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Публікація Iterative Method of Minimization of Arbitrary Boolean Functions of Many Variables(ХНУРЭ, 2009) Zakrevskij, A.An iterative algorithm of minimization of Boolean functions of many variables based on usage of parallel operations above adjacent elements in Boolean space of arguments is offered. It includes the operation of fast finding of elements of characteristic set with small number of neighbors and creation of implicants defined by them. The iterative procedure of application of this operation to sequentially reduced characteristic set and operation of simplification of the obtained conjuncts lead to a correct solution.Публікація Programming Calculations in Many-Dimensional Boolean Space(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Zakrevskij, A.The set of macro operations POBS over Boolean 2n-component vectors is offered, which essentially facilitates programming calculations in many-dimensional Boolean space. The application of that set is illustrated by examples of the analysis of partial Boolean functions on a monotony and presence of functional regularities, solving problems of sequential composition and decomposition. An important role is played by operations of interaction between adjacent units of the space.