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Публікація Financial Flows Management Based on the Analysis of Their Interaction(IJAMSR, 2022) Vasiurenko, O.; Lyashenko, V.; Hushynets, D.Economic dynamics is one of the central aspects of analysis in various studies. This is due both to the analysis of the functioning of individual business entities, and the development of the economy as a whole. No less important is the analysis of effective management, which, ultimately, determines the level of functioning and development of various business entities. The activity of any business entity has an impact on the sustainable development of both individual industries or areas of the economy, and other business entities. Therefore, various management issues are constantly in the spotlight. Among such issues, special attention is paid to the movement of financial flows. Financial flows reflect different areas of activity of a business entity, the corresponding movement of its tangible and intangible resources, changes in the dynamics of the volume of financial resources.Then we can talk about a variety of financial flow that reflects different aspects of the activity of a business entity. Moreover, each financial flow is a time series that allows you to conduct research for different time intervals. Consequently, the management of a business entity can be viewed through the management of the relevant financial flows. It is important to know the interaction of such flows, their relationship in time. For this analysis, we use the wavelet methodology. One of the methods for analyzing the relationship between various financial flows can be wavelet coherence. This approach makes it possible to evaluate the mutual dynamics of financial flows. At the same time, such an analysis can be done for different time horizons from the time interval that is be ing studied. As a result, we conclude about the effectiveness of the corresponding level of management. This allows you to make the necessary adjustments and improve the overall management system of a business entity. Using specific examples, we consider wavelet coherence estimates that reflect the mutual movement of various financial flows. Such an analysis is carried out for different time horizons. This allows you to specify the result of management, its effectiveness. The paper presents various drawings, graphs and diagrams that help to understand the logic of the study.Публікація Gold and Bitcoin Price Dynamics as a Reflection of Investor Sentiment(Newinera, 2020) Sheludʹko, N.; Vasiurenko, O.; Lyashenko, V.; Morozova, N.The modern pandemic affects all areas of human activity. In this regard, various aspects of the preservation of economic activity become fundamental. One of these issues is the choice of an investment strategy, he choice of investment instruments. To do this, we examined the mutual dynamics of gold and bitcoin prices during the pandemic. For the analysis we use the wavelet coherence methodology. This made it possible to substantiate some strategies and the choice of investment instrumentsПублікація Spatial-Temporal Analysis the Dynamics of Changes on the Foreign Exchange Market: an Empirical Estimates from Ukraine(AMRS, 2020) Vasiurenko, O.; Lyashenko, V.; Baranova, V.; Deineko, Z.The foreign exchange market plays an important role in the formation and development of financial markets. This market is of particular importance for emerging economies. To understand market trends (to understand and develop a strategy for its development), it is necessary to analyze historical data. It is also important to use different methods to carry out this analysis. Based on this, the paper analyzes the foreign exchange market in Ukraine for the period 2014-2018. For this analysis, the wavelet coherence methodology is used. This made it possible to assess the development of the foreign exchange market in Ukraine.Публікація Wavelet Coherence as a Digital Visualization Tool for Comparing Economic Data Dynamics(IJAISR, 2022) Vasiurenko, O.; Lyashenko, V.Analysis is one of the tools for studying data of various nature. Among the variety of such data, we single out economic data. The analysis of economic data is an important aspect in the study of various phenomena and processes that are associated with the study of economic dynamics. At the same time, an important point of such an analysis is the comparison of the dynamics of economic data. This is important both for understanding the processes that take place and for making appropriate management decisions. At the same time, for a more complete understanding of various aspects of the analysis, it is necessary to visualize the relevant data. Such visualization helps to better analyze the comparative dynamics between the various data that we study. It also allows you to understand hidden relationships .To implement the stated task, we propose to use the methodology of wavelet analysis. Among the methods of wavelet analysis, we single out wavelet coherence. The paper considers various aspects of using wavelet coherence for digital visualization of economic data. Possibilities of conducting a comparative analysis with the help of wavelet coherence are shown. Various graphs and examples for real data are given. This allows you to better understand the consideration of the issues raised.Публікація Wavelet Coherence as a Tool for Considering the Spatial Component of the Banking Activities Description(International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research, 2021) Vasiurenko, O.; Lyashenko, V.Banking activity, as a result of the functioning of the banking system, is one of the key directions in a market economy. Banking activities contribute to the attraction and redistribution of free financial resources between various participants in market relations. At the same time, the banking system is able to create conditions for the formation and accumulation of savings by the population. For the implementation of various areas of banking, both classical financial instrume nts and new mechanisms and approaches are used. The main (central) bank of the country provides the basis for the implementation of such directions, the possibility of using such various mechanisms and instruments for the implementation of various areas of banking activity. Control over the conduct of banking activities and, if necessary, appropriate regulation of such activities is also provided by the main (central) bank of the country. For this, various standards and indicators of the functioning of the banking system, individual banks, and areas of banking are considered. The analysis of such indicators and standards is a source of data for making appropriate decisions in the field of banking regulation. We are considering the possibility and feasibility of using the wavelet ideology for this type of analysis. We use the method of estimating wavelet coherence as a key tool for such an ideology. In this case, the object of research is a set of data for many different banks for a certain current date. This makes it possible to talk about the consideration of the spatial component of the description of banking activities. Using real data as an example, the paper presents various estimates of the wavelet coherence of the spatial component of the description of banking activities. Research results are presented in the form of graphs and diagrams. It is shown that the considered approach allows a deeper study of the relationships between the data that we are researching.