Кафедра українознавства
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Перегляд Кафедра українознавства за автором "Балагура, В. О."
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Публікація Фольклор як різновид української народної творчості(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Балагура, В. О.This work examines the peculiarities of folklore as a form of folk creativity that reflects the spiritual face of the people, its national character and work. Folklore is a collective phenomenon, anonymous and conveys the aspirations and views of the broad masses of the people. In folklore, the enemies of the people are negatively portrayed, and the best human traits are praised. This approach makes it possible to better understand the cultural heritage of the people and its history. Various genres of folklore are fully represented in the folk art, including poems, ballads, songs, fairy tales, proverbs, etc. This indicates the importance of folklore as a national cultural heritage.