Перегляд за автором "Kolesnyk, L."
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Публікація An algorithm for building a project team considering interpersonal relations of employees(2016) Imanhulova, Z.; Kolesnyk, L.; Імангулова, З. А.; Колесник, Л. В.The setting of the problem of building a project team considering interpersonal relations between the employees was formulated. To assess the optimality of the team, a criterion is proposed that characterizes the contribution of employees to group interaction. The algorithm of solution of the problem of building a project team by the criterion of the maximum total contribution of employees to group interaction was developed. Сформульовано постановку задачі формування команди проекту з урахуванням міжособистісних взаємин співробітників. Для оцінки оптимальності складу команди проекту запропоновано критерій, що характеризує внесок співробітників у групову взаємодію. Розроблено алгоритм розв'язання задачі відбору кандидатів у команду проекту за критерієм сумарного внеску співробітників у групову взаємодію.Публікація Determining preferences in recommender systems based on comparator identification technology(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Beskorovainyi, V.; Kolesnyk, L.; Alokhina, M.; Кosenko, V.The subject of research in the article is the process of ranking objects in the lists of recommender systems. The goal of the work is to increase the efficiency of recommender systems by improving the method of determining preferences between objects in lists using the theory of multi-criteria decision-making. The following tasks are solved in the article: review and analysis of the current state of the problem of identifying advantages between objects and their ranking in the lists of recommender systems; analysis of filtering methods used in recommendation systems; decomposition of the decision support problem for selection of objects; development of a combined method for ranking objects in the lists of recommender systems, combining the procedures for selecting a subset of Pareto-optimal objects, structural-parametric synthesis of a scalar multi-criteria estimation model, and evaluating the entire set of selected objects. The following methods are used: mathematical modeling, systems theory, utility theory, decision theory, optimization and operations research. Results. Based on the results of the analysis of the modern methodology for ranking objects in the lists of recommendation systems, the possibility of increasing their efficiency has been established. To take into account factors difficult to formalize, the knowledge and experience of users, it is proposed to implement the determination of preferences between objects using the theory of multi-criteria decision making. The problem of forming lists of recommendation systems is decomposed into the tasks of selecting a subset of Pareto-optimal objects, structural-parametric synthesis of a scalar multi-criteria estimation model, and evaluating a set of selected objects. A combined method for ranking options has been developed that combines the procedures of ordinalistic and cardinalistic ordering technologies and allows one to correctly reduce the subsets of objects included in the lists of recommendations. Conclusions. The developed method for determining preferences expands the methodological foundations for automating the development and operation of recommendation systems, other multi-criteria decision support systems, allows for the correct reduction of the set of non-dominated objects for the final choice, taking into account factors that are difficult to formalize, knowledge and user experience. The practical use of the obtained results due to more economical method of forming lists when adding new objects will allow to decrease the time and capacity complexity of the procedures for providing recommendations, and due to taking into account of set of weighted local indexes and allocation of set of non-dominated objects - to increase quality of given recommendations.Публікація Formalization of the problem of transport logistics optimization networks at the stage of reengineering(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Beskorovainyi, V.; Kolesnyk, L.; Yevstrat, D.The subject of research in the article is the process of supporting decision-making in the tasks of optimizing closed logistics networks at the stage of reengineering. The goal of the work is to improve the efficiency of technologies for the automated design of closed logistics networks due to the improvement of mathematical models of multi-criteria problems of reengineering their topological structures. The following tasks are solved in the article: review and analysis of the current state of the problem of supporting decision-making in the tasks of optimizing logistics networks at the stage of their reengineering; decomposition of the problem of optimization of logistics networks at the main stages of their life cycles; selection of a logical scheme of the reengineering process of the logistics network as a territorially distributed object; development of a mathematical model of the general problem of multi-criteria optimization of logistics networks according to indicators of economy, efficiency, reliability and survivability; selection of models for scalar multi-criteria evaluation of reengineering options, taking into account factors that are difficult to formalize, knowledge and experience of the decision-maker. The following methods are used: system approach, theories of systems, theories of usefulness, theories of decision-making, system design, optimization and operations research. Results. Decomposition of the reengineering problem was carried out on the following tasks: determination of the purpose of reengineering and the principles of network reconstruction; network structure optimization; optimization of the topology of network elements; selection of functioning technology; determination of parameters of elements and vehicles; assessment and selection of the best network construction option. The general mathematical model of the multi-criteria task of reengineering the topological structures of centralized three-level logistics networks based on the indicators of costs, cargo delivery time, reliability and survivability has been improved. Universal functions of general utility and utility of local criteria are proposed to obtain scalar estimates for multiple indicators. Exclusion of part of local criteria and restrictions from the general model allows obtaining models of practically all interesting problems of optimization of logistics networks. Conclusions. The developed complex of mathematical models expands the methodological principles of automating the processes of designing logistics networks, allows for the correct reduction of a set of effective options for their construction for the final choice, taking into account factors that are difficult to formalize, the knowledge and experience of designers. The practical use of the proposed complex of mathematical models will reduce the time and capacity complexity of project decision-making support technologies, and due to the use of the proposed options selection procedures, increase their quality based on a number of functional and cost indicators.Публікація Interval model of multi-criterion task of reengineering physical structures of distributed databases(2021) Beskorovainyi, V.; Kolesnyk, L.An interval mathematical model of a multicriteria task of reengineering physical structures of distributed databases is proposed. The model is built on the basis of the Kolmogorov-Gabor polynomial and the universal utility function of partial criteria. It provides an assessment of options for interval values of cost indicators, access time and network traffic. The use of the universal function of general utility makes it possible to more accurately take into account the preferences of the decision-maker. The use of a rational S-like utility function of partial criteria allows to reduce the time complexity of the procedures for calculating estimates. Practical application of the proposed model will improve the efficiency of automated design technologies for distributed databasesПублікація Mathematical Model of Finding the Point Values of Decision Maker Preferences(2017) Kolesnyk, L.; Kolesnyk, O.; Vivdenko, S.The present report aims to develop a mathematical model of parametric identification of additive multi-factor evaluation models and to develop a method of choosing a solution for interval model parameterization. The model is based on the theory of interval mathematics and the model of comparator identification.Публікація Mathematical models for determining the pareto front for building technological processes options under the conditions of interval presentation of local criteria(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Beskorovainyi, V.; Kolesnyk, L.; Dr. Chinwi MgbereThe subject of research in the article is decision-making support processes in the tasks of optimizing technological processes (TP) at the stages of their design or reengineering. The goal of the work is to improve the efficiency of technologies of automated design of TP due to the development of mathematical models of the tasks of selecting subsets of effective design solutions with intervally specified characteristics of options. The following tasks have been solved in the article: review and analysis of the current state of the problem of supporting decision-making in the tasks of optimization of TP at the stages of their design or reengineering; decomposition of the problem of making project decisions; formalization of the task of comparing intervals for selection of Pareto fronts using comparison indices based on the generalized Hukuhari difference; development of a mathematical model of the problem for the method based on Carlin's lemma; development of a mathematical model of the problem for the method based on Hermeyer's theorem; determination of the Pareto front in the task of optimization of TP by the method of pairwise comparisons. The following methods were used: system approach, theories of systems, theories of usefulness, theories of decision-making, system design, optimization and operations research. Results. The place and connections of the problem of determining the Pareto front in the problem of making project decisions are determined. A formalized interval comparison procedure for the selection of Pareto fronts using Hukuhari total difference comparison indices. Mathematical models of the problem of selection of Pareto fronts using methods based on Carlin's lemma and Hermeyer's theorem have been developed for the case of interval publication with the value of local criteria. An example of the formation of the Pareto front in the problem of optimization of the technological process by the method of pairwise comparison according to the indicators of the duration of the technological cycle, reliability and specified costs is given. Conclusions. The proposed mathematical models expand the methodological bases of the automation of TP design processes. They make it possible to correctly reduce the set of alternative options for construction of TP for the final choice, taking into account the knowledge, experience of designers and factors that are difficult to formalize. The practical use of mathematical models will allow to increase the degree of automation of design or control processes, to reduce the time of decision-making in conditions of incomplete certainty of input data and to guarantee their quality by selecting them only from a subset of effective ones.