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Публікація About one method of mathematical modelling of human vision functions(LUBLIN–RZESZOW, 2014) Semenets, V. V.; Natalukha, Yu.; Taranukha, O.; Токарев, В. В.; Семенець, В. В.The comparison method, widely used in the colorimetric experiments, is applied to simulation of human vision functions. To solve such class of problems the mathematical model is obtained with the help of special type predicates.Публікація Approaches for modern rhinomanometry diagnostics with data mining support(EAS, Bonn, Germany, 2019) Аврунін, О. Г.; Семенець, В. В.; Ibrahim Younouss Abdelhamid; Shushliapina, N. O.; Avrunin, O. G.; Semenets, V. V.Approaches for modern rhinomanometry diagnostics with data mining support are described.Публікація Autonomous Agent's Behavior Model Based on Automata Theory(ХНУРЕ, 2018) Філатов, В. О.; Семенець, В. В.; Filatov, V. O.; Semenets, V. V.This paper is devoted to a problem of management the corporate system's information space. The management is carried out on the technology of the program agents. The approach to construction the program agent's model on a basis of frame structure is considered. The frame is fixed as universal extension system. For the decision of concrete tasks the functional modules - slots can be added in it. Base structure for model of behavior of the program agents in information environment is the model based on the finite-state machine. The offered models can be used for development the systems for administration of information resources in the allocated computing systems.Публікація Distance Training of Higher Education Specialists Using Virtual Presence Technologies(ХНУРЭ, 2020) Семенець, В. В.; Аврунін, О. Г.; Semenets, V. V.; Avrunin, O. G.; Nosova, T.; Chuguy, E.; Nosova, Ya.; Gryshkov, O.The technologies of creating modern educational content based on video with the effect of presence are considered. The features of the technology for creating a modern panoramic video and examples useful for creating educational content in different fields are givenПублікація Experience of Developing a Laboratory Base for the Study of Modern Microprocessor Systems(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Аврунін, О. Г.; Носова, Т. В.; Семенець, В. В.; Avrunin, O. G.; Nosova, T.; Semenets, V. V.A laboratory workshop was developed, consisting of a series of works aimed at studying and studying the principles of microcontroller programming, practical implementation of interaction with sensors, organization of work with input / output devices, and development of interface devices. By changing sensors that are connected to laboratory mockups or real equipment, and reprogramming the micro-controller system, you can perform laboratory work on almost all engineering profile courses.Публікація Internet facilities for virtual and hands-on educational experiments(University of Cyprus, 2003) Kalinin, V.; Kazachkov, A.; Novikov, V.; Semenets, V. V.; Семенець, В. В.Real time computer simulators of the standard educational Physics laboratory works were designed in VRML and Java for distant learning and self-studies of University students. Experimental schemes and software were developed of educational hands-on computer-based experiments to be performed by High School and University students out of their physical laboratory.Публікація Investigation of maximum overheating device dependence on its size and installation density(ХНУРЕ, 2020) Семенець, В. В.; Semenets, V. V.; Sinotin, A.; Sotnik, S.The theses show the results of influence studies of heated zone volume of an electronic device on its maximum overheating.Публікація Laser system for recording optics(CAOL, 2019) Semenets, V. V.; Neofitnyy, M. V.; Machekhin, Yu. P.; Hnatenko, O. S.; Zarytskyi, V. I.; Gulak, S. V.The development of a modern laser system for recording optics is presented in this research paper. Studying optical components for designing this system by various methods, by calculated methods and by a method of using modern modeling package Zemax, was conducted. The results of the calculations and simulation, which led to the preliminary design of the laser system of optics registration, coincide.Публікація Multi-Criteria Selection of the Preferred Protocol of Routing in Ad-Hoc Networks by Hierarchies Analysis Method(IJSR, 2019) Безрук, В. М.; Семенець, В. В.; Yu Zheng; Guo Qiang; Kovshar, V.; Semenets, V. V.; Bezruk, V. M.Wireless ad-hoc networks are mobile decentralized dynamic self-organizing networks that do not have a fixed structure. This technology of building a wireless network is relevant in situations where you need to quickly deploy a network in a territory with mobile nodes. This article discusses the features of applying the hierarchy analysis method for multi-criteria selection of the preferred routing protocol in ad-hoc networks from a number of options.Публікація Multiagent Approach for Managing the Information Space of Corporate Systems(ХНУРЕ, 2018) Філатов, В. О.; Семенець, В. В.; Filatov, V. O.; Semenets, V. V.The subject matter of the study is the integration and management of information resources of distributed computing corporate systems within the common information space. The goal of the study is to develop scientifically based models for supporting intelligent technologies for the integration and management of information resources of distributed computing systems. In accordance with the goal of the study, the article deals with the following tasks: to develop a formal-logical model of the information space, to study and formalize agent-oriented tasks, to select the model of a software agent, to substantiate the information technology aimed at effective information management in corporate systems.Публікація Perspectives of the methods’ developments for the functional diagnosis of nasal breathing(RS Global Sp. z O.O., 2018) Носова, Я. В.; Semenets, V. V.; Shushliapina, N. O.; Ibrahim Younouss Abdelhamid; Аврунін, О. Г.; Семенець, В. В.Perspectives of development of methods for functional diagnostics of nose respiration are described. For the development of modern rhinomanometry, primary tasks are not only metrological provision with means of measuring airflow indicators, but also methodological, minimizing processing errors, errors arising from one-time measurements and incorrect averaging of data. An important role here should be played by information technologies, which reduce uncertainty in measurements, by taking into account the properties of the test object, methods of automated processing, analysis and interpretation of diagnostic data.Публікація Stochastic Optimal Control of a Descriptor System(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020) Vlasenko, L. A.; Rutkas, A. G.; Semenets, V. V.; Chikrii, A. A.; Семенець, В. В.We study the optimal control problem for a descriptor system whose evolution is described by Ito’s differential-algebraic equation. The quadratic cost functional is considered. The main constraint is that the characteristic matrix pencil corresponding to the equation is regular. We establish the conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the optimal control and the corresponding optimal state. The results are illustrated on an example of a descriptor system that describes transient states in a radio engineering filter with random perturbations in the form of white noise.Публікація Technical aspects for development laboratory base for learning FPGA and microcontroller systems(2009) Semenets, V. V.; Семенець, В. В.Training of specialists in digital electronics is very ctuality in modern stage. Learning FPGA and microcontroller systems must base on a special high-performance aboratory equipment. The modern laboratory base for ifferent technical applications is designed in Kharkiv ational university of radioelectronics. Now our laboratory quipment based on 5 different devises.Публікація The study of the electromagnetic component of the human body as a diagnostic indicator in the examination of patients with non-communicable diseases: Problem statement(Fundacja Lekarzy Polskich-Pro-Medica, 2020) Семенець, В. В.; Подпружников, П. М.; Минцер, О. П.; Podpruzhnykov, P. M.; Semenets, V. V.; Potiazhenko, M. M.; Nevoit, G. V.The aim of the publication is to substantiate a conceptual system of views on the role of internal lectromagnetic fields and the scientific feasibility of studying the direction of their possible use as a diagnostic indicator in the examination of patients with NCDs. Materials and methods: The of the presented data was carried out during a search study of methods for the rapid assessment of valeological status, prenosological early diagnosis of NCDs, analysis of existing methods for studying the electromagnetic phenomena of the human body. The authors systematized the existing technical capabilities and instrumental methods in the framework of systemic medicine. The article proposes a working classification of methods, justifies the choice of methods for further research. Conclusions: 1) The study of the electromagnetic component of the human body as a diagnostic indicator in the examination of patients with NCDs is a relevant and promising scientific direction at the present stage. 2) Methods for assessing heart rate variability in a short recording, computerized hardware segmental diagnostics, a computerized digital study of Gas-discharge Electrophotonic Analysis, determination of the PBS-activity of body tissues were selected to further examine the value of their diagnostic parameters in examining patients with NCDs in the first and second levels of therapeutic care.Публікація The usage of lasers in military equipment. Part1.(LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2020) Hnatenko, O. S.; Semenets, V. V.; Neofitnyi, M. V.The monograph considers the possibility of using various types of lasers in optical systems for military applications: rangefinders, navigation systems, guidance and suppression systems, ABM defense and space-missile defense systems, as well as quantum data security systems. For better perception, the monograph highlights the following physical principles of lasers: gas, solid-state, free electron, and fiber. The monograph is intended for researchers, engineers and technicians engaged in research and development, manufacturing of laser devices for various purposes. It can also be useful for graduate students, students and cadets of the relevant specialties of higher educational institutions in the study of subjects related to laser and optoelectronic technology.Публікація Синтез моделей багатокритеріального оцінювання методом компараторної ідентифікації(Прикарпатський НУ, 2018) Безкоровайний, В. В.; Драз, О. М.; Семенець, В. В.; Beskorovainyi, V.; Draz, O.; Semenets, V. V.Запропоновано метод структурнопараметричного синтезу моделей багатокритеріального оцінювання, побудованих на основі поліному Колмогорова-Габора, з універсальними функціями корисності часткових критеріїв. Метод базується на технології компараторної ідентифікації, що дозволяє здійснювати перехід від ординалістичних оцінок особи, що приймає рішення, до кількісних скалярних оцінок рішень. The method of structural-parametric synthesis of multi-criterion estimation models is constructed on the Kolmogorov-Gabor polynomial basis, with universal functions of utility of partial criteria is proposed. The method is based on the technology of comparative identification, which allows to the transition from the ordinances of the decision maker to quantitative scalar estimates of the decisions.