Перегляд за автором "Semeniuk, A."
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Публікація Analysis of modern methods and means of electronic intelligence for special purposes for monitoring threatening stationary and mobile objects(InterConf, 2021) Brytov, O.; Belyaev, D.; Rasstryhin, O.; Shknai, O.; Zvieriev, O.; Basarab, V.; Chmil, Y.; Khyzhniak, A.; Kriuchkov, D.; Reznichenko, O.; Semeniuk, A.; Skopintsev, O.Electronic methods and means of reconnaissance are a set of methods and organizational structures for conducting intelligence activities using electronic equipment and radio-technical devices (systems). The development of modern element base and computing facilities allows us to miniaturize modern facilities, introducing into them previously inaccessible algorithms and methods for processing the information received. This allows real-time monitoring of potentially dangerous (threatening) stationary and mobile objects, promptly responding to emerging terrorist threats and other dangerous phenomena. On the paper briefly discusses the main modern methods and means of electronic intelligence for special purposes, used in practice.Публікація The method of evaluating the operation of radio technicians of special purpose in extreme (crisis) situations(InterConf, 2021) Аrtikula, A.; Britov, D.; Chmil, Y.; Haibadulov, B.; Kriuchkov, D.; Reznichenko, O.; Semeniuk, A.; Skopintsev, O.; Tulenko, I.; Tulenko, M.; Tytarenko, R.; Vetoshkin, A.In extreme (crisis) situations, tasks arise, requiring an answer to the question of the effectiveness of decisions made. When using radio technicians of special purpose, the results depend on both the ability of the equipment and its condition and from the service personnel. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the presence of targeted interfering factors. The paper proposed a method for evaluating the operation of radio equipment for special purpose in extreme (crisis) situations, a distinguishing feature of which is to account for the mutual influence of the components of the system. The evolution of the basic component of operation is proposed to approximate polynomial dependence using a fuzzy logic apparatus when making resulting solutions.