Перегляд за автором "Chumakov, V. I."
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Публікація A New Technology of Bactericidal Processing of Koch’s Bacillus on the Basis of Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation(2018) Chumakov, V. I.; Taranchuk, A.; Stetsiuk, V.; Stetsiuk, V.Abstract— The technology of bactericidal and sterilizing processing of Koch’s Bacillus on the basis of pulsed electromagnetic ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been proposed. This technology is based on the pulse method of bactericidal processing of objects with low-temperature plasma using pulse sterilizer developed by the authors. The mathematical model of generating broadband pulsed radiation by the source of powerful optical radiation, based on the technique of charged particles accelerator, has been developed. The structure of the electromagnetic radiation source of the high-intensity optical range has been presented. The research of the bactericidal effect of pulsed UV radiation on Koch’s bacillus has been conducted.Публікація Bionical complexation magnetic explosion generator(2010) Chumakov, V. I.; Koniakhin, H.; Stoliarchuk, O.; Zviahinzev, O.A biconical complexation magnetic explosion generator relates to conversion of explosive material chemical energy to electromagnetic energy with realization of a process of energy magnetic cumulation and may be used for development of power sources for powerful relativistic devices, in solid state science, in atomic physics ets.Публікація Degradations of semicondactor devices under pulsed heat overloading(2000) Chumakov, V. I.The linear heat model of degradations of semiconductor devices under pulsed electric overloading has been constructed. Expressions for temporal depende ncies of the temperature under different forms of pulse of current are obtainedПублікація Design of radiation of elektron-beams antenna(2010) Lonin, Yu. F.; Stolуrchuk, A.V.; Zvyagintsen, A. Yu.; Chumakov, V. I.; Ponоmarev, A. G.Theoretical and experimental studies indicate the possib ility of generating pulses with a relatively wide range, due to excitation of high-current electron beam antennas (EBA). Experimentally investigated isolated rod and heli- cal antennas. The possibility of UWB radiation with high intensity of the far field. The results of modeling a conical spiral EPA excited her pulse currents of various formsПублікація Device for removel of products of gas liberation from surface of aircraft(25.01.2010, bul. № 2, 2010) Chumakov, V. I.; Koniakhin, H. F.; Vereschahin, V.; Herasymchuk, K.A device for removal of gas liberation products from surface of aircraft in which additionally generator of charged particles is installed, this is arranged as hollow metal cylinder in one of the ends of which radioactive isotope, and in the other end connected to environment an attenuator is installed, as movable cover, this is mechanically connected to electric motor that is connected by means of multi-position switch on relay to source of electric power. The multi-position switch-on relay is connected to the system for control of aircraft motion. The body of the empty hollow cylinder is conductively coupled with the body of the aircraft, and a source of beta radiation, for instance strontium-90 is used as radioactive isotope.Публікація Electrical Exploding Wires as the Source of Nanoparticles(Sciencepublishinggroup, American Journal of Nanosciences, 2016) Chumakov, V. I.; Stolarchuk, O.; Ostrizhnoi, M.The results of experimental investigations of metal nanoparticles produce on the basis of the electric al exploding conductors effect for medical using are presented. Experimental equipment is designed. Analysis of cop per nanoparticles biological activity was was carried out. Simplified model for calculating the current integral is show nПублікація Estimation of characteristics of radiation of the powerful pulse broadband optical source(2008) Lonin, Yu. F.; Chumakov, V. I.; Ostrzhnoy, M. А.; Pososhenko, V. А.; Zarudniy, А. А.; Kоchina, М. L.; Volkolupov, Yu.Ya.; Sorokina, N. V.; Zvyagintsen, A. Yu.; Neezhmakov, К. Р.Results of investigation of character istics of the pulse power optical em itter based on magnetoplasmatic compressor are given. Dependence of an energy flux density of radiation on the energy put in the discharge, in approach a Planck radiation law is shown.Публікація Experimental investigation of pulse sterilization of viral infection(bioRxiv, 2020) Chumakov, V. I.; Ostryzhnyi, M.; Kharchenko, O.; Naumenko, K.; Zagorodnya, S.; Muraveinyk, V.; Tarasevich, A.The results of experimental investigations of the effect of high-intensity pulsed UV radiation on the influenza virus type A (H1N1) are presented. The research methodology is developed and the structure of the experiments is described. An end-face plasma accelerator was used as a radiation source, which provides a power pulsed discharge in an open atmosphere. The high efficiency of inactivation of the infectiousness of the virus was shown within a short period of time. The possibility of providing urgent 100% sterilization of a viral infection has been shown for the first time. A model for calculating the efficiency of pulse sterilization has been developed. The prospects for the application of pulse sterilization technology to combat coronavirus infection are considered.Публікація Explosion Magnetic Generator(2010) Chumakov, V. I.; Stoliarchuk, O. V.; Koniakhin, H. F.Комплексований вибухомагнітний генератор, що містить коаксіальний провідник із зовнішньою спіральною котушкою, вибухову речовину, детонатор, який встановлено на вибуховій речовині, зовнішнє джерело, навантаження й штир, який відрізняється тим, що він додатково оснащений другим співвісно встановленим коаксіальним провідником меншого діаметра, усередині якого розміщена спіральна котушка, причому вибухова речовина розташована в проміжку між коаксіально встановленими провідниками, зовнішня спіральна котушка виконана конічною зі зменшенням діаметра витків у бік тороїдального навантаження, а штирі закріплені у протилежних до навантаження торцях коаксіальних провідників.Публікація Flat-spiral Complex Magnetic Explosion Generator(2012) Chumakov, V. I.; Koniakhin, H. F.; Stoliarchuk, O. V.Пласкоспіральний комплексований вибухомагнітпий генератор, що містить лайнери, заповнені вибуховою речовиною, котушки, електродетонатори, установлені в зовнішніх кінцях вибухової речовини, який відрізняється тим, що пласкі котушки розташовані по обидві сторони U-подібних провідникових лайнерів, всі провідникові лайнери із парами прилежних з обох боків, пласких котушок з'єднані по черзі послідовно в електричний контур, до затисків якого підключається зовнішнє джерело живлення, і розміщені по радіусах окружності, причому провідниковій лайнер і пара прилежних пласких котушок утворюють окремий комплексований вибухомагнітний генератор, кількість яких становить парне число більше двох.Публікація Genertion UWB signal at energization of a helical antenna hige-current reb(2006) Chumakov, V. I.; Balakirev, V. A.; Gorban, A. M.; Egorov, A. M.; Kantemirov, A. V.; Lonin, Yu. F.In operation the possibility of generation of UWB signal was researched at excitement of a helical antenna by a high-current relativistic bundle of nanosecond duration. The experiments were conducted on a high-current relativistic accelerator REB "Темр-А" with parameters: Eb ~ 0,5 .1,0 МeV, Ib ~ 5 -10 кА, duration of a ~15nс., at the value of a leading edge ~ 1...2 nс. The calculation data of a helical antenna and parameters of a generated UWB signal are reducedПублікація Hige-current managed switch(2010) Chumakov, V. I.; Stoliarchuk, O.; Koniakhin, H. F.; Ostryzhnyi, M.A high-current switch comprises two main electrodes, an auxiliary control electrode. In one of main electrodes along the central axis thereof a plasma gun is made as an empty through cylindrical camera, inside of which a cylindrical auxiliary control electrode is installed, isolated by an insulator from body of the main electrode. A butt-end of the empty through cylindrical camera which is connected to a charge gap between two electrodes is made as a cone having opening angle in the limits of 30° > j >0°. The main electrode and a cylindrical auxiliary control electrode installed in it are connected via a voltage source.Публікація Metal Nanoparticle Producing Ased on Electro-physical Methods(GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, 2016) Chumakov, V. I.; Kharchenko, O.Публікація On analysis of the elektromagnetic resistance of radioelektronic devices under impulse radiation(NSC KhIPT, 2018) Lonin, Yu. F.; Ponomaryov, A. G.; Chumakov, V. I.The results of investigations on degradation effects in the radioelectronics circuit ryunder the influence of the high-intensity pulse radiation are given. Analysis of the mechanism of degradation because of hortening the radio pulse radiation wave length has been carried out .When the wavelength of the object, exposed to the radiation of a centimeter range, exceeds the characteristic size of structural elements, the degradation mechanism is conditioned by the quasi-static effects on the object structureinhomogeneities . The degradation effects manifest themselves in a c-cordance with the concept of a "weak link" and localization damage model . In the case of wavelength shortening, when the characteristic size of the objectstructure elementbecomes commensurable with the wavelength, the resonance effectaction is more and more increasing. The degradation redistribution occurs according to the field intensity distribution in the resonantregions. The problem of electromagnetic resistance lowering, under conditions of the tendency towards the radio electronics circuitry microminiaturization, is discussed.Публікація Operator method analysis of pulse-forming lines and screening(2018) Chumakov, V. I.; Kharchenko, O. I.In this paper the results of the operator method application to the analysis of processes in the pulse- forming lines and the process of the electromagnetic field screening are presented. The model is considered as a system of Laplace transformed telegrapher’s equations and examples of its solution by the Fourier method and the method of traveling waves (d'Alembert method) are given. Wide perspectives the operator method has for solving problems of analysis of transient in linear devices and systems. The advantages of the operator method are shown, which makes it possible to simplify the analysis. It is shown also that the initial conditions of the problem are taken into account automatically. Examples of the solution of the charging problem of the forming line from the DC voltage source are considered and a comparative analysis of the results obtained by both methods is carried out. It is shown that the solution by the Fourier method allows obtaining an expression for the voltage in the line in the form of a spectral function and may be used at the frequency domain analysis. It was thus obtained that, when the line is charged, the expansion of the function in a series contains only odd harmonics. The solution is given by the d'Alembert method in the form of traveling waves. This result may be used for the time domain analysis. The overlapping of traveling waves leads to overvoltage in the line and the possibility of breakdown of dielectrics between the busducts. An example is given of calculating the screening gate, in which the action of the screen is simulated using a line with distributed parameters Distribution of electric fields is considered. Lattice diagram of the waves is shown to allow explaining process of forming interference pattern in media around the screen and into the screenПублікація Project of designing in khture high-energy plasma accelerator(2001) Volkolupov, Yu.Ya.; Krasnogolovets, M. A.; Ostriszhnoy, M. A.; Chumakov, V. I.The plasma sources of electromagnetic radiation possess the high electrical indexes (exponent) of efficiency. It’s well known that the radiation power, density and temperature of plasma in such sources depend on the power put in(inserted in, into) a discharge and therefore on a discharge current [1-5]. Space distribution of the temperature research in the field of discharge allow to optimize parameters of power-plant and construction of radiator for maximum (the highest possible) radiation efficiency obtaining.Публікація Pulse UV Sterilization of Viral Infection(Enliven, 2021) Chumakov, V. I.; Ostryzhnyi, M.; Kharchenko, O.; Naumenko, K.; Zagorodnya, S.; Muraveinyk, V.; Tarasevich, A.The results of experimental investigations of the effect of high-intensity pulsed UV radiation on the influenza virus type A (H1N1) are presented. The research methodology is developed and the structure of the experiments is described. An end-face plasma accelerator was used as a radiation source, which provides a power pulsed discharge in an open atmosphere. The high efficiency of inactivation of the infectiousness of the virus was shown within a short period of time. The possibility of providing urgent 100% sterilization of a viral infection has been shown for the first time. A model for calculating the efficiency of pulse sterilization has been developed. The prospects for the application of pulse sterilization technology to combat coronavirus infection are consideredПублікація Simulation and Comparative Analysis of Electrodynamic Railguns for Large Masses Acceleration: Railguns Without Biasing System(Sciencepublishinggroup. American Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017) Chumakov, V. I.; Stolarchuk, O.This paper is the first part of a series of articles devoted to the researching of the principles designing of the railguns to accelerate the macrobodies. Here the results of comparative analysis of the electrodynamic railgun with increased traction for the acceleration of the large mass bodies are shown. Design of accelerators with multi-blade rotor and coaxial accelerator are illustrated and discussed.Публікація Simulation of regimes in the pulse -forming lines by operator method(ННЦ ХФТИ, 2018) Chumakov, V. I.; Lonin, Yu. F.; Kharchenko, O. I.Публікація Simulation of the thermal mechanizm in semiconductors under action of pulsed electromagnetic field(2004) Chumakov, V. I.; Slipchenko, N. I.; Stolarhuk, A. V.; Egorov, A. M.; Lonin, Yu. F.The paper presents a model taking into account the time character of heat localization and distribution in semiconductor devices unlike the classical Wunsch-Bell linear model describing the thermal mechanism of EM-radiation action on REA. The classification of action levels is given. The nonlinear model permitting to determine the time boundary of heat propagation in the semiconductor device is presented. In the time range t>tcr a uniform volumetric heating of the object takes place, and for t