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Публікація Cascade Structural Encoding of Binary Arrays(EWDTS, 2008) Barannik, Vlad.; Hahanova, A. V.The lacks of existent approaches come to light in relation to the compression of binary data for their use in digital diagnostics. It is grounded, that due to presentation of binary array as integral structure as a cascade structural number, satisfying limits on the number of carouses of units and on the dynamic range of cod-numbers of OFSN additional reduction of structural surplus is provided. The basic stages of binary of a two stage cascade structural encoding are expounded. Proved, that amount of digits on presentation of binary column examined as an element of cascade structural number less than, than amount of digits on presentation of that column, but examined as an onedimensional floating structural number. The features of treatment of diagnostic information consist of that: on treatment test sets, having an arbitrary structure and different statistical descriptions, are given; test information appears in a binary kind; the lead through of diagnostics of digital charts is carried out on the basis of the kept test sets. Digital diagnostics means related to the increase of volumes of test information. From here is the scientifically-applied task, consisting of diminishing of volumes of test information.Публікація Cluster coding in system of multilevel selective data processing(Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 2016) Barannik, Vlad.; Havrylov, D.; Himenko, V.; Stetsenko, O.Публікація Coding Tangible Component of Transforms to Provide Accessibility and Integrity of Video Data(EWDTS, 2012) Barannik, Vlad.; Hahanova, A. V.; Krivonos, V. N.Renders a decision upon further development of compression technologies for transformed images in component representation. Demonstrates description model for transforms tangible components on the basis of positional numbers with unequal adjacent elements. Outlines the basic steps of positional coding to reduce total costs associated with representation of transforms tangible components. To this effect, a system of coding expressions to compress video data accuracy and integrity lossless is developed. Problem Statement and literature analysis. The development of modern society has a peculiar feature – dependence on the increased consumption of video data. Thus demanding to provide appropriate requirements for reliability, availability, and integrity of the video data. One of the crucial points when meeting these requirements is video data source coding [1 - 3]. This proves the timely character of relevant scientific and applied research in the field of digital image compression. The analysis of compression systems has shown that the most effective process is provided for pre-transformed images [3 - 5]. However, elimination of redundancy in transforms is carried out mainly by taking into account psycho-visual and statistical laws. As a result, there is a limited level of compression and a sharp drop in reliability of decoded video data. Thus, the objective of the research is to develop the method for coding segment image transforms that will provide increase in availability and integrity of video data for a given level of reliability.Публікація Method of ciphergrams coding for increasing the effectiveness of technologies of selective cyber-protection(Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 2016) Barannik, Vlad.; Barannik, D. V.; Hahanova, A. V.; Medvedev, D. O.; Strelbtskiy, M.Публікація Method of encoding a video frame based on the identification vectors seal structural transformed space(Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 2016) Barannik, Vlad.; Tarasenko, D.Публікація Technology of Cascade Structural Decoding(EWDTS, 2009) Soroka, L.; Barannik, Vlad.; Hahanova, A. V.The necessity of increase of operationability of renewal of information is grounded without errors in the systems of digital diagnostics. Proof of theorem is conducted about decoding of code-number of cascade structural number. As a result of the well-proven theorem correlations are built providing renewal of elements of binary cascade structural number for the set official information without bringing of errors. The basic stages of process are expounded renewals of binary information on the basis of the cascade structural decoding, plugging in itself the system of expressions for recurrent determination of value of initial gravimetric coefficient of column of cascade structural number. Technology of rapid renewal of elements of cascade structural number is built without implementation of decodings actions. For the increase of operationability of communication of data in the informativelytelecommunication systems it is necessary to carry out their compact presentation [1, 2]. It results in diminishing of digital volumes of information, and consequently, and to diminishing of amount of packages of information. Important requirements to the methods of compression it is been: increase of degree of compression; providing of control of the errors given without bringing; decline of time of treatment. Thus in a number of practical applications, in that numbers in the process of diagnostics of digital charts, it is especially important to carry out rapid renewal of information. For existent approaches in organization of compression and renewal of binary information the additional increase of coefficient of compression is or with the loss of information or with the increase of temporal expenses on treatment [1 - 4]. From here the scientifically-applied task is a decline of time of renewal of information at the maintenance of the required level of authenticity of information. The method of compact presentation of binary information is in-process [5] developed with arbitrary statistical descriptions. It is rotined that approach, based on forming of cascade structural code combinations, allows to promote the degree of compression. In also time for the use of this method in the handling systems of data it is required to carry out their timely renewal without bringing of errors. Means the purpose of researches is in developments of method of rapid renewal of cascade structural numbers (CSN) without bringing of error.Публікація The Positional Structural-Weight Coding of the Binary View of Transformants(EWDTS, 2012) Barannik, Vlad.; Krasnoruckiy, A.; Hahanova, A. V.This paper investigates the peculiarities of the coding transformant bit view taking into account the observed regularities of binary structures based on the positional structural-weight (PSW) coding. It is proved that the technology of the PSW coding has two mechanisms for compensation of the influence of structural characteristics of a transformant binary format (the quantity of bits of compressed views per one element in average). The mechanisms of compensation are a formation of lengths for binary series and a building system of PSW number bases for each array of lengths of binary series. The development of InfoComm systems is realized in accordance with the conception of creating nextgeneration nets (NGN). The bulk of expansion of services is linked to providing of multimedia information [1; 2]. The conducted analysis of characteristics of video-information providing using InfoComm systems has shown that the given time of a transfer is provided only for images with the low spatial allowing. To overcome the current imbalance between the time of giving images and necessary time, the reduction of the rate allowing of video stream using compression systems should be provided. The analysis of approaches of building video compression systems in the infocommunications has revealed that they are based on using JPEG oriented technologies [3-4]. Owing to the fact that using compression systems for a transfer of images with normal SD quality for high-rate communication channels, if there is a loss of quality of the reconstructed images at the level of the peak signal-tonoise ratio equal to 30 DB. The existing image compression technologies using the JPEG-oriented technologies do not provide the required level of bit rate of compressed video stream. Therefore, lowering of the bit rate of the compressed video data to improve the quality of telecommunication services is the relevant scientific-applied task. Lowering of the bit rate of transformed images is requested to provide improving technology of the coding of a binary view. This technology has the potential to reduce bit stream and time of processing transformants in condition of the given quality of image reconstruction for various degrees of a saturation of small objects. The process of compressing of the transformant n ,mY (transformant is examined at the bit level of descriptions) is contained in identification of regularities of binary structures. Therefore, it is necessary to justify the conceptual approach to a system of changes consisting of the following components [5]: 1) making components χ ξ,y of a transformant by binarization; 2) identification of structural regularities for the binary view of a transformant 2 n,m ]Y[ ; 3) coding of a bit view of a transformant taking into account the observed regularities of binary structures. It is also required to provide: - lowering of the bit rate ( c v ) of compact transformant view without making additional distortions; - decreasing the quantity of transactions to process of a transformant. The aim of this research is to develop the coding of a bit view of a transformant to increase the compression degrees of images (in consider of conservation of the specified image quality) intended for a transfer in InfoComm systems in real-time.