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Публікація Cloud Traffic Control System(EWDTS, 2013) Ziarmand, A.; Hahanov, V. I.; Guz, O. A.; Ngene, C. U.; Arefjev, A.A cloud service “Green Wave” (the intellectual road infrastructure) is proposed to monitor and control traffic in real-time through the use of traffic controllers, RFID cars, in order to improve the quality and safety of vehicle movement, as well as for minimization the time and costs when vehicles are moved at the specified routes. The evolution of cyber world is divided into the following periods: 1) the 1980s - formation of personal computers; 2) the 1990s - the introduction of Internet technologies in production processes and people's lives; 3) the 2000s - improving the quality of life through the introduction of mobile devices and cloud services, and 4) the 2010s - the creation of a digital infrastructure for monitoring and control of moving objects (air, sea, ground transportation, and robots). Therefore, in the present market feasible problem is the system integration of monitoring-control cloud service and transport RFID blocks as well as digital tools of road infrastructure for optimal on-line vehicle and traffic control in order to address the social, human, economic and environmental problems. What is the basic of the world cyberspace? – The silicon chip and its analogs. Modern microelectronics enables to create not flat but three-dimensional transistor structures (3D – FinFETs) in 14 nm range, commensurate with the size of the atom. This means the appearance in the near future 3D-System-on-Chip instead of flat structures or system-in-package. The advantages of the chips significantly affect the characteristics of industrial products in terms of: energy consumption, dimensions, performance, cost and quality due to reducing not only the dimension of the components, but also the relationships between them. Thus there arise problems associated with heat removal from the internal area of 3D-chip, as well as the creation of new technologies for designing, verification, testing, diagnosis and repairing of its components. Thus, a microworld of cyberspace goes in 3Dmeasurement not easily. Macroworld remains flat when components, computers, networks, cloud services of cyberspace are combined into the system. Which arguments could be made for the transfer of the macroworld in 3D-space? They are the following: the compactness of information, the performance of searching in cyberspace, and its dimension. The triangular flat structure of the system where all nodes are adjacent has a major drawback in the two dimensions – for encoding three nodes or edges it is necessary three codes, and this means that one code of two-bit vector is not used. Therefore, the creation of a primitive structure, where all nodes are adjacent and their number is four to make full use of the two bits code space, means re-open an amazing 3D-figure - a tetrahedron! It has six edges or distances, xor-sum of which is equal to zero. When descripting the figure two edges are redundant, which can be used to reduce the volume of information up to 66% during storage and transfer of data. Formation of cyberspace through the use of primitive tetrahedra allows optimizing (minimizing) the ratio of the structural complexity of the space to the average distance between two points. Object of research is technologies for monitoring and management of vehicles integrated with cloud services, based on the use of the existing road infrastructure, RFID, radar and radio navigation. Subject of research: traffic and road infrastructure of Ukraine and its regions, as well as advanced software and hardware RFID systems for monitoring and road management, based on the use of road controllers, global systems for positioning, navigation (GPS, GPRS), and cloud services in the Internet. The essence of research is creation of intellectual road infrastructure (IRI) – cloud service "Green Wave" for monitoring infrastructure and management of road in real-time, based on creating virtual road infrastructure (Fig. 2), integrated with road traffic controllers, RFID of vehicles in order to improve the quality and safety of vehicle movement, minimization of time and costs when realization of routes.Публікація Cyber Physical System – Smart Cloud Traffic Control(EWDTS, 2014) Hahanov, V. I.; Wajeb Gharibi; Abramova, L. S.; Chumachenko, S. V.; Litvinova, E. I.; Hahanova, A. V.; Rustinov, V.; Miz, V.; Zhalilo, A.; Ziarmand, A.A cyber physical system for smart cloud traffic control is proposed. It is an intellectual (smart) road infrastructure for monitoring and control of traffic in real-time through the use of global systems for positioning and navigation, mobile gadgets and the Internet in order to improve the quality and safety of vehicle movement, as well as for minimizing the time and costs when vehicles are moved at the specified routes. The main innovative idea is step-by-step transfer of traffic lights from the ground to a virtual cloud space for vehicle management, equipped with a mobile gadget or computer, which displays on the screen map, route, coordinates of the road user and real traffic signals. A set of innovative technologies to address the social, humanitarian, economic, energy, insurance, crime and environmental problems through the creation and application of cloud-based digital traffic monitoring and management is developed. All of these technologies and functional components are integrated into the system automaton model of cyber physical system for interaction between an infrastructure cloud of exact monitoring and digital control and vehicle gadget or computer.Публікація Smart Road Infrastructure(EWDTS, 2013) Ziarmand, A.The idea of creating such a project was the fact that in Ukraine, as well as in many other countries the existing traffic control system does not correspond to the growth rate of the number of vehicles and pedestrians. As a whole lags behind the management of road traffic from the growing number of cars and the changing needs of the people. The basis of the work included a detailed analysis of the situation, a description of the problems of this area, the identification by means of various algorithms of possible solutions, a theoretical synthesis of similar projects, as well as the introduction of concepts of devices and methodologies to improve and represent radically new way of controlling traffic. The use of modern IT-technologies, software and hardware to improve and build a new road infrastructure is put as a priority task of the project. This is due to the scientific interests of the project's developers at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, where first notes and discussions on research topic were written. Currently there are more than 150 projects on automation of traffic. The main disadvantage of them is that these projects are fragmented. There are separate versions of realizations with disabilities. There is no system that combines several technologies and is able to solve multiple global challenges. The new idea behind this project is not only able to solve above existing problems in the traffic control system, but also provides a unique opportunity for all road users, opening the prospect of the development of software and hardware systems for infrastructure development of mega cities. Interest is the use of a radically new way to manage and introduction innovations in the traffic control process. The implementation of a solution to the problem of high demand, as there is an urgent need to change the system of monitoring and traffic control, and there is a growing demand for IT-technologies in built-in car devices. The uniqueness of the project is a combination of modern IT-technology, mathematical models and hardware technology tools into a single integrated system.