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Публікація Image processing models and methods research and ways of improving marker recognition technologies in added reality systems(ХНУРЕ, 2019) Bolohova, N.; Ruban, I.The subject matter of article is method of image processing, which identify and describe the local features of images. The aim of the article is the determination of ways for interconnection of the methods for processing the image and technologies creation in the development of markers in the systems of additional reality. The following tasks are solved in the article: to analyze the existing methods and algorithms for finding objects in two-dimensional images to determine the basic marker recognition technology in the complementary reality systems. Analyzed genetic, neural network, statistical and fractal methods, as well as approaches to the algorithms implementation of in the software construction for systems of complementary reality. The next results were obtained: a review and a comparative analysis of the main known algorithms for detecting key points in the images were conducted. It was suggested in the development of marker recognition methods it is necessary to develop a procedure of preliminary image processing for the formation algorithms of the front image for the marker under different conditions of obtaining images. At segmentation stages, it is expedient to use genetic algorithms based on the best indicators of proper segmentation and low processing time, but it is necessary to develop functions that are appropriate for the format of the markers. Improve existing methods for processing segmentation results based on a criterion base describing a visual model representing a marker. Conclusions: as a result of the analysis, the following conclusion can be drawn. The fastest and the most accurate algorithm for putting key points is the genetic algorithm (average time of the algorithm is 5.23 seconds, the number of correct answers is 84.25). The longest working time is the neural network method 8.45 seconds, the accuracy of this algorithm is also the lowest - 52. Another advantage of the algorithm of point matching is that if the object goes beyond the frame and then returns again, the program will again continue to track this object. This is supported by algorithms of machine learning. You can also notice that the SIFT calculation works much faster than fractal texture analysis. These results suggest that there are currently no methods for recognizing markers, allowing high accuracy of less than one unit to recognize in a short time. In our opinion, one of the promising directions is the use of Royan methods, namely the development of target functions for accurate and fast recognition of the image by markers.Публікація Method for determining the rational number of uav flotilla taking into account the reliability of the aircraft(ХНУРЕ, 2023) Ruban, I.; Lebediev, V.The conducted studies showed that projects of analysis and assessment of emergencies at critical infrastructure facilities have been initiated in Ukraine and abroad. The purpose of such a system is the formation of data for the development of architecture, demonstration analytics and a prototype of decision support capabilities, taking into account the use of currently available data and analytical methodologies. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which work with ground and air control points in emergencies, are planned as the basis for the construction of such a system. The subject of the study is methods of determining the rational number of UAV flotillas taking into account the assigned tasks and characteristics. Currently, there is no method for determining the rational number of a UAV flotilla, taking into account the reliability of the aircraft. An urgent scientific and technical task is the task of creating a rational number of the UAV flotilla, taking into account the reliability of the aircraft and the necessary quality of monitoring the situation in emergencies. The purpose of the article is to develop a method for determining the rational number of UAV flotillas taking into account the reliability of the aircraft and the necessary quality of monitoring the situation in emergencies. Research methods – provisions of risk theory, probability theory, combinatorics, mathematical apparatus of reliability theory, mathematical methods of optimization. Research results: an analysis of factors affecting the structure of the UAV grouping was carried out; the dependence of task performance on the probability of UAV failure under the influence of interfering factors was obtained; it is shown that in conditions with a low impact of interfering factors, the reliability of individual UAVs does not have a significant impact on the performance of assigned tasks. It has been established that with ncreasing influence of interfering factors, the probability of completing tasks depends on the reliability of the aircraft. Conclusions: The proposed method makes it possible to create a rational number of UAV flotillas taking into account the reliability of the aircraft and the necessary quality of monitoring the situation with a rational number of UAVs in emergencies.Публікація Redistribution of base stations load in mobile communication networks(ХНУРЕ, 2017) Ruban, I.; Kuchuk, H.; Kovalenko, A.The subject matter of the article is the processes of load distribution in mobile communication networks. The object of research is the handover. The goal is to develop a method for redistributing the load between neighboring areas for mobile nodes. The considered base stations are supposed to have the signal-to-noise ratios that are equal or close. The methods that are used: methods of system analysis, methods of digital signal processing. The following results are obtained. The method that allows mobile nodes, whose signal-to-noise ratios are equal or close, to switch to a less loaded base station. This method allows the base station to launch the handover process enabling more even distribution of the load from mobile nodes among neighboring base stations in wireless and mobile networks. In the suggested modification of the method, the function assessing the bandwidth of the uplink channel is added to the base stations, as well a threshold value for using its bandwidth. Thus, when the current value of bandwidth reaches the threshold, the base station starts sending out a message to all mobile nodes and verifies free neighboring areas for switching over mobile nodes. If there are adjacent areas with a lower load, the base station notifies all potential candidates about the necessity of their switching over. The handover process is launched when the available bandwidth of the base station decreases below a certain threshold. Therefore, it is possible to optimize the operation of the WiMAX network with respect to the criterion of the total bandwidth capacity of the base stations. Besides, the results of the comparative analysis of the handover process in networks based on the WiMAX technology that are obtained using the OpNet simulation environment are presented. Conclusions. The suggested approach can be used to improve the basic software of mobile communication networks. When moving a node from one area to another one in access servers, the node allocation tables are adjusted according to the developed method. Also, the suggested method enables improving and balancing the load of the base stations of mobile communication networks. The obtained results enables maintaining the required level of service quality in mobile communication networks.