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Публікація Configurable Cell Segmentation Solution Using Hough Circles Transform and Watershed Algorithm(2019) Hramm, O.; Bilous, N.; Ahekian, I.There are many methods for obtaining microscopic images, they can be obtained for different types of cells in different environments, which makes it impossible to create universal recognition algorithms. Therefore, for each specific task, it is necessary to implement a separate algorithm that will be effective for the existing set of images, and take into account the peculiarities of these images. The task of this work is the development of a flexible and customizable algorithm that can be configured to segment cells on different types of images. As a result, a solution was developed that has many customizable parameters to optimize the result for a specific data set. Also, this it is resistant to a lot of noise and artifacts that can occur on images, such as uneven background, small debris, loss of focus when shooting.Публікація Fast ray tracing algorithm for cloud slice visualization(ITHEA, 2010) Bilous, N.; Ostroushko, A.; Shergin, V.The three-dimensional computer graphic is widely used today in visualization systems of scientific researches, a computer tomography, producing of computer games, TV, animation, advertise manufacture etc. Especially high requirements are shown to realness of formed images. One of the most perspective methods is ray tracing. Fast ray tracing algorithm is proposed. This algorithm allows forming images of cloud slice according to the model described in [Ostroushko, 2010]. Using projecting ray’s classification allows excluding rays which has not crossings with cloud. Due to low memory requirements for storage of the cloud model and intermediate data fast ray tracing algorithm can be implemented on the GPU-based systems.Публікація Improving of recognition accuracy of ecg-signal in varios disorders of heart and optimization of treatment by drugs(ITHEA, 2009) Bilous, N.; Visotskaja, E.; Kozina, O.; Porvan, A.; Kobzar, G.; Krasov, A.Application of ECG scale-space representation and its derivatives for clarification of point positions on results of wavelet detector for increase of boundary points determination accuracy in the automatic mode at higher rapidness while providing maximal reliability of recognition of ECG elements is offered. In addition, possibility of scale-space representation application is investigated for the selection of cardiac cycles for averaging signal. A new method of optimal drug selection is also proposed that reduces recipe space more than doubled taking into account required for treatment of patient symptoms pharmacological actions of drugs. Using the obtained function as function of goal for deterministic parametric model of optimal selection of multi-direction activity drugs allows adequately and systematically complete process of selecting of effective treatment of all symptoms of patient..Публікація Intelligent Data Processing in Global Monitoring for Environment and Security(ITHEA, 2011) Bilous, N.; Bondarenko, M.; Borisenko, V.; Bugriy, A.; Ostroushko, A.; Kobzar, G.; Makivsky, D.The chapter is devoted one of possible approaches to automation in the field of the risk management, based on data processing of remote space monitoring of the spatially-distributed natural and technogenic objects for timely detection maintenance, diagnostics and the development predicate of the dangerous phenomena and emergencies. For acquisition of a digital image set for Earth's surface it is offered to use shooting from space satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles. We propose to eliminate a disadvantage inherent in standard unmanned aerial vehicles management schemes which are associated with a limited range of management through the use of digital imaging systems included in the control loop. The visualization system synthesizes a three-dimensional image of cockpit-exterior space on the basis of the unmanned aerial vehicles position and terrain. The set of mathematical methods and stage-by-stage procedures of computer processing of the space images are offered, allowing to make a preliminary filtration, to estimate them information compatibility, to carry out qualitative recognition, fixing and tracing of artificial objects. The considered integrated automation means complex provides necessary reliability and quality of achieved results, and also differs high speed that allows to use it and for the analysis of situations in real time.Публікація Lifelong education conception using computer testing(УАДО ХНУРЕ, 2004) Bilous, N.; Vojtovich, I.В приведенной статье описывается концепция, основанная на проведении компьютерного тестирования, предлагается трехуровневая модель контроля знаний. Также приведена классификация форм тестовых заданий. Предлагается своя система оценивания знаний тестируемых. В данной статье приводится методика вычисления оптимальной длинны теста, так чтобы задания охватывали либо все вопросы рассматриваемого раздела, либо все вопросы изучаемой дисциплины, либо комплекса дисциплин.Публікація Mathematical model of the cloud for ray tracing(ITHEA, 2010) Bilous, N.; Ostroushko, A.; Bugriy, A.; Chagovets, Ya.The three-dimensional computer graphics claimed today in many fields of the person activity: producing of computer games, TV, animation, advertise production, visualization systems of out-of-cockpit environment for transport simulators, CAD systems, scientific visualization, computer tomography etc. Especially high are requirements for realism of generated images. Realism rising leads to image detail increasing, necessity of shadows and light sources processing, the account of an environment transparency, generation of various special effects. Therefore in the field of a computer graphics researches are intensively conducted for the purpose of development of as much as possible effective models for three-dimensional scenes and fast methods of realistic image synthesis on their basis. One of the most promising methods is a ray tracing. The method provides possibility of synthesis of high realistic images; however it demands the large computational cost for the realization. The cloud synthesis model for a ray tracing is described. The model is directed to a real time graphics and allows raising realism of the synthesized image. Advantages of proposed model are the ability of working with cloud on different levels of detail, availability of bounding surfaces inside of cloud structure that allows to increase efficiency of an image synthesis algorithm, ease of cloud animation. Due to the great flexibility of a cloud model and high performance of its visualization algorithm these results can be used in real time visualization systems.Публікація Normal ECG recognition for express-diagnostics based on scale-space representation and dynamic matching(ITHEA, 2008) Bilous, N.; Bondarenko, M.; Krasov, A.; Kobzar, G.; Rogozyanov, A.A novel approach of normal ECG recognition based on scale-space signal representation is proposed. The approach utilizes curvature scale-space signal representation used to match visual objects shapes previously and dynamic programming algorithm for matching CSS representations of ECG signals. Extraction and matching processes are fast and experimental results show that the approach is quite robust for preliminary normal ECG recognition.Публікація Synthesis of structured models of computer systems in medical diagnosis(ITHEA, 2009) Bilous, N.; Povoroznyuk, А.; Kozina, O.Method for structural identification of objects of diagnosis in design of computer systems to support decision-making in medicine at all stages of information transfer is developed. This takes into account not only the structural and functional bases, but also the uncertainty of the model parameters.Публікація Wavelet transform in investigations of students educability dependently on degree of grafical skills automation of writing process(ITHEA, 2010) Bilous, N.; Kozina, O.; Zapolovskij, M.; Panchenko, V.Application of 2-level 2-D Haar Discrete Wavelet Transform of images with special words repeated by hand is offered. Metric of similarity for images with pattern words and images with students' written words like analog of proposed patterns is considered. A new approach to objective assessment of educability like dependence on level of graphic skills of process of writing is offered. Experiment is revealed the presence of statistic significant correlation between average score in special academic subjects group or in other words between special educability and level of graphic writing skills automation for high school students.