Публікація: zkTLS : Enhancing Secure Communications with Zero-Knowledge Proofs
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The evolution of digital communication has necessitated the development of advanced protocols to ensure privacy, integrity, and security. One such widely adopted protocol is Transport Layer Security (TLS), which underpins secure communications over the internet by encrypting data exchanged between users and servers. However, the advent of privacy-enhancing technologies such as Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) has led to the creation of zkTLS (Zero-Knowledge Transport Layer Security), a variant of TLS that leverages the power of ZKPs to enhance privacy and trust without revealing sensitive information. This article explores zkTLS, its underlying principles, its applications in securing communication, and the potential benefits it offers compared to traditional TLS
Ключові слова
cryptography, post-quantum security, privacy, secure communication, TLS protocol
Бібліографічний опис
Kireieva S. zkTLS: Enhancing Secure Communications with Zero-Knowledge Proofs / S. Kireieva, A. Yevheniev // Computer and information systems and technologies : Seventh International Scientific and Technical Conference, 2024. – Kharkiv : NUR, 2024. – p. 7-8.