Перегляд за автором "Urniaieva, I."
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Публікація Distribution of Permutations with Different Cyclic Structure in Mathematical Models of Transportation Problems(2022) Grebennik, I.; Chorna, O.; Urniaieva, I.The paper is devoted to the investigation of problems of the class Pick-up and Delivery routing problems (PDP). This class is characterized by the multidimensionality of the input data, the requirement for decision-making in conditions of uncertainty and the requirement for rapid generation of solutions. Therefore, heuristic algorithms have proven to be good for solving PDP problems. Among the heuristic algorithms used to solve such problems is a wide class of Large-scale neighborhood algorithms, in which algorithms based on the use of cyclic transfer theory deserve special attention. If the collection and delivery of goods from many senders to many recipients is served by several trucks - the question arises of the distribution of points to visit between vehicles. One approach to solving the problem of splitting multiple shipping points into non-intersecting clusters is an approach that uses heuristic start splitting and then improves it by moving some shipping points between clusters using cyclic transfers. The study of the properties of cyclic permutations and the study of the cyclic structure of arbitrary elements of the permutations set is a promising direction for increasing of efficiency of the cyclic transfer approach to solve PDP problems. This paper is devoted to the study of the distribution of permutations with different cyclic structure in the set of permutations for increasing the efficiency of solving PDP problems. Experiments were conducted to study the distribution of permutations with different cyclic structure among sample populations with different qualitative characteristics. On the basis of the analysis and results of experiments the conclusions concerning features of distribution of permutations with various cyclic structure are made. Taking into account these features allows you to increase the efficiency of the cyclic transfer method in solving transport routing problems.Публікація Mathematical Model of Containers Placement in Rail Terminal Operations Problem(2019) Grebennik, I.; Dupas, R.; Urniaieva, I.; Kalaida, N.; Ivanov, V.In the paper the increasing of efficiency for rail terminal operations is analyzed. The problem of optimization the placement of containers on railway platforms and in the storage area at railway transshipment yard is formulated. A combinatorial optimization model of the problem is constructed, its properties are discussed, an example is considered.Публікація Muticriteria Balance Layout Problem of 3d-Objects(Sofia, Bulgaria, 2017) Grebennik, I.; Romanova, T.; Kovalenko, A.; Urniaieva, I.; Shekhovtsov, S.The paper studies the optimal layout problem of 3D-objects in a container with circular racks. The problem takes into account placement constraints (non-overlapping, containment, distance constraints), as well as, behaviour characteristics of the mechanical system (equilibrium, moments of inertia and stability characteristics). We construct a mathematical model of the problem in the form of multicriteria optimisation problem and call the problem the Multicriteria Balance Layout Problem (MBLP). We also consider several realisations of MBLP problem that depend on forms of objective functions and behaviour constraints. В статье рассматривается оптимальная задача размещения 3D-объектов в контейнере с круглыми стойками. В этой задаче учитываются ограничения размещения (неперекрывающиеся, сдерживающие, дистанционные ограничения), а также характеристики поведения механической системы (равновесие, моменты инерции и характеристики устойчивости). Мы строим математическую модель задачи в виде многокритериальной задачи оптимизации и называем проблему проблемой многокритериальной балансной компоновки (ПМБК). Мы также рассмотрим несколько реализаций проблемы ПМБК, которые зависят от форм объективных функций и ограничений поведения.Публікація Train arrangement in scheduling for rail-rail transshipment yard(UNWE, 2017) Grebennik, I.; Dupas, R.; Lytvynenko, O.; Urniaieva, I.Article considers problem of scheduling freight trains in rail-rail transshipment yards. Besides scheduling the service slots of trains, article additionally solves the problem of train arrangement, i.e. assigning each train to a railway track. Mathematical model and solving method for described problem are given. The key feature of given mathematical model is that is uses combinatorial objects (tuples of permutations) instead of traditional Boolean variables. Solution method is based on generation of combinatorial sets as well, which is quite unusual approach comparing with existing solution methods for described problem.