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Публікація Basic Principles of Decision Making upon Receipt of New Nanomaterial(WARSE, 2019) Lyashenko, V.; Syed Khalid Mustafa; Sotnik, S.; M. Ayaz AhmadReview of nanomaterials existing classifications and their preparation methods is carried out. As a result, basic principles of decision-making when obtaining new nanomaterial are determined, which take into account stability, as well as properties when molding products from nanomaterials and directly reproducible properties of materials themselves with check for biocompatibility, biodegradability, and toxicity. It is proposed in decision-making process to pay attention to analysis: nanomaterial behavior in soil (mobility, stability); nanomaterials behavior in water; airborne behavior and photoactivity. It is proposed to classify nanomaterials in terms of their structural components: nanoparticles, carbon nanostructures, thin films. Proposed decision-making algorithm for obtaining new nanomaterial takes into account its safety for human health and environment throughout entire life cycle.Публікація Features of the Construction and Control of the Navigation System of a Mobile Robot(WARSE, 2020) M. Ayaz Ahmad; Sinelnikova, T.; Syed Khalid Mustafa; Lyashenko, V.The use of robots is one of the promising areas for development in various industries, human activities. Mobile robots are of particular importance. These robots are able to replace humans in difficult and dangerous situations. Mobile robots are able to perform any tasks that have different levels of difficulty. An important element of mobile robots is the navigation system and the management of such a system. The navigation control system of a mobile robot determines the possibilities of using such a robot. This necessitated the importance of considering the features of the construction and control of the navigation system of a mobile robot. The paper highlights the key features of this consideration.Публікація Methods of Using Fuzzy Interval Logic During Processing of Space States of Complex Biophysical Objects(WARSE, 2020) Lyashenko, V.; Syed Khalid Mustafa; Tvoroshenko, I.; M. Ayaz AhmadThis article proposes a technique for using fuzzy interval logic during multi-stage processing of state spaces of complex biophysical objects in the medical system HEALTH. The proposed method of selecting the best diagnoses in the context of fuzzy background information was used to solve the practical problems of computer medical фdiagnostics. The theoretical and practical results formulated are the basis for the construction of systems and tools for computational intelligence. The diagnostic system is implemented on the basis of modern information technologies and computers. The presented computerized medical diagnostics system can be used in medical practice for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, planning of health events and conducting of social and hygienic monitoring in medical institutions. Laboratory operation of fuzzy intellectual system HEALTH confirmed the high probability of making objective decisions in the medical subject area.Публікація Modification of Models Intensive Development Ontologies by Fuzzy Logic(WARSE, 2020) Tvoroshenko, I.; M. Ayaz Ahmad; Syed Khalid Mustafa; Lyashenko, V.; Adel R. AlharbiThe problem of eliminating the inadequacy that arises during by using develop ontologies is solved by modifying the development model of fuzzy ontologies. We propose a modified model of the development of ontologies in time, as well as a formal model of intensive development, which makes it possible to efficiently solve the problems of analysis and estimation of the state space of ontologies that are developing using fuzzy logic. These models allow us to determine and eliminate the properties of inadequacy by using develop distributed ontology control systems. Based on interpreting by using develop ontologies, the ways of further stages of this research, and the development of methods for presenting fuzzy information in ontologies, are determined.Публікація Some Features in Calculation of Mold Details for Plastic Products(WARSE, 2019) Lyashenko, V.; Syed Khalid Mustafa; Belova, N.; M. Ayaz AhmadThe article considers the relationship of mold details and injection molds. The basic elements of mold details are considered. The calculation method of design data tooling which can be used at design of injection mold is offered. This method gives the chance to provide the necessary accuracy of casting. This allows to determine the rational walls thickness of the injection mold and to define further what type of heat treatment is necessary after formation.Публікація Wavelet Coherence as a Tool for Markers Selection in the Diagnosis of Kidney Disease(WARSE, 2020) M. Ayaz Ahmad; Syed Khalid Mustafa; Zeleniy, O.; Lyashenko, V.A study was conducted on the relationship between different markers in the diagnosis of kidney disease. As such markers were considered: glomerular filtration rate, renal arterial blood flow velocity, resistive renal artery index. The relationship between the markers was investigated taking into account the return and body mass index of patients. This allows you to identify various risk groups. We used wavelet coherence to explain the results of the relationship between markers and visualize the research process. The expediency of using the wavelet methodology for conducting intellectual diagnostics for the detection of kidney diseases is shown. As a prevailing preference in the study of markers for the diagnosis of kidney disease, a body mass index was determined. The results of various experiments are presented.