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Публікація Financial monitoring of payment card transactions(2022) Vnukova N.; Avanesian V.The relevance of determining the impact of international standards on the development of financial investigations is determined by the need to build an effective financial monitoring system and improve the effectiveness of coordination of the activities of financial monitoring entities, in particular, at the state level. The aim of the study is to develop theoretical provisions and practical skills to determine the essence of financial monitoring and development of the direction of financial investigations to counter money-laundering and the financing of terrorism. It has been established that cash is widespread in criminal money laundering schemes. In the context of a sufficiently large amount of cash in the economy, which is used on a scale taking into account the nature and specifics of their activities, identifying and combatting money-laundering of criminal proceeds using cash is a difficult task. Given the constant introduction of legislative restrictions and increased control of the financial system by public authorities, intruders are developing new or improving existing money laundering schemes, aiming to give illegal financial transactions the most legal appearance. At the same time, both at the level of public authorities and at the level of primary financial monitoring entities, new methods and approaches to identifying money laundering schemes are constantly being introduced and improved. The organization of financial investigations has become more important since the introduction of international FATF standardsПублікація Word2Vec Model Analysis for Semantic and Morphologic Similarities in Turkish Words(2022) Savytska L.; Turgut Sübay M.; Vnukova N.; Bezugla I.; Pyvovarov V.The study presents the calculation of the similarity between words in Turkish language by using word representation techniques. Word2Vec is a model used to represent words into vector form. The model is formed using articles from Wikipedia dump Turkish service as the corpus and then Cosine Similarity calculation method is used to determine the similarity value. The open-source Python programming language and Gensim library are used to obtain high quality word vectors with Word2Vec and calculate the cosine similarity of the vectors. Continuous Bag-of-words (CBOW) algorithm is used to train high quality word vectors. The cosine similarity values in the results are derived from the weight (dimension values) of the vector dimensions. The Window size 10 and 300 vector dimension configurations are taken. Increasing the number of cycles contributes to the vectors getting more accurate values. The corpus is trained in five cycles (EPOCH) with the same parameters. The Turkish corpus contains more than one hundred and sixty one million words. The dictionary of words (unique words), obtained from the corpus, is more than three hundred and sixty-seven thousand. Such a big data gives an opportunity to conduct high quality semantic and morphologic analysis and arithmetic operations of the word vectors.Публікація Інтеграція світових освітніх екосистем 4.0 в інформаційно-правовий простір Індустрії 4.0(2023) Vnukova N.; Pyvovarov V.Розглянуто інтеграцію світових екосистем 4.0 у інформаційно-правовий простір Індустрії 4.0 з оцінкою зацікавленості цими змінами у багатьох країнах світу. При дослідженні використано аналітичні методи аналізу джерел літератури , а також спеціальний пошуковий інструмент Google Trends, який дозволив оцінити попит на досліджувану тему у часі і просторі багатьох країн. Порівняно зацікавленість темами трансформаційного і інтерактивного навчання. Визначено країни-лідери, які знаходяться на різних континентах. Пропонується кластерний механізм взаємодії науки, освіти, виробництва для здійснення процесу інтеграції освітнього і індустріального простору. Доведено перехід університетів до освіти 4.0, але залишається великий попит на створення осередків культури, а не тільки технологічних університетських центрів