Перегляд за автором "Gurieva, N."
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Публікація Audiovisual production and creativity(ХНУРЕ, 2017) Gurieva, N.; López María Fernanda Preciado, María Fernanda PreciadoThe aim of the following investigation is to respond to the needs of innovat ion and experimentation, using new forms of construction and transmission of audiovisual information – using creativity. These needs are especially true at a time when technological development is setting new trends, consumer habits, involves into relations with media and the Internet.Публікація Chlorophyll printing as an art practice(ТОВ «Друкарня Мадрид», 2024) Orlando Torres Canela; Gurieva, N.Chlorophyll printing, as an alternative photographic process, has emerged as a captivating avenue within contemporary art, offering artists a unique way to engage with nature, explore sustainability, and challenge conventional notions of photography. In a world increasingly concerned with environmental degradation and the impact of human activity on the planet, this organic technique resonates deeply with themes of eco-consciousness and the interconnectedness of all living beings.Публікація Content First Design(ХНУРЭ, 2016) Gurieva, N.; Garza, C.In the world of interactive technologies, which includes apps, videogames, smart TVs, websites with dynamic content, among others, there is a tendency to forget that the reason we visit a site, or play a videogame or watch a video online is because of its content. Human beings learn, since primordial times, through conversations with their peers. The process of a conversation its a constant feedback from both parties involved in the process.Публікація Creation of illustrated scenarios with the matte painting technique: syncretic exploration of the day of the dead and cyberpunk(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Gerardo Pantoja López; Gurieva, N.Syncretism is an aesthetic category in which thoughts, forms and techniques coexist indiscriminately, generating a mixture that seeks the way that two or more ideas operate in the same context, any element either cultural, behavioral or production, coexist with components that were originally contrasting with each other, even incompatible but that come to coexist according to the needs of the artist in the production of his works, using for its execution in its ideological, philosophical and technical support.Публікація Cultural heritage of mexica by means of photographic project: after death(ТОВ «Друкарня Мадрид», 2024) Maria Fernanda Paredes Amador; Gurieva, N.The Mexica, also known as the Aztecs, are indeed a significant part of Mexican identity and history. Although they are often used synonymously, the Aztecs and the Mexica were not the same people: the former were the inhabitants of the mythical Aztlán; the latter, a group that separated from them.Публікація Desafíos éticos y creativos de la inteligencia artificial en el arte(2024) Cecilia Alondra Pérez Aguilera; Gurieva, N.La inteligencia artificial generativa ha abierto debates en torno a su capacidad para mejorar las creaciones humanas, influir en la percepción de las obras durante su creación y cambiar la forma en que el público consume conteni-do audiovisual. Las IA han sido tan mencionadas que algunas personas las consideran como entidades completamente formadas, capaces de llevar a cabo complejas reflexiones que abren nuevos panoramas de investigación. Este reconocimiento se debe en parte a la familiaridad que han ido ganando con los usuarios, impresionándolos con su capacidad y generando confianza en sus habilidades.Публікація Emerging technologies for the educational process: the use of artificial intelligence in digital art projects(ТОВ «Друкарня Мадрид», 2024) Gurieva, N.The integration of artificial intelligence in digital art offers innovative opportunities in the educational process. Using machine learning algorithms, interactive tools can be created to explore creativity, facilitating the teaching of artistic techniques, and encouraging experimentation in a virtually unlimited environment. The work is dedicated to current issues regarding the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the educational process. Currently, the technologies underlying artificial intelligence are beginning to play an increasingly prominent role in the current process of digital transformation of education, especially in the field of art and design. The use of artificial intelligence technologies is driving an unprecedented expansion of educational opportunities, including intelligent learning systems and chatbots, automatic assessment mechanisms, personalized educational materials, analytical educational technologies, consulting systems, games, and virtual reality technologies.Публікація Interactive installation of 3D zoetrope(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Ruiz, Maria Fernanda Hurtado; Gurieva, N.The sense of sight is one of the most important, because thanks to it we can perceive absolutely our surroundings and save everything we see as mental images. It is normal to trust what our eyes perceive, but sometimes we may be victims of numerous effects of optical illusions. In this work, we are going to focus on an effect that emits a series of flashes, that is used in the production of cartoons and that plays with the phases of movement in objects or characters, this is the stroboscopic effect [1-3]. The project consists of the design and creation of a 3D Zoetrope on a rotating platform, as well as the development and programming of a stroboscope in Arduino that will allow us to demonstrate this effect in its maximum splendor.Публікація Mexican Pink: Color Identity fop A Nation(ХНУРЭ, 2016) Mukhopadhyay, T. P.; Gurieva, N.; Fernanda, P. L. M.Mexican people are renown ed all over the world for their spontaneousness and charismatic culture, which also give them their charming and vivacious identity as individuals: the color rosa Mexicano or Mexican Pink forms a part of that cultural identity. We are investigating the origin of this color and would like to prove that the term indeed represents a color that has long been embedded in indigenous traditions and later Mestizo manifests, although it appears that this color did not have a name in Spanish before the last century.Публікація New Possibilities of Naprative Expression(ХНУРЭ, 2016) Gurieva, N.; Gómez, J.; Juárez, J.; Normandía, G.; Avila, C.The following study highlights the evolution of technologies in a digital cinema and audiovisual communication. The aim of this study is to investigate how the advance of technology has enabled new forms of audiovisual expression. All innovations and changes require a permanent critical reflection in order to contribute to their proper use. The emergence of the Internet and the progressive variety of screens revolutionize the interaction language between technological devices, creating new types of audience in the consumption of films, television and audiovisual products in general.Публікація Reconnection: visualization of mexican mysticism in the era of globalization(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Díaz, Jessica Ortega; Gurieva, N.Magical thinking for ancient societies was the main axis on which everything revolved, the one that gave the answers to natural, human and ethical phenomena. In order to visualize these responses and bring it to a more earthly plane, it was endowed with corporeity, a being was created in which reality and fiction were united, assigning to this entity the responsibility of some event that was not fully understood, be it something as simple as rain or something deeper like death or life itself. No culture is exempt from having myths and legends that characterize and mark its society and, probably, these remain to this day in its collective imagination.Публікація Ruins of the present through contemporary photography(ТОВ «Друкарня Мадрид», 2024) Gurieva, N.; Cecilia Alondra Perez AguileraThe past, like the future, is not a time before and after in relation to the present, but simply projections of the present, carried out in accordance with special rules. When it is possible to extend the concept of ruins to objects of the modern era, the distance between the past and the present is destroyed, the very structure of time crumbles.Публікація Visual saturation: analysis of advertising in social networks(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Gutiérrez, Venus Maribel Gutiérrez; Gurieva, N.We are so saturated with visual information that now it’s a challenge for designers and artists to find a balance between amount of the information and complexity of the message that is transmitted through advertising. Social media advertising are advertisements served to users on social media platforms. Social networks utilize user information to serve highly relevant advertisements based on interactions within a specific platform, but at the same time, because of the low quality of such advertising, users are getting oversaturated with this information that becomes unpleasant and generates user “blindness”.Публікація Visual speech in media: case of manipulation(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Gabriela Noemi Garcia Tamayo; Gurieva, N.The aim of the following investigation is to show how visual discourse can be exploited in digital communication. Especially how visual communication can be taken advantage of when practicing soft power and creating an appealing or dramatic image of the event described in the news. The image is equal to or more powerful than a striking headline and at a perceptual level, that’s why the image can abbreviate extensive content and encrypt the news itself.