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Перегляд Кафедра природознавчих наук (ПрН) за автором "Баркова, І. М."
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Публікація Проблеми збалансованого харчування сучасної людини(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Баркова, І. М.; Сабахья ІманThis work is devoted to modern concepts of a healthy lifestyle, in particular, the problems of balanced nutrition. The urgency of the nutrition problem is associated with the fact that many nutritional disorders have an adverse effect on the human body, increasing the risk of developing major socially significant diseasesПублікація Проблеми збалансованого харчування сучасної людини(ХНУРЕ, 2022) Баркова, І. М.; Сабахья ІманThis work is devoted to modern concepts of a healthy lifestyle, in particular, the problems of balanced nutrition. The urgency of the nutrition problem is associated with the fact that many nutritional disorders have an adverse effect on the human body, increasing the risk of developing major socially significant diseases