resource management for multiservice network. The packets processing algorithm was designed on the basis of stock method in this article. The method’s efficiency was investigated on the basis of statistical simulation model.Публікація Методика визначення оптимальної просторової структури багатопозиційної інформаційної системи за нелінійною схемою компромісів(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Писарчук, О. О.This paper introduces multicriteria mathematical model for determining the optimal spatial structure of multi-site information system. This model is based on a consideration of conflicting partial criteria in determining the optimal number of meters. The novelty of the model is to use the technology embedded parcel of nonlinear scheme of compromises.Публікація Математические модели случайных объектов в телекоммуникациях(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Поповский, В. В.In the given article analyzed two basic kinds of the stochastic models are analyzed. These models are used for solving problems in telecommunications. These are the models, based on probabilities of parameters of casual objects and model of these objects, describing conditions. It is confirmed, that the second approach is more exact, adequate and constructive, by virtue of a greater generality.Публікація Динамическая модель балансировки буферных и канальных ресурсов транспортной сети телекоммуникационной системы(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Лемешко, О. В.; Симоненко, Д. В.In this article we propose a dynamic model of balancing the buffer and channel resources of transport network (TN) is proposed this model is represented as a system of linear difference equations state TN.Публікація Результаты исследования модели управления трафиком с учётом задаваемых приоритетов для многопродуктового и многополюсного случаев(Проблеми телекомунікацій, 2010) Лемешко, О. В.; Добрышкин, Ю. Н.; Дробот, О. А.In the given article the results of research of flow-based traffic control model are represented due to which an agreed solution of routing problems and preventive limiting traffic entering the networks. Provided the impact of traffic prioritization, the type of objective function used in the threading model, the nature of the alleged denial of service is analyzed.