Перегляд за автором "Volkolupov, Yu.Ya."
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Публікація Estimation of characteristics of radiation of the powerful pulse broadband optical source(2008) Lonin, Yu. F.; Chumakov, V. I.; Ostrzhnoy, M. А.; Pososhenko, V. А.; Zarudniy, А. А.; Kоchina, М. L.; Volkolupov, Yu.Ya.; Sorokina, N. V.; Zvyagintsen, A. Yu.; Neezhmakov, К. Р.Results of investigation of character istics of the pulse power optical em itter based on magnetoplasmatic compressor are given. Dependence of an energy flux density of radiation on the energy put in the discharge, in approach a Planck radiation law is shown.Публікація Project of designing in khture high-energy plasma accelerator(2001) Volkolupov, Yu.Ya.; Krasnogolovets, M. A.; Ostriszhnoy, M. A.; Chumakov, V. I.The plasma sources of electromagnetic radiation possess the high electrical indexes (exponent) of efficiency. It’s well known that the radiation power, density and temperature of plasma in such sources depend on the power put in(inserted in, into) a discharge and therefore on a discharge current [1-5]. Space distribution of the temperature research in the field of discharge allow to optimize parameters of power-plant and construction of radiator for maximum (the highest possible) radiation efficiency obtaining.