Перегляд за автором "Shmat'ko, A. A."
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Публікація Bragg reflection and transmission of light by one-dimensional gyrotropic magnetophotonic crystal(IEEE, 2017) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Rokhmanova, T. N.Reflection and transmission coefficients for onedimensional magnetophotonic crystal with a bilayer unit cell are obtained in analytical form. The bilayer consists of arbitrary gyrotropic media. Analytical dispersion equation for gyrotropic multilayer periodic structure is obtained. Different regimes of bulk and surface wave’s propagation in structure layers are investigated. System parameters values that correspond to both total reflection and total transmission by gyrotropic Bragg structure are found. The possibility of band structure controlling with an external magnetic field is shown.Публікація Dispersion Properties of a One-dimensional Anisotropic Magnetophotonic Crystal with a Gyrotropic Layer(IEEE, 2016) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Yampol'skii, V. A.; Rokhmanova, T. N.; Galenko, A. Y.In this work, we obtain the dispersion relation for magnetophotonic one-dimensional crystal with a gyrotropic plasma layer in the analytical form. The numerical analysis of the dispersion relation for waves in the crystal at different parameters of the effective permittivity of the plasma layer is carried out. We predict the propagation of bulk fast and slow waves in such structures. The transmission and forbidden bands in the dispersion diagram for the bulk waves are presented in the area for surface plasma waves.Публікація Dispersion Properties of TM and TE Modes of Gyrotropic Magnetophotonic Crystals(InTech, 2017) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Lysytsya, V. T.This chapter discusses the propagation of TM and TE waves in the one-dimensional gyrotropic magnetophotonic crystals with ferrite and plasma-like layers. Elements of the transfer matrix are calculated in closed analytical form on the base of electrodynamic problem rigorous solution for arbitrary location of the gyrotropic elements on the structure period. Dispersion equation of the layered periodic structure with gyrotropic elements is obtained. Dispersion properties of the structure for TE and TM modes are analyzed for different configurations of magnetophotonic crystals (ferrite and plasma-like layers). Existence areas of transmission bands for surface and bulk waves are obtained. The effect of problem parameters on the dispersion properties of magnetophotonic crystals for TM and TE modes is investigated. Regimes of complete transmission of wave through limited magnetophotonic crystal are analyzed for bulk and surface waves.Публікація Extraordinary Reflection from Photonic Crystal with Metamaterials(IEEE, 2016) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Kazanko, A. V.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Yampol'skii, V. A.; Rokhmanova, T. N.We predict an extraordinary perfect reflection of a plane wave from a finite-thickness photonic crystal made of dielectrics and metamaterials. The physical nature of this phenomenon is revealed. We show that this complete reflection is related to a resonance of surface plasmon-polariton wave along the crystal thickness.Публікація Floquet-Bloch Theory for Semiconductor Bragg Structure(2020) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Krivets, A. S.; Yushchenko ,O. V.The problem of Floquet-Bloch waves propagation in a semiconductor magnetophotonic crystal with a transverse magnetic field was solved. The fundamental solutions of the Hill equation in layers that based on the Floquet theory were obtained in an analytical form. The dispersion equation and its roots are found explicitly. The analysis of the dispersion properties of the structures depending on the material parameters of the layers was carried out. The parameters of gyrotropic layers for the full transmission and reflection of a plane wave for different frequencies through a limited magnetophotonic crystal in modes of surface and bulk waves are determined.Публікація Localized field enhancement in slow-wave modes of modified Bragg waveguide(IEEE, 2017) Odarenko, E. N.; Sashkova, Y. V.; Shmat'ko, A. A.Modified scheme of Bragg reflection waveguide with additional layers between the hollow core and cladding is considered. Dispersion diagrams are calculated on the base of dispersion equations solutions for ordinary and modified Bragg waveguides. Slow-wave regimes are considered for both kinds of structure. Electric field spatial distributions for localized slowwave modes of Bragg reflection waveguide are obtained. It is shown that modified scheme of Bragg waveguide provides the enhanced localization of the surface modes field in the hollow core. Therefore modified Bragg waveguide is the promising electrodynamic system not only for laser-driven accelerators but also for the vacuum electron devices where usual slow-wave structures are unconvenient.Публікація Magnetophotonic crystal on base of gyrotropic semiconductor and metamaterial(Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, 2018) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Maslov, V. A.One-dimensional magnetophotonic crystal which contains semiconductor and metamaterial layers is considered. Dispersion properties are investigated within the framework of ABCD matrix method for gyrotropic periodical structures. Surface waves exist conditions are considered for different system parameters. Possibility of narrow-band filters development is shown on the base of multilayered structure under investigation.Публікація Millimeter Waves Hybrid Devices – Theory and Simulation(IEEE, 2002) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.Hybrid mm waves O-type electron devices are considered. The multidimensional nonlinear self-consistent theory of beam-wave interaction in different stages of hybrid devices has been developed. Output characteristics of hybrid amplifiers for different values of input signal are calculated.Публікація Nonlinear Theory of Relativistic Microwave Electron Devices(Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1998) Chursin, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.The increase of output power is an important task of the theoretical and experimental research of resonant oscillators of millimeter and submillimeter waves (orotron, diffraction radiation generator, laddertron, ledatron, etc.). It is well known that the application of relativistic voltages for acceleration of electron beams in millimeter wave oscillators allows to obtain high levels of output power of radiation. Dynamic relativistic variation of the electron mass can considerably change the character of the electron-wave interaction process. This effect is essential if the magnetic guide field strength is limited or dc focusing field is nonuniform. In this case the transverse electron-wave interaction and to motion of electrons in the transverse direction should be taken into account, and for a theoretical description of the device a multi-dimensional model should be applied.Публікація Novel Double-Mode O-Type Source of Coherent Subterahertz Radiation(IEEE, 2010) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.; Yudintcev, P. V.; Vasilenko, V. M.A new type of subterahertz generator at harmonics of BWO oscillations in the mode of diffraction radiation is proposed. The nonlinear multidimensional theory of the double-mode beam-wave interaction at the harmonics of the BWO is developed. The regions of problem parameters values, corresponding to diffraction radiation excitation are defined.Публікація Novel THz Sources with Profiled Focusing Field and Photonic Crystal Electrodynamic Systems(IEEE, 2016) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.Methods of the efficiency enhancement of the vacuum terahertz and subterahertz sources based on the resonance of O-type generators with a prolonged interaction (orotron, diffraction radiation oscillator, ledatron, laddertron) are considered. Theoretical analysis is performed on the basis of multidimensional nonlinear self-consistent theory of beam-wave interaction.Публікація Photonic Crystal and Bragg Waveguides for THz Electron Devices(IEEE, 2016) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.Dispersion characteristics and spatial field distributions in the photonic crystal waveguides and Bragg ones are considered. It is shown that these waveguides can be used as slow-wave systems in the THz vacuum electron devices.Публікація Resonant Phenomena in a Periodic Array of Slits Filled With a Metamaterial(Weber Co., 2013) Panov, М. I.; Shmat'ko, A. A.; Odarenko, E. N.The TM-wave diffraction problem by a periodic perfectly conducting grating is solved for the single-mode approximation of the slit field. The physical reason of the observed effects is discussed for the case when slits are filled with a conventional positive index magnetodielectric. The obtained solution allows analyzing the periodic arrays of slits filled with an arbitrary metamaterial.Публікація Scattering of ElectromagneticWave By Bragg Reflector with Gyrotropic Layers(Springer, 2020) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.We solved the problem of scattering of plane wave on a ferrite 1D magnetophotonic crystal controlled by a dc transverse magnetic field. Fundamental solutions of the Hill equation with mixed boundary conditions based on the Floquet-Bloch theory are obtained in an analytical form. The dispersion equation and its roots are found explicitly. The analysis of the dispersion properties of the structures is carried out depending on the material parameters of the ferrite layers. The transmission and reflection coefficients are determined for the gyrotropic crystal with finite number of periods. Two characteristic cases are considered: positive and negative values of the effective permeability of gyrotropic layer. The expressions for spatial distribution of electromagnetic field components are determined at crystal period. The results provide a deeper understanding of the electromagnetic waves propagation behavior in multilayer media with controlled gyrotropic elements. In addition, the obtained analytical expressions simplify the analysis of wave processes in such complex media.Публікація Scattering of the Polarized Gaussian Beam on the Metamaterial Slab(IEEE, 2010) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.; Naklutskiy, A. S.The scattering of Gaussian beam on the metamaterial slab with negative refractive index is considered. Modeling is based on the spectral decomposition of the beam field in plane waves. The effect of different parameters on the polarization characteristics of the electromagnetic field reflected from the metamaterial layer and transmitted through it is investigated. The possibility of control of the beam polarization is shown.Публікація Sensor-Polarimeter Based on Anisotropic Photonic Crystal for Solids and Liquids(IEEE, 2020) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Odarenko, E. N.; Vertiy, A. A.We solved the problem of determining the angle of polarization plane rotation for wave transmitted through anisotropic one-dimensional photonic crystal. Transfer matrix method is used to obtain analytical expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients of a plane wave of orthogonal polarizations for a limited number of photonic crystal periods. Crystalline quartz layers are used as anisotropic elements of photonic crystal. Effect of the gasoline permittivity varying that refers to octane number changing on the angle of polarization plane rotation is investigated.Публікація Slow-Wave Regimes of the Photonic Crystal Waveguides(IEEE, 2011) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.Modified photonic crystal waveguides that support slow waves are considered. MIT Photonic-Band package is used for calculation of dispersion characteristics and electric field spatial distributions. Symmetrical and antisymmetrical guided modes with different phase velocities are obtained within and outside the photonic band gaps.Публікація Terahertz Band Double-Frequency Diffraction Radiation Oscillator with Inclined Focusing Field(Begell House, 2015) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.It is considered an oscillator-frequency multiplier on the Smith-Purcell effect, in which two modes of beam-wave interaction – the surface wave mode and the diffraction radiation mode – are realized simultaneously. The vector of magnetic focusing field induction is directed at the angle to the slow-wave system surface like in a klynotron. Oscillations in the diffraction radiation mode are excited on the third harmonic of the surface wave mode, which performs a distributed parametric modulation of the electron beam along the entire interaction space. Using the non-linear multidimensional theory, the peculiarities of the influence of a focusing field inclination upon the output characteristics of the device are investigated. Increasing of the focusing field inclined angle results in improvement of the interaction efficiency and increasing of the output signal amplitude on the third harmonic of the surface wave mode in the terahertz frequency band.Публікація Theory of Resonant Relativistic Oscillator with Non-uniform Focusing Field(Springer, 1996) Chursin, V. S.; Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.The two-dimensional model of millimeter wave resonant O-type oscillator (as orotron, ledatron, resonant BWO, etc.) with a relativistic electron beam is analyzed. The selfconsistent nonlinear simultaneous equations have been obtained for the arbitrary space distribution of the magnetic guide field. The start generation characteristics are analyzed under small-signal conditions with an analytical solution taken for the case of inclined focusing magnetic field. It is found that the efficiency of electron-wave interaction appreciably depends on the focusing field strength and the relativistic mass factor. The results of numerical optimization of the guide field structure are presented to show possibility of improvement of the start characteristics of the oscillator.Публікація Tunable Angular Spatial Filter Based on 1D Magnetophotonic Crystal(IEEE, 2020) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Odarenko, E. N.; Mizernik, V. N.; Shevchenko, N. G.One dimensional magnetophotonic crystal with gyrotropic plasma layers is considered. Theoretical investigation is performed within the framework of Floquet theory for 1D periodical structures. Dispersion equation, transmission coefficient and reflection one are obtained in explicit form. Scattering of the point source field on the bounded magnetophotonic crystal is investigated for TE waves. Field spatial distributions for different signs of plasma-like medium effective permittivity are calculated. Possibility of angular spatial filtering control is shown both inside magnetophotonic crystal and outside one.