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Публікація Aerodynamic Features of the Olfactory area in Nasal Breathing(RS Global S. z O.O., Warsaw, Poland, Science Review, 2017) Носова, Я. В.; Аврунін, О. Г.; Shushliapina, N. O.The passive of air through the upper nasal passage ensures the delivery of odorivector molecules to sensitive areas of the olfactory analyzer. The study of the characteristics of the air flow in the upper nasal passage allows us to determine the boundaries of the near-wall laminar air sublayer and to study nasal aerodynamics at the micro level. Turbulent flow contributes to the excessive drying of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, leading to its morphological rearrangement towards the subatrophic process. It was found out that the thickness of the laminar sublayer is about 1 mm, therefore, the lining of the mucous membrane is subjected to drying with an increase in the turbulence of the flow at the sites of narrowing of the nasal cavity (olfactory cleft).Публікація Approaches for modern rhinomanometry diagnostics with data mining support(EAS, Bonn, Germany, 2019) Аврунін, О. Г.; Семенець, В. В.; Ibrahim Younouss Abdelhamid; Shushliapina, N. O.; Avrunin, O. G.; Semenets, V. V.Approaches for modern rhinomanometry diagnostics with data mining support are described.Публікація Features of medical image processing(2019) Nosova, Ya. V.; Tymkovych, M. Y.; Kovalova, A. A.; Jiao, Hankun; Shushliapina, N. O.Features of medical image processing are describedПублікація Intelligent Technologies of Functional Diagnosis and Modeling of Surgery Operations.(RS Global Sp. z O.O., Scientific Educational Center Warsaw, Poland, 2018) Аврунін, О. Г.; Носова, Я. В.; Shushliapina, N. O.; Ibrahim Younouss AbdelhamidThus, the authors proposed intellectual technologies for modeling and computer planning of surgical interventions on the basis of complex processing and analysis of diagnostic data implemented in rhinolaryngology, otology, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, plastic and vascular surgery. Development has a pronounced complex socioeconomic effect, which is achieved by a direct decrease in the cost of the proposed remedies in comparison with known counterparts, taking into account the reduction of the cost of staying in the hospital and payment of sick leave, reducing relapses and reducing the loss of production due to illness of the worker by reducing the time spent on stationary treatment.Публікація Perspectives of the methods’ developments for the functional diagnosis of nasal breathing(RS Global Sp. z O.O., 2018) Носова, Я. В.; Semenets, V. V.; Shushliapina, N. O.; Ibrahim Younouss Abdelhamid; Аврунін, О. Г.; Семенець, В. В.Perspectives of development of methods for functional diagnostics of nose respiration are described. For the development of modern rhinomanometry, primary tasks are not only metrological provision with means of measuring airflow indicators, but also methodological, minimizing processing errors, errors arising from one-time measurements and incorrect averaging of data. An important role here should be played by information technologies, which reduce uncertainty in measurements, by taking into account the properties of the test object, methods of automated processing, analysis and interpretation of diagnostic data.Публікація The distribution of the velocity and pressure fields in the nasal cavity at different respiration modes(IJBM, 2018) Носова, Я. В.; Аврунін, О. Г.; Shushliapina, N. O.; Gryshkov, O.; Glasmacher, B.The three-dimensional modeling of the air flow through the nasal cavity allows to map the nasal passages along the parameters studied and to study their local values, which is important for the planning of minimally invasive surgical interventions. The numerical modeling of the air flow in the nasal cavity with the help of software packages requires a large time (up to several working days), which is associated with a rather cumbersome stage of preparing the initial data.