Перегляд за автором "Maksymova, S."
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Публікація 3D Robot Model Development(Technical science research in Uzbekistan, 2023) Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V.; Demska, N.Modeling robots, their design and movement is an urgent task. Such modeling allows us to anticipate and solve many problems that arise both during the physical creation of the robot and during its operation. This article proposes a three-dimensional modeling of the robot – the MP-999E hand. First, the process of modeling a gear wheel is discussed in detail, and then the modeling of the robot itself.Публікація A Program for Analyzing the Structure of a Web site Development Using the Parsing Method Based on the Python(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis article discusses the development of a program in Python to analyze the structure of a website using the parsing method. The work presents the developed algorithm for the program, describes the software and conducts experiments on web site parsing. The program's algorithm includes sending a GET request to a website, receiving and analyzing the HTML code of the page using the BeautifulSoup library. The find_all('a') method was used to analyze the website structure and extract link information. The obtained data was processed and displayed in a convenient format. It allows you to automate the process of analyzing the structure of a website, which can be useful for web developers, SEO specialists and web resource owners.Публікація A Robo-hand prototype design gripping device within the framework of sustainable development(Discovery Scientific Society, 2023) Al-Sharo Yasser; Abu-Jassar Amer; Lyashenko, V.; Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.In the modern world, the rate of science development is far ahead of the rate of latest research results implementation. For research results implementation, it is necessary to develop more and more new engineering solutions. Without them, all scientific developments will remain "on paper". At the first stage of making such solutions, it seems advisable to create prototypes for the systems that are under development. Such prototypes allow you to quickly make a working system with little effort and to test it for its performance, and to identify errors that need to be corrected. In the paper, the authors propose a robo-hand prototype design development. There was selected a necessary equipment and there were developed all the schemes required. In this work, an assembly of a gripping device prototype is presented.Публікація A Small-Scale Manipulation Robot a Laboratory Layout Development(2023) Yevsieiev, V. V. ; Starodubcev, N.; Maksymova, S.; Stetsenko, K.This article is devoted to the control system development for a mobile manipulation robot with a computer vision system. A feature of this study is the development of a decentralized control system based on microcontroller modules with the possibility of remote control using wireless networks. During the design, the authors developed a generalized block diagram of the manipulation robot and analyzed and selected hardware modules for imple-menting the control system. For the implementation of the laboratory layout of a mobile manipulation robot, the restrictions that are imposed on the control system were selected and justified. Based on these restrictions, it was proposed to use the following hardware modules: ESP32-Cam - for computer vision system implementation and ESP32 Devkitc v4 for motion control system implementation 2WD robotic platform and control system for the manipulator itself. Based on the selected hardware modules, a block diagram of the information interaction of the main modules of a mobile manipulation robot and an electrical circuit diagram are proposed, an experimental model of a small-sized manipulation robot is assembled to test the control system. A generalized control algorithm for a mobile manipulation robot has been developed based on the "client-server" architecture approach using "thin client" technologies, which makes it possible to use any mobile device that supports hardware connection to Wi-FI and any Web browserПублікація A Small-Sized Robot Prototype Development Using 3D Printing(FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BIALYSTOK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, 2023) Nevliudov, I.; Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Chala, O.The work presents the development of all parts of a mobile small-sized robot, except engines and electronics, using 3D printing technology. For control it is proposed to use ESP32-СAM, for which a place is provided in the design. This will allow the robot to broadcast a video stream via Wi-Fi.Публікація Active Contours Method Implementation for Objects Selection in the Mobile Robot’s Workspace(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Starodubtsev, N.; Amer Abu-JassarThis article is a study on the implementation of the active contours method using mathematical descriptions to identify objects in the work area of a mobile robot. The program, developed in Python in the PyCharm 2022.2.3 (Professional Edition) environment, is based on the principles of the active contour method, ensuring accurate selection of objects in images. Experiments conducted on matchbox contour extraction with the help of ESP32-Cam module confirm the effectiveness of the method in real-world conditions, demonstrating its potential for application in various fields of mobile robotics and computer vision.Публікація An Automatic Assembly SMT Production Line Operation Technological Process Simulation Model Development(International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2023-03-31) Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Starodubcev, N.This article describes an automatic assembly SMT production line operation technological process simulation model development within the framework of modern cyber-physical production systems. In the course of the research, the authors conduct an analysis of modern publications on the topic of research, and the need to find new approaches for modeling the work of a production line at the initial stages of design. This makes it possible to assess the load on each element of the system at the design stage, and identify disadvantages at the early stages of production planning. The authors give an example of the task solution for modeling a fragment of an automated production line of SMT assembly, based on the use of typical mathematical schemes of mass service systems (MSS). A description of the functioning of the technological link of the process is carried out, and a Q-diagram of the technological process of SMT assembly is developed. Using the simulation modeling language GPSS and the technological parameters of the selected equipment, a block diagram was developed, on the basis of which the program was written and the work of the SMT assembly production line was simulated. The obtained results further allow us to estimate the production capacity, the loading of each equipment, the functioning processes of both the selected fragment, and the developed model and they can be applied to the simulation of large production lines within the framework of PCB production.Публікація Analysis of Software Products for Simulation Modeling of the Operation of the System of Shuttles for Warehousing(2022) Nevludov, I.; Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Klymenko, O.; Vzhesnievskyi, M.In this paper, the analysis of simulation systems for the work of a warehouse of a chaotic storage method with a high density is carried out. The authors analyze warehouse operation modeling strategies within the framework of Warehouse 4.0 concepts, and also consider existing modeling systems. During the analysis, attention is paid to parameters, such as the energetic calculation of the shuttle system, which directly affects the throughput of the simulated warehouse.Публікація Analysis of Systems for Coordination of Enterprise Subsystems Control(2024) Chala, O.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehAny automated production, at the current stage, must have systems or control modules that serve to coordinate the subsystems of the entire enterprise. Control in this case occurs through the use of separate modules responsible for monitoring each individual subprocess. Software modules are being developed for such processes, which combine monitoring and operational regulation under the processes, which allows to one degree or another to reduce the risk of damage or failure of all production links. Thus, the creation of a computer-integrated management system for coordinating the functioning of the subsystems of the enterprise is an urgent and timely task. This paper analyzes the basics of building a production subsystem control system. Algorithms for the operation of such systems are also considered.Публікація Automated Monitoring and Visualization System in Production(2023) Lyashenko, V.; Abu-Jassar Amer Tahseen; Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.In the modern world cyber-physical production systems are increasingly used. They allow you to control the flow of the technological process in production in real time. But the use of such an approach is greatly complicated by the fact that the equipment of many enterprises is old and cannot support the necessary functions. This is primarily due to the lack of the necessary sensors, as well as the corresponding software. Since the complete replacement of production equipment is very expensive, the task is to create separate monitoring systems. They must be able to integrate into the necessary parts of the production process. And they should also be cheap. In this work, we propose to build a model of such a monitoring and visualization system. The main attention in the work is focused on the hardware implementation of the proposed system and the relationship of its individual elements.Публікація Automated Monitoring System Development(2022) Maksymova, S.; Bondariev, A.The relevance of the topic of monitoring and its impact on the production efficiency of the enterprise is given. Data transmission standards of both hardware and software parts of the system, as well as transmission over the Internet, were analyzed. An analysis of the impact of the lack of monitoring, as well as the situation of non-compliance with the operating conditions of the sensors, was carried out. Modern automated monitoring systems were considered and analyzed. The development prospects of the development of an automated monitoring system in production are described.Публікація Automated Monitoring System Development for Equipment Modernization(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2023) Bondariev, A.; Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V.This study examines a problem that arises from the incompatibility of two factors. The first is the desire to improve the enterprise in accordance with the concept of Industry 4.0. And the second is the lack of sufficient material resources due to the high cost of purchasing new equipment that will meet the requirements of Industry 4.0. In this article, to solve the problem of modernizing enterprise equipment, it is proposed to create a monitoring system. The development of the system architecture is considered. Hardware complex development on the Arduino platform is also given.Публікація Automatic Machine of Plastic Bottles and Aluminum Cans Collection for Recycling(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2023) Zharikova, I.; Nevliudov, I.; Maksymova, S.; Chala, O.Reduce, reuse, recycle is one of the key directions in the development of science and technology at this time. However, it is not enough to create opportunities for reusing PET containers. It is necessary to create mechanisms that will motivate people to collect and hand over such containers. In this article, we propose the creation of a reverse vending machine, which will issue a monetary reward to a person for handing over PET containers.Публікація Building a Route for a Mobile Robot Based on the BRRT and A*(H-BRRT) Algorithms for the Effective Development of Technological Innovations(SSRG, 2024) Amer Abu-Jassar; Hassan Al-Sukhni; Yasser Al-Sharo; Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V.; Lyashenko, V.The article examines the solution for the route constructing problem for a mobile robot using the BRRT (Biased Randomized Routing Table) and A*(H-BRRT) algorithms with the A*(A-star) optimizer. The use of such approaches allows to achieve the effective development of technological innovations based on mobile robots. A Python program was developed using the PhCham development environment to implement these algorithms. A study assessed the impact of changing basic parameters, such as the number of iterations and the movement step of the BRRT and A* algorithms, on the efficiency indicators of constructing a route for moving mobile robots. The study includes an analysis of execution time, length of the resulting route, route smoothness (number of turns), environmental complexity, overall route reliability and stability, and the ability to effectively deal with degenerate cases to develop technological innovation. The presented experimental results allow us to evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of the BRRT and A* algorithms for constructing optimal routes for a mobile robot in various environmental conditions. The obtained tracking results demonstrate the significant advantages of the developed H-BRRT algorithm for large maps with a size of 5000x5000 pixels compared to other algorithms developed for maps significantly smaller. The planning hour in the fragmented H-BRRT is extremely small, amounting to 0.000011 seconds, which significantly outweighs the effectiveness of other methods, where this indicator varies from 4.9 to 18.6 seconds. Wanting to expand, H-BRRT demonstrates the largest route – 24077.0 meters- determined by the map's scale and the advances to the route at great distances. Other methods, such as TG-BRRT and CW-TG-BRRT, show good results in terms of doubling down on small maps but sacrifice the calculation speed to the new H-BRRT.Публікація Building a traffic route taking into account obstacles based on the A-star algorithm using the python language(2024) Yevsieiev, V.; Amer Abu-Jassar; Maksymova, S.This paper explores the use of the A-Star algorithm to construct an optimal route for a mobile robot, taking into account obstacles using Python. The developed program allows you to generate a map with an arbitrary location of obstacles and automatically find the optimal path from the start to the end point, taking into account the complexity of the route. The paper presents the results of implementing the algorithm under various scenarios for the location of obstacles, which allows us to evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of the algorithm in various conditions. Experiments have shown that the A-Star algorithm provides fast and accurate route generation even in complex environments with many obstacles. The results of the study can be used to improve the autonomous navigation of mobile robots in real working conditions.Публікація Building robot voice control training methodology using artificial neural net(IAEME publication, 2017) Matarneh, R.; Maksymova, S.; Deineko, Z.; Lyashenko, V.The article describes using artificial neural net for speech recognition. This is necessary for the automation of construction work. We selected multi-layer perceptron for separate words recognition tasks. We researcheddifferent forms of hidden layer. And we made a conclusion that for voice commands analysis tasks solution it is expedient to use multi-layer perceptron with linearized functions (the best result was achieved using model with hidden layer with linearized hyperbolic tangent function). We use this experience to train robots in civil engineering.Публікація CAMShift Algorithm for Human Tracking in the Collaborative Robot Working Area(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Gurin, D.; Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Ahmad AlkhalailehThis article considers the complex implementation of the CAMShift algorithm for human tracking in the collaborative robot working area. he study covers both the algorithmic and mathematical underpinnings of CAMShift, detailing the underlying principles and mathematical models used to improve tracking accuracy. A Python program was developed in the PyCharm environment to effectively implement this algorithm, taking into account aspects such as real-time processing and integration with robotic systems. The research conducted a comprehensive assessment of the tracking speed, studied how effectively the algorithm works in different condition s and how it affects the overall sensitivity of the system. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAMShift algorithm in providing accurate and timely tracking, highlighting its suitability for dynamic and interactive environments. This work helps to optimize the performance of collaborative robots by improving tracking capabilities, enabling better interaction and safety in shared work areas.Публікація Choosing a Camera for 3D Mapping(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2023) Akopov, M.; Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V.This paper examines the problem of three-dimensional mapping of space. Creating 3D maps is an extremely urgent task. This is often done through mapping using a UAV. However, in order to create a technical map, it is necessary to select suitable sensors. This article provides an overview of sensors that can be used to create such maps. A pair of cameras has been selected, as well as a means of communication between them.Публікація Coin Counting Device Kinematic Diagram Development(Journal of Universal Science Research, 2024) Maksymova, S.; Yevsieiev, V. V.Coin counting machines not only speed up the coin counting process, but also increase the accuracy and efficiency of cash handling, which is a key factor for businesses and organizations that handle cash. In this article, the authors consider the requirements that must be taken into account when developing coin counting machines. The main components of a coin counter are also discussed. Development of a kinetic scheme of a coin feeder.Публікація Command recognition system research(2024) Basiuk, V.; Maksymova, S.; Chala, O.This article presents experimental studies of a previously developed command recognition system. The details of the proposed mobile robot are described in detail. The setup of two experiments is presented, as well as an analysis of the results obtained. The conclusions provide recommendations for improving the accuracy of command recognition.
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