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Перегляд Зібрання публікацій проф. Бондаренка М. Ф. за автором "Ель Мутахід, А. Є."
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Публікація Deep knowledge application for knowledge management instruments progress(ITHEA, 2013) Данилов, А. Д.; Соловйова, К. О.; Бондаренко, М. Ф.; Слипченко, Н. И.; Ель Мутахід, А. Є.Knowledge management instruments are the most efficient means of organizations management to improve their competitiveness. While the number of the Internet users is boosting, the Internet is becoming more and more available, the efficiency of the Internet social networks application in the organizations working process is also growing. To improve the Internet social networks functioning quality their object domain adequacy, adaptivity, a user-oriented interface are necessary, therefore the article deals with the application of systemological classification analyses to the principal steps of social networks designing. This would result in a social network which is the most adapted to the work of the particular organization in the particular object domain. This would make the function system handy and user-friendly due to their conceptual arranging taking into account the social network functional purpose. The base for the function system of the Internet social network considered is the classification of the necessary object domain which is created by a knowledge expert after the preliminary object domain analyses. This classification would be the base for future function system in the social network menu. In the article the basic elements of the Internet social network fragments building process with the application of systemological classification analyses in the object domains “Medicines” and “Contracts” are given; the Internet social network designing process decomposition diagram created in theBPWin7.0 modelling software tool under the IDEF 0 standard with the application of systemological classification analyses. The resulting fragments of the social network menu for the object domains “Medicines” and “Contracts” based upon the developed ontology classification models are realized in «Wordpress.com» web-designer and «Taba.ru».